VIOLECTRIC V281: A Masterpiece


The Violectric house sound is still here and the new V281 has more power than ever before. It delivers your music without any effort no matter what pair of cans you’re using. With the V200 I regularly switched the gain settings on the back but with the V281 they have been left untouched.

Back in 2012 I described the V200 (read this first) to be precise and very dynamic, powerful sounding with good body, with great tonal balance and a black background.  On top of that the sound is never harsh and is always smooth and musical. The V200 has deep bass extension and the bass overall is tight and punchy. The mid section is smooth, warm and laid back but not overly warm, it’s a very balanced amp but it isn’t as neutral sounding as the V100 and does make you think of the tube sound even more, of course that depends on your definition of neutral. The treble on the V200 like everything else is smooth too, it’s never harsh and at the same time it is slightly rolled off. Its bass is further extended as the treble, something I can appreciate.

I can pretty much say the same things for the Single Ended output of the V281 right now. It’s darn good but the thing with the V281 is that the balanced out is so much better. Sound stage is quite a bit wider and has more air. Detail and timbre have been added to the mids section and while pure bass body might be a bit less it makes more than up for it with extra detail and timbre. The bass on the balanced out is superb: Layering, depth, timbre, body and punch. It’s all there, yet not as bodied as on the SE out. You still get that pitch black back ground and these amps are dead silent. Lovely!

Overall the amp, when used in balanced mode, has improved and I absolutely love it with all my head and earphones. I do think the new V281 is more neutrally tuned than the warmer and maybe more aggressive sounding V200 was. Yet Fried has managed to keep the musicality, transparency and smooth flow in there. That, added up with the extra detail, sound stage, air and timbre, makes this balanced V281 an incredible headphone amplifier that you can keep listening to for hours and hours. Listening fatigue? Never heard of it.


We all know by now that the Orthodynamic headphones from Audeze and Hifiman sound awesome with the Violectric brand and it is no different this time. Some might remember Mike saying the HE-500 and V200 combo was one of the best he had heard; well I can tell you now the V281 makes it sound even better. So good in fact that I spent several hours with it while I should have been testing other headphones. My good old HE-500 had been getting very little head time since the HE-560 arrived but now it’s back, and it’s here to stay.

The Hifiman HE-400i and HE-560 both sound great on the balanced and single ended out (depending on what you prefer) but I did find myself switching them to the SE mode regularly just to get that extra bit of bass in them (more so on the 560). The Violectric and Audeze combo just creates this magic synergy when combined but with the Hifiman’s, although they sound very good, that magic just isn’t there as much. Except for the HE-500, as I just mentioned. Ever since the V281 arrived I haven’t listened to many other amps I have to admit. Well, that was until the brand new Bakoon International HPA-01M arrived, but that’s a whole other story for a next review.

Not only the planars work well with the Violectric amps. 300Ohm Sennheiser? Super. 250Ohm Beyerdynamic T90? Even better! Sensitive CIEMs like my CustomArt Harmony Pro 8 and the Cosmic Ears CE6E? Dead silent, incredible sound. I even used my Koss PortaPro with it, and yes, it rocked.


The four main solid state amplifiers I have been using the last year are the Beyerdynamic A20 (Office), the V281 (Living room), the Beyerdynamic A2 and Violectric V200 (Listening room).

Like I said the V200 and V281 in single ended out mode are comparable sound wise. The A20 amp is playing a few levels lower and has a much darker and warmer sound signature with added bass and very smooth treble. It’s also not recommended for orthodynamic headphones. The Beyerdynamic A2 on the other hand is an amp that has stayed under the radar so far and that’s quite a shame. Its clarity and sound stage is huge and there is heaps of detail as well. The main difference with the V281 is that the A2’s mids don’t have the same amount of body, that treble is further extended on the Beyerdynamic and that the A2’s bass doesn’t have the same impact. The A2 like the V281 can be used as a pre-amp but it “only” has two single ended headphone out. The orthodynamic headphones, even while the amp wasn’t made for them, also sound great on the A2.


If you’re looking for a top class solid state amplifier that offers dual Single Ended headphone outs and one 4 pin XLR Balanced out, this could be just the amp for you. But there’s more: there’s an optional remote control and the V281 can serve as a pre-amp too. It maybe isn’t the most elegant looking piece of hardware like the V200 was, but once you’ve listened to the superb balanced out, you’ll be hooked. I’m even changing my non balanced headphones to balanced ones. Do I need to say more?

Another advantage, besides excellent sound, is that the V281 can drive most of the headphones on the market and that Violectric offers 5 years of warranty on all their devices. That means they stand behind their products and to me that is worth a lot.

I don’t often buy reviewed gear I like, I’d be bankrupt if I did, but as said in the beginning: the V281 is not leaving my house again. The V281 can be gotten directly from Violectric in Germany and prices start at 1900€ inside Europe and just under 1600€ for the rest of the world. It’s not cheap, I agree, but quality comes at a price. I for one am willing to pay this price for the superb build and sound quality I’m getting in return from the balanced out. This amp surely gets my recommendation and if I had a wall of fame, I’d put it on there immediately.

3.8/5 - (228 votes)

Lieven is living in Europe and he's the leader of the gang. He's running Headfonia as a side project next to his full time day job in Digital Marketing & Consultancy. He's a big fan of tube amps and custom inear monitors and has published hundreds of product reviews over the years.


  • Reply February 10, 2015


    Hi Lieven,

    Is balanced input a necessity in reaping the benefits of a balanced output? Also, how are the pairings with the Alpha Dog, Fidelio L2, and Alpha Prime (if you’ve got them) in your preferred setting (balanced or unbalanced)? Great review and the V281 really seems to be a great end-all headphone amplifier,


    • Reply February 10, 2015


      Hi Marc, I have to say I couldn’t really hear much if any difference between the XLR and RCA input. From my experience the balanced input isn’t a necessity, but if can go fully balanced, why not.

      I haven’t tried it with the L2 because it doesn’t really need amplification. However, one of the things I have with the L2 is that I’d like it o have more bass, I think it would perform better with the SE out of the V200 or V281. I don’t have the prime or AD with me but the V281 is great for all the Hifiman and Audeze orthos I tried with it, I’m convinced it would be great too for the Fostex mods.

      And Thanks!

  • Reply February 10, 2015

    Nickjan Glas

    great review again. will listen to it next September.

  • Reply February 11, 2015

    Gabriel Ross

    L. Because it is in the Violectric line up, would the G103-S [400USD] be a no-brainer; or would the Cloud Nine be a safer bet? I only trust your reviews for point of reference. My DAC is an A4. Long time fan,Thanks always.

    • Reply February 11, 2015

      ohm image

      Gabriel, unfortunately, Lieven doesn’t have the Cloud Nine, and I don’t have the Violetric. What is it you are really keen on? I can weigh in as best I can.

    • Reply February 11, 2015


      Thank you Gabriel. Like Nathan says, I unfortunately don’t have the Cloud Nine

    • Reply February 12, 2015


      The Lake People G109-S would be a good bet with L2. I’m using the L1 with a Violectric V100 and enjoying it a lot, but on my Hifiman HE-500 the V100 does restrict the sound stage somewhat.

  • Reply February 11, 2015


    Another stirling review Lieven and much appreciated. As I am not likely to recable a lot of my HPs for balanced operation I will probably be buying the V200. In fact if you would be willing to ship your V200 to Canada I would purchase it (at a fair price) immediately. My email [email protected]

  • Reply February 12, 2015

    Gabriel Ross

    Nathan, Thanks for the response back. The Cloud Nine is the amp. I think will be a good match for my needs. I have L2’s and yes, they need a little kick in the bass.

  • Reply February 13, 2015


    Dear Lieven. If you have trouble selling the V-200 (improbable) and don’t have problems shipping the Violectric (Netherland). I’m interested in your HPA V-200! A good match for my V90 😉

    • Reply February 14, 2015


      Hi Damien,

      it’s as good as sold to someone in Canada. However if the deal gets cancelled, you’ll be the first on the list


  • Reply December 3, 2016


    Excellent review! I have been following this review and some others about the V281 with lots of interest because of all the praise.

    Alot of TOTL headphones tend to sound bright. Well, I know my T1 and HD800 are definitely that way. The warmth, powerful presentation, and dynamics mentioned in the review are all things that I like. Unfortunately, I have no way to demo this in Canada.

    Is this amp still great in 2016, or would you recommend something else in this price range?
    Also, how would this compare to other flagship amps? (both solid state and tube).


    • Reply December 3, 2016


      Thanks! It still is very great, especially the balanced output.

  • Reply December 29, 2016


    Dear L,
    How does the 281 performs as a pre amplifier ? Would you suggest it as as a pre also?

  • Reply December 29, 2016


    I’ve never used it as a pre amp myself but you perfectly could. I personally think it’s a bit “too good” to serve as pre amp, there might be cheaper options from Violectric or LakePeople for that such as the V100/V200 or the 1 Series.

  • Reply January 2, 2017

    Michel I

    Thanks again, Lieven, for all your nice reviews.

    You told me that you like very much the Woo Audio WA22. Wich one has your preference, this Violectric or the WA22?

    • Reply January 2, 2017


      That’s tough. The Vio is solid state and the woo is Tubes. For personal listening I would go for the Woo with the best tubes and the Vio for critical listening and reviewing. It also depends on the headphones used as they most likely will sound different on both of these amps.

      • Reply January 3, 2017

        Michel I

        Headphones: Senn HD800 (not S) and 650, Focal Elear, Pioneer SE-Master1, Hifiman HE-560. Mostly classical music. 60 years old, losing some “treble”. What is your advice?

  • Reply January 3, 2017


    For pure musical enjoyment with those series of great headphones, I’d get myself the WA22 with the best possible tube set

  • Reply January 13, 2017


    Hi! Can’t choose the Dac:
    Yulong DA8 II
    MyST’s 1704 DAC
    I would be grateful!
    My equipment: PC,Grado 325e, Adam A3x

    • Reply January 15, 2017


      The WA8 dac isn’t the very best but it’s good. The V281 isn’t a dac and the other 2 I haven’t heard of

  • Reply March 26, 2017


    Hi Lieven, did you compare it with v280? For me preamp or any other useless stuff is not needed, just amp performance. Can i expect same sound performance from v280 balanced output like v281? Big thanks.

  • Reply March 27, 2017

    Jeffrey L

    Lieven-I bought the ALO CDM to pair with Ether Flows based on your review-which was spot on. I am thinking hard about Schiit Yggy + V281 + Wywires platinum (balanced-which I have) to my Ether Flows for my office/desktop setup. Love tubes in my big system (Shindo monoblocks + preamp) but also have Classe SS in another room and if its good SS, I’m ok with it. Your comments (and others) lead me to think the V281 will be a great addition-your thoughts would be much appreciated….

  • Reply May 20, 2022


    Hi Lieven,

    You said SE output from V281 is comparable to V200. Does SE V281 roll off treble or smooth out treble the same way as V200 does ? Thanks.

    • Reply May 21, 2022


      It’s technically almost the same. And yes

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