Turbo Mode
One of the key features of the HiBy R8 is “Turbo Mode”. With this mode activated you increase the output power to 16W. It’s supposedly developed for high impedance headphones, so let’s check out the Beyerdynamic DT1990 PRO (250Ohm) and the Sennheiser HD800 (300Ohm) with and without Turbo Mode activated. Do note that the endurance and heating conditions will be affected in this mode.
DT1990 PRO Normal: I have to admit that it’s a rather boring, flat sound. It doesn’t really excite, it isn’t particularly musical and there’s little to no bass and body. It’s not combo I would recommend because the DT1990 Pro when properly driven sounds so much better.
DT1990 PRO TM: In Turbo Mode you get the DT1990 Pro how it is supposed to sound: energetic, full, dynamic and very precise. The Turbo Mode does miracles with this headphone, delivering a technically strong, yet highly musical and engaging sound. At the same time I have to admit I have heard this headphone sound even better, but from a DAP this performance is excellent.
HD800 Normal: This Sennheiser is a notorious when it comes to finding the right source and amplifier. I wasn’t expecting much from the R8, and certainly not in normal mode and after the test I still have mixed feelings. In normal mode you get a light, neutral HD800, of course with great extension and detail but the emotion, body and musicality to me is missing.
HD800 TM: with TM activated you get a fuller sounding HD800 with bigger body and bass, but it sounds somewhat forced to my ears. Yes it’s better compared to non-TM but this still isn’t combo or synergy I would recommend. The HD800 can sound so much better in combination with a good source and (tube) desktop amp. It’s ok as a back-up I guess, but it’s not something I personally would recommend.
USB DAC / Digital out (Coaxial) / Line Out
As a USB DAC, running from a Laptop with ROON, everything works smoothly once you have installed the correct firmware. Windows 10 doesn’t need a DAC driver, other Windows versions do. Sound wise you basically get he sound as described above, there is no difference in using the R8 as a DAP or a DAC in your setup. Nice to know is that you can still activate the Turbo Mode in DAC use. Just click the small settings icon on the top right of the DAC screen.
Using the R8 as a digital transport with the supplied coaxial cable is very easy. Just hook it up, check the HiBy settings to activate the output, and you’re done. In my case I’m sending the signal to the Flux Lab Acoustics Atlas, and what I hear is good. Of course it still remains a digital transport so the R8 isn’t really adding any extra sound or value here. It’s good to know the R8 can easily pull it of and you can perfectly use it in your home system as a source, but if this is the only way you will be using the R8, there might be better and cheaper options. At the same time, I tend to use the KANN CUBE as a transport in one of my setups at home, so who am I to say you can’t buy it for that.
It’s also great to see that the R8 has a single ended as well as a balanced Line Out function. I myself have tested this with the Auris Audio Nirvana, and again it works flawlessly. I have to say I personally prefer the SP2000 in this use, but the R8 – even if not as detailed as the SP2K – does an excellent job.
End Words
Doing DAP reviews is something I really like, and if the unit is good, it’s extra fun for me. Once you’re used to a high level of DAPs, it’s often difficult to stay motivated doing reviews of lesser sounding gear, but this absolutely wasn’t the case for this HiBy R8 (review), and I feel my +4K word review shows it.
I have really enjoyed my time with the R8 and I feel it makes for an excellent TOTL player in this segment. Not only is the HiBy R8 an extremely versatile DAP, it also sounds great. As you can read in the comparison part, I feel the HiBy R8 also is the best performing player in this segment at this moment.
If you’re looking into a higher end portable player that can do it all (thank you Android & HiBy Music), then the R8 probably is the DAP to put on the number 1 spot of your short list.
In this price range it’s easy for me to recommend the HiBy R8, and as such it wins our Recommended Buy award. It will be added to our DAP buying guide on the day this articles is published. Good job!

Tyrell Dixon
Considering sp2000 and Sony flagships are $2,000 (aud ) more i guess it makes sense that it’s not as good.But still seems to offer good value for money and pretty much no competition when it comes to full android.
That’s the good summary
Nice review but your page is clottered of ads and banners making the reading experience less peasant.
Thanks. It’s a new media provider so we’re still fine tuning this. It does seem like the side ad for resolution 1024 and under is causing issues. Good thing is you can close the add of course. thanks for the feedback
The constant page refresh (to load even more ads?) makes it very annoying to read Headphonia. This used to one of my favorite sites (:
There shouldn’t be any page refreshes. The ads might reload but you should stay in the exact same position you were reading. What device/resolution is this happening with? Thanks
Thanks for your review. However I expected the 4g network feature as other webzine’s review, but your review seems to have removed it from the manufacturer even higher price ($1819 -> 1899). I’m a little disappointed with Hiby.
Our worldwide version didn’t have the 4G feature, so we can’t report about it
Any thoughts on how the HiBy R8 stacks up against the AK SE200? Right now I’m debating between the Cayin N6ii w/ E02, AK SE200 and HiBy R8 to pair up with a Solaris SE.
The SE200 hasn’t arrived yet and it’s going to Matty in Australia. So it will be hard comparing these two. But the Cayin N6ii/E02 and the R8 are both excellent.
Without a doubt, even if it is something old, I go for the Sony, a guarantee of quality. all these chinese daps are unstable and have a lot of bugs. I don’t understand how in these reviews they never talk about those problems
Not a single bug, crash or hang up was experienced so far….
Why no comparison to Sony 507?
Banner ad placement (too many) and auto-rotation of the side banners makes reading here unbearable.
Cause there are no Sony samples available
I don’t know why you hate the M15.
I have the SE100, P2mkii and Qp2r, and the M15 is better in musicality.
I have never said I hated the M15, to me it’s just could have been better. like the R8.
Mark H
Do you think the R8 would pair well with an IEM that has thick mids like the Empire Ears Phantom?
Would you consider this an upgrade from DX220+AMP9 ?
currently using UM MEST / U18T.
Awesome review by the way =)
I have se180 sem1 and seems kinda lack bit of body using 64 audio nio.
Im thinking of changing to R6 2020 or R8 since it has smoother operational OS, but kinda mixed feelings if i just buy a sem2 for my se180.
I feel hiby r8 much more transportable kind of smaller and less weight.
Nobody sells a case for Se180 in here, and even with case i still feel se180 is too heavy for me and withouth a case it fckin scary to bring se180 to office and other place.
Does r8 plays good anisong, jpop, and kpop? I love bass punchier and bodler mid body.
Which one should i get? N6ii e02 / R6 2020 / R8 / sem2?
I’m so excited to try this! I’ve been wanting to get a good pair of headphones for a while now.