Blog: High End Munich 2019 – Picture Report Part 1


HEDD managed to finish the driver for the first ever full range AMT headphone right before Munich

They still need to work on the enclosure and the headband, but this was something new, something different. I loved it!


It was good to see the Hifiman team at the show and they must have had one of the biggest booths

They even had a private listening room with the Shangri La, The Junior and the Jade II

They also had a great setup with the VIVA amps. Big and expensive but waw!

Doesn’t that Shangri La look great?

Even Mr. Fang Bian was there to help out the team

And he was most interested to show me the wireless version of the Ananda. I didn’t expect it to sound good but in fact it sounded great. I love my cables but man, the SQ really was good


Officially iBasso wasn’t there but he DX220 could be spotted at quite a few stands. Here with the Aeon, and it was a really nice combo.


IFI didn’t really have anything new to show for us headphone guys. And for some reason they always have the darkest room of the show.

This stack also was being used by many other companies

But IFI mostly was there to announce their newest product, for home use. Well designed, I have to admit


The German INEAR was also present and thzt’s no surprise as their StageDiver series is a huge success

The PP8 of course is big hit and a very good universal IEM

And you can now get the SD5 in example in full wooden enclosures. I myself was there to pick up my SD5

The SD5 in anthracite silver does look better in real than in the picture.


That’s it for part 1 of the High End Munich show. Part 2 will be up soon right HERE. But not yet now 😉

5/5 - (6 votes)

Lieven is living in Europe and he's the leader of the gang. He's running Headfonia as a side project next to his full time day job in Digital Marketing & Consultancy. He's a big fan of tube amps and custom inear monitors and has published hundreds of product reviews over the years.


  • Reply June 3, 2019

    Steven Zore

    Epic, wish I was there.

    Grado seems to be everywhere…except canjam NYC….

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