This week’s Picture Sunday features my beloved AK & JH Angie. Check out our recent Picture Posts here and here
Well well. Finally I got to show my little babies on Headfonia. Although many developments and new products have been released, and even though I heard better IEM’s in my audio journey, I still can’t drift apart from the Angies.
Lieven stays faithful to his good old HD650, and I stay faithful to my JH Angie. It’s like that. Some people wanted to buy them and I simply say “they’re not for sale”. You can understand me I suppose. Sometimes you just can’t find that special flavor in any other equipment, no matter how many products you test or get the opportunity to review them.
JH Angie is a 8 driver IEM from Jerry Harvey. The man himself was the inventor of the monitors that today we know of. Maybe the brand is as not popular as it used to be some years ago, but still they have great offerings for personal listening and for professional use. Many renowned artists use JH Audio CIEM’s for their on-stage performances.
JH’s Siren Series have had some overhaul. This one in my possession is the original version. One of the reasons that I absolutely love it is that new FMJ line looks boringly industrial and doesn’t give a premium feeling as the originals do in my opinion. The original version is so sexy that you can’t take your eyes of it. The kevlar casing and carbon face plates are just wonderful to look at. This, I think, is the best designed IEM in terms of color mix and shape. Black and red always works. It fits to my ears like no other, almost a CIEM with foam tips. Or maybe my ears changed their shape because I’ve been continuously using it for almost two years now.
The extremely tall and wide soundstage, or heart touching vocals are just another part of the story, as well as the relaxed and soft approach to music. I don’t think I can ever let it go for another IEM. Yes, I absolutely love the Oriolus IEM and it’s the best for me but JH Angie is the most smooth and romantic one. You don’t find that every once in a while.

Is it just me or does the JH Angie look like a black widow spider?
Quite so
I’ve been listening to a pair of Angie’s for the past few days and while I agree with many of your comments the sound is not for me. It’s too laid back and I would prefer a signature closer to my preferred headphones, HD800s. I’ve been reading through countless reviews but can not decide. Can you offer a suggestion at $1,500 USD or lower? I’m running a Woo WA8 for the 800s and have a Chord Mojo I’ll primarily use for the IEM’s (all streaming from Tidal/MAC).
I should add, I primarily listen to acoustic and classical. The Angie’s sound great with certain genres but leave me wanting more from the highs with others. I know I will never match the sound stage of the HD800s with an IEM but want a similar sound presentation. If I have to go to a higher price point I will but within reason. Thanks in advance….
Michael Rosquist
did you ever find a solution, im in a similar situation, i have the angie and really like, i just need more treble, right now im close to buying Noble encore as that seem have that extre open crispy extended, one guy even saying they are the closest he has come to his beloved HD800 so i wanted to hear if you found any
Kaiser Encore is very good and it would be a nice upgrade for you.
Jomo Richards
Hi, what cable is that in the picture with them laying on the dap?
Well it’s quite hard to find a soundstage like Angie offers with IEMs. But for a more open signature, I can recommend Earsonics S-EM9 (tremendous treble response), and Layla. Layla is so expensive and Angie is a %85 Layla when you look at it, but Layla has more extension both sides and it has an amazing soundstage, best I’ve heard in any IEM.
S-EM9 have a nice soundstage as well, and it might have the sound character that you can enjoy with a brighter, crisper and faster approach to music.
For lower price levels you can try Noble Savant. It’s very spacious and it also has a nice brightness which is not extreme, so despite being on the brighter and colder side, it’s still a very enjoyable IEM.
n. andersen
I found the Campfire Andromeda IEM’s sound the most similar to Sennheiser HD800S, Astell&Kern AKt8ie mk2 are my next favorite then the Angie.
t8ie is very nice, true.
dark matter
I use Angie, with a Mini-M8, and 6S plus iPhone, needed something to wear inside a motorcycle helmet while on my Harley, works great..
Good for you!