Review : TinHifi P1 – Shiny and Chrome

Disclaimer : the Tinhifi P1 was sent to us, free of charge, by Linsoul in exchange of our honest opinion. It’s available directly from their website for 169$.

About TinHifi

Based in Guangdong, China. TinHifi, formerly known as Tin Audio is an IEM maker with a strong experience in OEM/ODM.

In 2017, It became a real brand and they began to produce and sell for themselves. Both the T1 and T2 were positively acclaimed by listeners around the world, so now that we have the chance to try them too, we won’t let it slip.

The T Series

It’s not just Pewdiepie’s biggest rival, it’s also the TinHifi line-up ! At the moment, they only have four products, including the P1 we are reviewing today.


The TinHifi T2 is the entry level IEM from the brand. Priced just under 50$, it’s got two dynamic drivers, an aluminum frame, removable cables with MMCX socket and rad reviews. Not a bad deal if you ask me !

Aesthetically, it’s “meh” but that’s also what makes it sturdy, or looking like it.

T2 Pro

Sold for just 10$ more than their younger sibling, the TinHifi T2 Pro looks exactly the same. You keep the cool features such as the aluminum frame, the MMCX socket, and the dual driver. So what’s the difference ?

The T2 Pro gets a better cable and a slightly different tuning. We’ll check it once we review them !


Same player shoot again ? Yes, the TinHifi T3 also retains the same exact aluminum shell you had with the T2 and T2 Pro. Yet, it’s what’s inside that matters. Instead of the dual dynamic driver, Tin Hifi combines a classic Knowles BA driver and a Dynamic Driver. Yep, it’s a hybrid.

Priced just under 70$, it’s much more harder to drive if you look at the specs. Also, it gets a superb silver-plated cable with a carbon plated plug. Oh so nice.

All of those IEMs are well under 100$, which is not the case for the new P1. Does a higher price tag make a difference ? Let’s check that.

The article continues on Page Two, after the click here

4.2/5 - (39 votes)

A nerdy guy with a passion for audio and gadgets, he likes to combine his DAC and his swiss knife. Even after more than 10 years of experience, Nanotechnos still collects all gear he gets, even his first MPMAN MP3 player. He likes spreadsheets, technical specs and all this amazing(ly boring) numbers. But most of all, he loves music: electro, classical, dubstep, Debussy : the daily playlist.


  • Reply July 4, 2019


    Any thoughts on the synergy with the Chord Mojo? I have a Mojo, thinking about buying a Fiio M11

    • Reply July 4, 2019


      I have a Mojo but I do not like the Mojo. It has excellent detail retrieval but at the cost of feeling closed/zoomed in to achieve it. The P1 needs all the help it can get in the soundstage & imaging department so It should be paired with something like the M11 because it has a more analytical and spaced out/distant presentation.

      It might seem less detailed than the Mojo because instruments appear to be further away, but at the same time that gives it room to breathe and appreciate each element of the song more on its own. With the Mojo the instruments are more pressed in your face and seem to be fighting for your attention in a smaller space. Couple that with the shallow soundstage of the P1, you get too much of a good thing.

      Get the Fiio.

    • Reply September 7, 2019


      My Fiio M11 does not drive the P1 adequately. I use high gain and balanced, tight seal with foam tips and the sound is just adequate. I do not enjoy them through the M11.

  • Reply July 4, 2019



    So these come with 4.4/2.5 balanced accessories?

    I am not sure I came across that fact from other previous reviews…

    Am I able to used balanced connection via stock cable?

    • Reply July 12, 2019


      They don’t. They were included with the pre-release version but there were issues and they didn’t work as intended. Tin omitted them from the retuned retail version. I’m having a hard time trusting this review…

  • Reply July 5, 2019


    3.5mm to 2.5/4.4 balanced players? Isn’t that meant to be very very bad? I thought you could only go the other way?

  • Reply July 5, 2019

    Loganaden Balakrishna VEERAPEN

    Nanotechnos on a few occasions you mentioned ‘balanced drivers’ – you know they are in fact called ‘balanced armature drivers’ right?

  • Reply July 5, 2019


    Where you using the p1 and the m11 with the balance output?
    is it better than using the 3.5mm output?

    • Reply July 15, 2019

      DJ Core

      Balanced will always be better than 3.5 output.Wider soundstage as well.Look into the advantages of Balaced and you’ll appreciate it more.

  • Reply July 6, 2019


    Anyone have both the Fiio F9 Pro and the TinHiFi P1s and have a preference (when paired to a Chord Mojo)

  • Reply July 7, 2019


    I’d be interested in comparison to the BVGP DMS rather than DMG. Any listening experience?

    • Reply July 15, 2019

      DJ Core

      i have the DMG and skipped DMS.DMG is better than DMS and the P1’s resolution is 5x what DMG can do.DMG has more Bass which is good but sometimes muddies the lower Mids unless you have the Latest audiophile Filter which reduces that effect.

      P1 has redefined my appreciation for Music.You hear new things in music you’ve been listening too since you were a kid.Best buy for me.

  • Reply July 15, 2019

    DJ Core

    Received mine from Linsoul this past saturday July 13th.For the first time.The hype is Very very real.These sound like $1000 IEM’s.

    I’m hearing things i didn’t hear in a bunch of songs i’ve been listening to sinc i was a kid.Stuff with guitars,Sax etc sounds like it’s being played right there in the room.Stage is wide depending on source.Desktop DAC/AMP was the widest.ZX300 just sounds beautiful.I’m truly satisfied with these.

    They also respond well to EQ and actually do have just enough Bass when added.(Did +3b on the ZX300 on SE output 50mW+50mW and i was happy with the result) at 65% volume.should be significantly better on balanced 200mW+200mW which i’ll try today

    Didn’t tape any vents yet but will try it.

    Sounds ok too on my LG V35 but volume is at 90%.Will trick it into High impendance and see what happens.

    Won’t be buying any more IEM’s.Got others for HipHop stuff

    • Reply July 20, 2019


      Hey, just here to ask, how did they do in the high impedance mode

      • Reply January 24, 2020


        I tried and now use them also with Lg V20 high impedance mode. It’s great! I also have fiio k3, hiby w3 and bravo audio v2. To me all sounds great! Best iems so far! Great for long listening too. Sub base is not really present, but to me that makes it more pleasant and comparable to open over ear headphones like hd600. They respond great to EQ. I am so happy with them I own two, just in case…

  • Reply July 16, 2019


    NanoTechnos , which of these are better
    Fiio fh5 , etymotic ER4XR, Tin P1 ?
    Details , transparency , separation , durability

  • Reply July 16, 2019

    Kurt Gingher

    Is it new technology for it’s own sake or is there a technical or at least intellectual case for this approach ?

  • Reply August 26, 2019

    Jason Banaszak

    I really am at a loss as to how you can think the M11/P1 combo is anything better than mediocre. Upon first listen I thought there had to be something wrong somewhere, the bass was so recessed and lacking any impact, the whole sound signature was dry and…meh. Plugged them into my desktop amp, and these issues vanished. I guess if you don’t have any basis of comparison you might think they sound good through the M11, but please check the P1 through better powered sources and you will discover how severely limited they are using a DAP like the M11.

  • Reply May 25, 2020

    Maurice Kaizer

    How would the p1 fair paired with astell and kern ak70

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