Canjam Europe 2014: The Picture Report


Prove me wrong but I’m convinced half of the Canjam visitors where there for the new Hifiman models. We reviewed the HE-560 already and when I asked the CanJam Visitors they all said it was their fav Hifiman headphone. The HE-400i was there and it was my first listen to it. Somehow it reminds me of the HE500 but it in no way is on the same level. It do is a lot better than the first HE-400 though.


Of course Sieveking also brought the HE-6


Unfortunately sometimes things break and have to be repaired on the spot. It allowed me to take this picture though



Hugo Chord

The Chord was on top of my “To Listen To” list and man did I love the sound. What a great device! I’m still trying to get a review sample cause I really want to see this on Headfonia.


It’s also a great match with the AK240 using the optical out




The German InEar company surprised me last year with their StageDiver 2 (and 3) but I have to say their new StageDiver 4 is the best one so far. It combines the quality of the 2 with the better bass of the 3 and it delivers a clear fast sound with great bass. I can’t wait to review it once the demo is available




We’ve always been fans of the JDSLabs gear, especially the C421 that was later replaced by the C5 and C5D.


Of course they’re also known for their version of the ODAC and O2 amp. A little less HFN favorites.


Next page is one click away

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Lieven is living in Europe and he's the leader of the gang. He's running Headfonia as a side project next to his full time day job in Digital Marketing & Consultancy. He's a big fan of tube amps and custom inear monitors and has published hundreds of product reviews over the years.


  • Reply September 23, 2014


    I love, love my K812.

  • Reply September 23, 2014


    Was indeed a great show 🙂 Come back at monday morning and had to work at the same day… But it was worthy it!

  • Reply September 24, 2014

    George Lai

    Nice report. Like almost being there.

  • Reply September 24, 2014

    Rasmus Horn

    Ohhh – thanks for the memories Lieven! There were so much stuff I did not get to listen to this time. Next year we have to remember to go get a pilsner too 🙂

  • Reply September 24, 2014


    Was there on Sunday, was my first time at Canjam and really enjoyed it, was worth the trip and day spent well. Shure will go next time too. But hopefully on first day. Didnt manage to hear or see some of products you pictured here.

    • Reply September 24, 2014


      I don’t even have enough with 2 full days… Glad you enjoyed it

  • Reply September 24, 2014


    Awesome mate 😉 Now I am looking forward to next year and hopefully I will be there. We want more pictures! (of girls O:-))

    • Reply September 24, 2014


      thank you! To be honest I don’t even have a pic of the UE girl.

  • Reply September 24, 2014


    Such cool pictures..Being an stagediver sd2 owner,Im very much looking forward to your thoughts on the sd4!!

    • Reply September 24, 2014


      I find it the best Inear so far. of course I only listened for 10 minutes

      • Reply September 24, 2014


        The fit of those little things amazes me more than anything else! While the sd2 is good,its quite linear and could due with a bump of a couple of db in the bass,and more extension in the highs to my ear,and a bigger soundstage if possible..

        • Reply September 24, 2014


          And that is exactly the Stage 4…

          • Reply September 24, 2014


            Looks like il be inflicting further poverty on my wallet then lol..any idea when they will hit the market or when you will get one to review proper?

            • Reply September 24, 2014


              Not sure yet. Demo sample maybe in a few weeks. They dont have them yet

  • Reply September 24, 2014


    Wow, great weekend! Imagine my surprise seeing my picture on the first page of this review ^^, i’m the guy with the Aëdle headphones. It was our first time at Canjam for my friends and I. We come from Geneva, Switzerland and drove about 1500 km over the weekend just for this incredible opportunity to listen to every single headphone we could get our hands on. Call us crazy if you want, but it was well worth it! We’re definitely coming back next year!

    • Reply September 24, 2014


      Hope it’s ok to use the pic? It was great wasn’t it 🙂

      • Reply September 24, 2014


        Of course you can use the pic, no harm done. The show was great, everybody was really friendly and gladly answered any question we had. Too bad we couldn’t stay longer.
        Next time, come say hello! I’ve been reading reviews on Headfonia for ever, it would be nice to have a chat once at a meet 😉

        • Reply September 24, 2014


          Same goes for you, you should have said hello 😉

          • Reply September 24, 2014


            Haha you’re right, but to be honest I didn’t really know who to look for… never actually met you before

            • Reply September 24, 2014


              Google me man, I’m Indexed hahaha

              • Reply September 24, 2014


                Got it 😉 Next time, I won’t miss you!
                What did you enjoy most at Canjam this year?

                • Reply September 25, 2014


                  The Calyx M and the Auralic Gemini. The Stage 5 and SD4 were great iems, like the Shure 846. the LCD-X was great and the HD800 is always nice to listen to

                  • Reply September 25, 2014


                    Will we be getting an iem shootout in headfonia soon? 🙂

                    • September 25, 2014


                      I don’t know. I have a 4 driver, 5 driver and 10 driver incoming but they shouldn’t be compared to eachother really

                    • September 25, 2014


                      I agree on the Calyx M, it sounds great! I tried it with the LCD-2 and thought it was quite a good pairing. Too bad they didn’t tell me about the 3 hour battery life at the show…
                      As for in ears, I own the Westone 4, but I’m tempted to get some customs. What would you suggest? BA4?

                    • September 26, 2014


                      I don’t know your musical preference or budget but the CE6P is very good. the new CE4E is great too. CE4E si a great starter though

                    • September 29, 2014


                      I usually listen to jazz, instrumental/electronic music and occasionally rock/metal. I found headphones with a very linear response to be harder to enjoy musically compared to headphones with slight colorations. Typically, I prefer the HD650 to the HD800. Also, I find it hard to accept to pay double for headphones that most certainly don’t sound twice as good.
                      The difference in price between the CE4E and CE6P is not enormous, would you have some more details to share concerning these earphones?

                    • September 29, 2014


                      Checkout my ce6e review. I think it will be thr one you want

  • Reply September 24, 2014

    Nickjan Glas

    great review, unfortunatley i wasnt able to listen to the violectric v200. will have to try next year.

  • Reply September 24, 2014

    ghost2031 S23

    Nice pics,
    although i had to chuckle a little bit about the looks of Shozy Alien DAP. I just looks so awkward or silly? (to me at least)
    All i know is that i really want to try the Hifiman He-560 and AKG K812 and maybe some Audeze, but mostly the He-560.

  • Reply September 26, 2014


    Good report as always here. Do you know something about the new Violectric dac v820?
    Was it exposed there? I’m very interested in this product (the new Violectric flagship dac) but I cant find anything.

    • Reply September 26, 2014


      It’s not ready yet. Next year he said

      • Reply September 27, 2014


        First of all my greatest THANK YOU for this precious information. It was a long time I was trying to know something about it.
        So you can confirm that this v820 exists and isn’t a product of my imagination and that it will be available in 2015 probably in the summertime.
        For me this means that I won’t buy Anedio D2 anymore and I’ll wait for the new v820. But……was a v820 prototype exposed there? Did he say to you something more specific about launch time and price? Thanks again…..and Germany rocks!!!

        (Me Italy)

        • Reply September 27, 2014


          No. Just that he can work on it now. That’s all

  • Reply September 30, 2014


    One of the Beoplay H6 on the B&O stand had a silver cable. Does anybody happen to know which brand it was? Its really hard to find aftermarket cables for this headphone, and I’m not a fan of the inline mic…

    • Reply September 30, 2014


      Probably Rasmus knows 🙂

      • Reply September 30, 2014


        He was the one holding the stand right? how can I contact him?

    • Reply October 25, 2014

      Nickjan Glas

      Rasmus told me he got it on ebay, if I am not mistaken, but I couldn’t find it myself. I did try it at the stand and it clearly emphasizes the treble (higher frequencies). If you like that, it’s worth investigating, but personally I prefer the stock cable, because of this.

      • Reply October 25, 2014


        I don’t really like the stock cable, because of the 4 pin connector, and because it makes noise everytime i touch it… but i’m using the Aëdle cable now with my H6 and it’s much nicer! And it only costs 19 euros

        • Reply October 25, 2014

          Nickjan Glas

          ok, perhaps a bad cable. no noise here, whatever I do with it. But that aedle sounds interesting just to try. you mean the aramid fibre cable on their site?

          • Reply October 25, 2014


            Yeah! That’s the one. I didn’t hear any significant improvement in sound but at least i don’t have the microphonics problem anymore, and I can connect it to my desktop amp with no worries.

            • Reply October 25, 2014

              Nickjan Glas

              I ll keep it in mind. I use a 1/4 inch adapter and that works too. This is the first commercial quality cable replacement I know of now that will fit next to the earcup. thanks for that.

              • Reply October 25, 2014


                No problem, happy to help 😉

  • Reply October 1, 2014


    Looking forward to your review of the Asus Essence 3 which was awarded the European Award by EISA as the the best USB dac/ amp of 2014. This is a good follow up to the review of the Asus Muse done by Mike.

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