Today we’re looking at the new $2,900 US Noble Sultan, the latest flagship from Noble Audio. It’s a triple hybrid with a unique design.
Disclaimer: Noble Audio provided the Sultan at no cost on loan. It remains Noble’s property and will be returned after publication. I only had to pay for importing the product to Austria. Noble is a site advertiser. Many thanks for the generosity and opportunity to review the Sultan.
About Noble Audio:
I’m sure everyone has heard of Noble Audio sometime in their audiophile time. Noble has always been rather popular for their sound and artistic designs. The company has been around for a few years already and has brought us highly loved products like the Kaiser 10, the Katana, Savant, Sage, Khan and the Kaiser Encore.
Noble is run by two men, the Moulton brothers. John Moulton, aka the Wizard, has been crafting custom IEMs for a long time now, and his designs are some of the very best around. I am fortunate enough to own three sets of his work. Jim Moulton is the financial brain of the company and is looking after everything from their Texas based headquarters.
If you want to see some of their work, I suggest you take a look at their lookbook here:
What makes them really outstanding is, that they not only make acrylic CIEMs, but they also work in special ingredients, like full wood-shells, carbon glass and many more. These are part of their Prestige designs, which are only available for custom Katana and Encore. Noble does offer the Khan as a Prestige universal though. And if you want your Noble universal IEM remade into a Prestige, you can do so. Beware, the price for that is 2000$…
Their custom IEMs are generally made in Asia, in different production facilities, however, the Prestige line is made by Jim Moulton in Texas. The universal line-up is made from US parts with some assembly occurring in Thailand, where John Moulton resides.
Noble’s line of products is very diverse. They offer high end universal and custom IEMs, but also cheaper monitors as well as True Wireless IEMs like the Falcon. Which Berkhan reviewed here on Headfonia. Other than that, Noble also produces aftermarket cables and speakers. Yes, bookshelf speakers.
Today, we are taking a close look at Noble’s new flagship IEM – the Sultan!
About Sultan:
The Sultan uses a triple driver technology design. A ten millimetre dynamic driver takes care of sub-bass and bass, while four Balanced Armatures reproduce mids and highs and a set of two electet/e-stat drivers are used for super highs.
There isn’t much to be found on Noble’s website, as they don’t play the specs game. There are no exact numbers for impedance or sensitivity. Other than an impedance lower than 35 Ohms, you won’t learn much about Noble’s top of the line.
Sultan is available from Noble Audio’s website, or through one of their global distribution partners. It retails for 2,900 USD.
I did not get a sample that came with production packaging. But from the photos I have seen I can tell, that the Sultan comes with a new Nanuk travel case, a Noble Audio crown sticker and a selection of different foam and silicone ear-tips.
My sample only came in a Peli1010 case with the ear-tips. Noble supplies an eight-wire SPC cable terminated to a 3.5 mm stereo plug. This plug is quite big and heavy.
The review continues after the jump.
I you were to pick one which one would you buy, Odin or Sultan?