Auris Audio HA2-SF Review

Auris Audio HA2-SF

Sound – Vs HA2-SE


The Auris Audio HA2-SE is a softer, warmer sounding amplifier. Its presentation is flatter, more in your face. You here have a more direct sound, with less dynamics, air and spaciousness. This however doesn’t means it’s a bad amp, we even awarded it. It does mean that it’s very different, it’s a more entry level sound, with a warmer and thicker sound.

The HA2-SE is thicker an fuller sounding, bass is not as precise and tight. With the HA2-SE you get a more intimate feeling, as it’s not as wide and spacious sounding. This is especially the case for the mids region. The treble section is even softer and more easygoing with the HE2-SE. It really is a relaxed, musical, warmer amp.

The HA2-SE is a very intense and musical amplifier. Add tube warmth and smoothness to the mix and you have the reasons why so many people love it. Don’t forget this was Auris’ best-selling model ever.

The HE2-SF is very differently tuned, but not only that. It’s a higher end sounding amplifier, with a level of technicalities that is much higher. Both are very enjoyable and musical to listen to, but if you ask me which is the best one, I’d have to say the SF version.

Auris Audio HA2-SF

Sound – Vs Euforia vs Euforia AE

The Feliks Audio Euforia (the regular version) is an amplifier people seem to directly compare to the HE2-SF. The Euforia is selling for €1.999 and luckily, I have one with me right here. The Euforia uses 611S7G type power tubes and 6SN7 type input tubes, so it’s very different from the HA2-SF configuration, and as such, the sound (again) is different.

The Euforia is a bit more like the old HA2-SE, with a smoother and warmer type of sound. The Euforia to me is a bit lighter in body and bass and has better clarity compared to the HA2-SE. Compared to the HA2-SF, the new one, the Euforia is a bit slower, smoother, warmer. Body-wise they’re actually very similar, but the HA2-SE is more neutral, more spacious, cleaner and more energetic. Especially the top end of the Euforia is softer compared to the HA2-SF (it’s more like the HA2-SE).

The Euforia and the HA2-SE/SF each have things they’re really good at, but if I have to rank them I would say SF > Euforia > SE. You could however prefer the more tubish sound of the Euforia, but looking at the technicalities, the Auris Audio HA2-SF is the clear winner in my humble opinion. I actually really like the Euforia, but I tend to use the Euforia AE a lot more. The Anniversary Edition is in our Recommended Buy List and it is selling for €2.899 Euro, so reasonably close to the HA2-SF we’re looking at today.

The Auris Audio HA2-SF and Euforia AE are very close to each other looking at the level of technicalities. Their sound signature is similar, but the Euforia has the more smooth and lush tube sound, where the SF sounds more neutral, and has less smoothness and warmth.

End Words

I’m very pleased with the Auris Audio HA2-SF. The updated model now not only has a balanced circuitry and gain selection, but it is technically stronger and more high-end sounding. Sure, it is more expense, but it is worth it.

To me the HA2-SF is even punching and playing a little above its price point, even though it’s no longer a cheap amp to start with. It’s not the ultimate amp for tube rolling, but I think that for many is a good thing as it’s easier to get into tube amps.

Taking the design, performance and price into account, the Auris Audio HA2-SF – together with the fact that it doesn’t require super expensive tubes to sound great – it for me is very easy to award it with our Recommended Buy Award. It replaces the HA2-SE amplifier on our best buy list.

If you’re looking for a well performing tube amp in the higher part of the mid-fi segment, with a more neutral and clear sound signature, then the Auris Audio HA2-SF should certainly be on your list of amps to audition. If you’re looking for a fuller, warm and smooth amp, then I recommend trying to score a 2nd hand HA2-SE model. And there’s always the Euforia and LaFigaro 339 as well if you like it warmer and smoother.

4.4/5 - (56 votes)

Lieven is living in Europe and he's the leader of the gang. He's running Headfonia as a side project next to his full time day job in Digital Marketing & Consultancy. He's a big fan of tube amps and custom inear monitors and has published hundreds of product reviews over the years.


  • Reply April 19, 2021


    Hi Lieven,
    Have you tried the pre-out section? Can you comment on that?

  • Reply April 29, 2021

    Phil M

    dear Sir,

    may i ask if the output tube ECC99 belong to Pentode tubes? are these ECC99 connect in Triode mode just like the formal amp HA-2SE ? Thank you for clarifications.

    Best regards,
    P.S. Auris haven’t reply my email

  • Reply May 2, 2021


    Hi Lieven,

    Is it possible to try a setup with Rosson Audio Design’s RAD-0?
    I would like to hear the difference in preference between balanced and single ended.

    • Reply May 3, 2021


      Hey! I just spent about 4h listening to this combo. To be honest, it’s not the very best. It’s missing clarity, tightness punch and energy in both SE and balanced. It’s a very soft sound, it’s not bad, but it makes me miss what the RAD-0 does so well. It’s not a headphone I would use with this amp, but it could completely be your thing. The difference between SE and balanced isn’t very big with this headphone, only in regards to power (somewhat)

      • Reply May 3, 2021



        Thank you so much for your kindness.
        I actually own this combo and wanted to know what other people thought of it.
        Maybe this isn’t the right place to talk about it, but if you would be so kind as to tell me, which amplifiers do you feel are appropriate for the RAD-0?

  • Reply May 4, 2021



    I’ve read that article many times, but I’ve lost track of it.

    I’m most interested in EuforiaAE.

  • Reply May 4, 2021


    Have you/would you try this with ZMF Verite open? Seems like this combo would be a natural.
    Thanks. Great review.

  • Reply June 1, 2021


    Your review cinched it for me. Planning to pair the SF with Verite Opens. Have you tried pairing it with a Susvara or an AB1266? What are your thoughts?


    • Reply June 4, 2021


      Susvara yes! It’s good but he Susvara really shines with the HEadonia and Nirvana more.

      • Reply August 20, 2021


        does this means that Susvara and 1266 sounds bad woth HA-2SF ?? or meaning sounds as they should nothing exceptional :D. because i want to buy it for my susvara and 1266 …… thank you for the wonderful review!!!

        • Reply August 22, 2021


          To make the Susvara sound best, I feel you should look at the higher up models, yes

  • Reply June 4, 2021


    Hi Lieven,
    Thanks very much for your beautiful review.

    If go with Meze Empyrean, which one should I choose, Hs2 SF or Euforia AE? Thanks very much.



    • Reply June 4, 2021


      I think the AE is the one to get

  • Reply December 29, 2021


    I’m looking to buy the Susvara and will feed it with a Chord TT2/MSC combo. I also want to listen to my Utopias and LCD-4s. What amp do you recommend?

    • Reply December 30, 2021


      solid state: Niimbus US4+ / Ferrum OOR
      Tubes: Feliks Euforia AE + Auris HEadonia 2A3 + Feliks Envy

  • Reply April 15, 2022


    Hello. Thanks for the Great review. I’m wondering if the following would be an upgrade to the JJ amplifier tubes.

    My headphones are hifiman he1000 SE which you talked about first when you started talking about combinations. Do you have suggestions for changing the preamplifier tube to increase the compatibility with the HP 1000 SE ?


    • Reply April 16, 2022


      Honestly, I wouldn’t bother. Better change the input tube, look for a NOS CV491

  • Reply April 18, 2022

    Peter McConnel


  • Reply November 30, 2022



    étant possesseur d’un Auris HA2 SF avec commutateur à l’arrière pour modifier le gain, et d’un casque HEDDphone,
    j’ai pu faire l’essais du casque Meze Empyrean, alors oui l’on gagne en séparation en précision un grave plus facile à gérer, ,.. je ne dirais pas que c’est un mauvais casque, ceux qui m’a surpris est la scène sonore plus réduite qu’avec le casque HEDD, le casque HEDD a une surface émissive plus importante, il est un peut terne c’est vrais, j’écoute en priorité du classique, j’ai besoin d’avoir cette ouverture dans le bas medium, un peut comme mon précèdent LCD 4 Audeze,

    auriez vous SVP un casque ou deux à me conseiller, qui s’adapterait à l’ampli Auris,
    en restant dans le budget du HEDD,

    merci par avance pour vos recherches,

  • Reply November 14, 2023


    Hello, you write that the VU meters move with any headphone. Mine do not, just slightly vibrate at the very beginning of the scale. I have He1000se, topping dx7 pro in dac mode, regarding to volume I barely surpass the first quarter. Did your VU meters move with HE1000se? Silly question, but if they don’t, they are useless. The sound is amazing, anyway. Thanks, Jan.

    • Reply November 14, 2023


      Do you have a V1 or a V2 with the switch on the back? The V1 unfortunately barely moves with normal headhpones

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