The Grado SR60i, compared to the SR60
The “i” update. Real or gimmick?
The “i” update. Real or gimmick?
Generally, the universally agreed entry level hi-fi headphone is the Grado SR60. It costs about $60, and though some people end up with other model the $60 Grado is something that you really should try.
The AKG K340 is a one of a kind headphone produced by AKG that employs two drivers system: Electrostatic and Dynamic in one cans.
The Grado RS1 and the Alessandro MS-Pro share so much similarities in outward appearance, and upon brief listening sessions, many people can’t distinguish the difference in their sound.
The HF2 has a very smooth and liquid sound. It’s like listening to a smooth vacuum tube amp (although we were using a solid-state Beta22 amplifier). Although the MS-Pro has a smooth sound, the HF2 is even smoother. No other Grado sounds like it; not the HP1000, not the RS1, and definitely not the GS1000.