As communicated at the beginning of the year, we will be covering all of the World Of Headphones shows this year. The High End Munich show organization held its WOH Essen show last Saturday in Germany, and we had a blast! This is the WOH Essen 2024 show report.
World Of Headphones & Essen
Essen is a peculiar city and it is close to both The Netherlands as well Belgium, so visitors in Essen came from multiple countries. The WOH show was a bit away from the city center in a nice and flashy building close to the old charcoal mines.
I have been to a lot of shows and I have to admit that this was a pretty location, just like in Heidelberg earlier this year. The WOH(High-End Munich) organization certainly knows how to put up a good show!
The show was free and as such a lot of people showed up on this very sunny Saturday. We saw nothing but (overly) active booths, happy people and smiling faces.
There even was special cake
And – next to a remarkably large Electrostat collection of headphones and amps – there of course was the premiere of the Final Audio D8000 DC!
I got to listen to it for about 10 to 15 minutes and it to me still is a typical Final Audio headphone. You will like it or you won’t but this isn’t a headphone for everyone. So far it has not won me over…
Show Report
On the next two pages page you can find our usual Picture Report of the WOH Essen show. On the third page we announce our Headfonia Show Winner. If you can’t wait to see who won our Best of Show Award, click here to go there directly.
The way to the Picture report is right here!
That Pathos amp! Also DAP industry in crisis, everyone are making weird headphones.