The SuperBaX was first announced to hit stores this month but the ETA right now is May. So far, Linum has only built the prototypes by hand resulting in a relatively high production price. To reach a reasonable quality/price ratio, they are working on a new production setup. The Super BaX requires other tools than the current Linum production setup, and Linum is now working on special production equipment. With the series production prepared, Linum expects to reach a retail price of estimated €250 + VAT and shipping. The SuperBaX will be available first with the MMCX and T2 plug with the other plugs following shortly after.
Before reading this paragraph, I suggest you check out Nathan’s impressions of the regular Linum cables. Now unlike the Linum cables described in Nathan’s article the new SuperBax more follows the direction of the standard balanced Linum cable. The SuperBaX excels in … not doing anything. The original BaX elevated the bass presence a little and didn’t have the widest sound stage, the normal balanced version had less bass but still had some elevation in it and the clarity and sound stage improved. The new SuperBax is just the opposite of the original BaX and it sounds more like the regular balanced version, only even better. With its 0.75Ohm impedance the SuperBaX improves on all fronts: bass is tight but neutral and there is no elevation of its body/presence like in the BaX and balanced versions. Its sound stage slightly widens and SuperBaX delivers great clarity and detail from bass to highs. SuperBaX might be a little less comfortable as it’s a bit thicker (see pics) but it makes up for that, and more, with how it performs.
The SuperBaX, especially in the balanced 2.5TRRS version, sounds very dynamic and natural. I’ve mostly used it on my AK240, AK120II and the Cayin N5 (review to come). I’m also looking forward to using it with the L&P L3 DAP which could arrive any time now. The L3 is an IEM DAP so I expect a lot of its balanced output.
End Words
Priced at €250 + VAT + shipping, the SuperBaX doesn’t come cheap. At the same time it still is a whole lot less than you would pay for other fancy aftermarket cables. If you’re looking for clarity, balance and transparency, the SuperBax is the IEM cable to get. For those who like the comfort of the Linum cables (BaX seems to be the most spread/available cable) but don’t like its effect on your sound, I would advise to get the regular balanced cable or the SuperBax. The advantage of the regular balanced cable is that it is a lot cheaper, but the more expensive SuperBax simply sounds even better.
If you’re in the market for a new cable and you want to try the SuperBaX, I suggest you get on the pre-order/waiting list as the first batch will sell out quickly (get in touch with Heidi). I do wonder how long it will take before someone asks for a Linum cable for his full sized headphone. Now that will be even more interesting…
Nathan’s words on the next page after the click HERE or below

EDIT: Linum just confirmed:
Sales release plan for the different versions available with 3.5 TRS (angled) and 2.5 TRRS termination is as follows:
Linum Super BaX MMCX: May 2016
Linum Super BaX T2: May 2016
Linum Super BaX 2Pin: Not yet decided
Linum Super BaX FitEar: Not yet decided
To sign up for the superBaX, send an e-mail to [email protected] indicating preferred connector and termination
George Lai
I have the original first generation Linum as well as the second generation before Super Bax (I can’t keep track of their nomenclature). In total I have 4 and there is no doubt that no cable comes remotely close in terms of comfort. However I don’t know whether it’s because of the tropics where I live, but three of them have started oxidizing starting from the earpiece end. Surprisingly, my one and only T2 connector has no (connection) issues – the other 3 are 2-pins.
ohm image
By ‘oxidisation’ do you mean having changed colour, or become brittle? It may be because of the weather. Weather and sweat destroys cables.
George Lai
I mean the cable inside has started to change color. It may be weather and/or sweat but none of my other cables show that.
ohm image
Yes, that happens. I’ve had it happen to almost every clear cable I’ve used. ALO’s newest haven’t changed colour on me yet.
Hi there, we have not heard of Linum oxidizing before and would like to check the cable. Please contact us at [email protected]. Thank you!
George Lai
Hi. Since that has apparently not happened before in your experience, I decided to examine them under a strong magnifying glass and a spotlight as I have old eyes. I choose to answer you here, though I will also email you separately, so that readers are not left with the wrong impression, as that would be misleading, and unfair.
I only have one T2 and one first generation cable with me here in Singapore, the other two I have given away. As explained earlier, the T2 is fine. The other cable I can see now that the wire inside is actually okay but the plastic sheath for the first two inches or so from the earpieces have turned dark brown and I had wrongly attributed that to oxidation as I couldn’t manage to clean it away. I don’t think it affects the sound – old ears, old eyes.
My apologies for the misleading original statement regarding your products.
No problem at all, thank you for your honest feedback, we appreciate it.