PW Audio Monile Review

PW Audio Monile

In this review we check out the Monile cable by PW Audio – a coaxial silver/copper hybrid. It retails for $551.99 USD.


Disclaimer: PW Audio and MusicTeck arranged a free sample of the Monile for this review. I only had to pay for import costs. Neither PW Audio, nor MusicTeck are site sponsors. The cable will remain their property and can be requested back at any time. No questions asked.

About PW Audio

PW Audio is a Hong Kong based IEM cable manufacturer started by Peter Wong, hence PW. Since 2010 he has been producing aftermarket cables under his own brand. PW Audio has brought us one of the best performing copper cables on the market. We have reviewed his 1960s cables two years ago already, since then they have stayed as two of my favourite cables in my inventory.

PW Audio’s range of cables goes far beyond the 1960s though. They offer a selection of different cables for different budgets. In total PW has nine different cable series. Their cables vary in material mix and AWG sizes.

They are best known for their full copper Century series though, with the 1950s, 1960s and 1980s cables. Their international distributors mostly spread around Asia, but there also is one US representative, for us Westerners.

PW Audio Monile

About Monile

The Monile is a coaxial IEM cable that comes in a two-wired flavor. With the coaxial design it basically wraps the negative and positive conductors around each other, which still gives you two signals per side. It’s not a very traditional design, but many other cable makers use it as well. Just look at DHC’s Clone Fusion/Silver or the HanSound Torfa. Even PW’s best known cable is coaxial – the 1960s.

Monile is a silver/copper hybrid cable. It uses 26 AWG sized copper and slightly larger 25.5 AWG sized silver. The wires are covered by PVC and soft PEP, only to be then covered by a black cotton sleeving.

When you order a Monile, you can terminate it suiting your IEMs of course. You can get it in 2-pin or MMCX. Headphone plug wise there’s the option to go 2.5mm or 4.4mm balanced, or if you have a single ended source only, 3.5mm.

One set of Monile costs $551.99 USD in regular 2-wire configuration. There are options to go 4-wires or to combine it with other higher end PW Audio wires. Those options of course come with a higher price of $1,004.99 USD.

PW Audio Monile


PW Audio provides a very basic packaging. You won’t be spoiled with extravagant cases or any care products for the cable itself. No, what you get is a small box, a cotton transport bag, a cable tie and the cable itself. It’s not a lot, but honestly, do you need more? Sure it’s nice to feel spoiled, but those extras also come at a cost. And personally, I like to see my money going into the product that I am buying, not accessories.

The review continues on page two!

4.5/5 - (27 votes)

A daytime code monkey with a passion for audio and his kids, Linus tends to look at gear with a technical approach, trying to understand why certain things sound the way they do. When there is no music around, Linus goes the extra mile and annoys the hell out of his colleagues with low level beatboxing.


  • Reply September 25, 2020


    With all respect, I like the look of PWAudio cables. Heat shrink is fine in my book, it’s functional. My Leonidas II has a very pretty and very useless silver spliter, that drops down the cable within a minute. My MEST cables use shrink tube for splitters, and they are firm and tight and actually work. Also my Leonidas II cable has to be reterminated, because the wire termination at the 2.55mm plug is loose and the sound drops out. When I send it for repairs, I am going to order a piece of shrink tube over the plug and cable to reinforce the junction, something that should have been done at the factory.

    My next purchase was going to be the 1950s Monile…. I demoed it at Canjam in February, and the resolution and clarity was sublime…

  • Reply September 25, 2020


    Incan never tell why some cables cost so much more than others, even in the same family. I mean an 8-wire PW Anniversary cable with all the same hardware and fantastic sound characteristics costs half the price of a 2-wire cable like this one.

    I’m with Steven – I love the look of PW’s hexagonal hardware. It’s what actually sold me on their cables! And I think they’ve used clear shrink-wrap very cleverly in the design. It’s not only functional but very practical, and because it’s clear, blends into the design.

    These guys really know what they’re doing, and it shows.

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