Brise Audio NAOBI-LE Review

The Brise Audio NAOBI-LE is a $429 upgrade IEM cable from the Japanese Brise Audio.


Disclaimer: I received the Brise Audio NAOBI-LE as a review sample free of charge. The review reflects my honest opinion as always.

About Brise Audio

Brise Audio is a high-end cable manufacturer from Gunma, Japan. It is a renowned brand in the Japanese market but not very famous in the other markets yet. However, they’re trying to make some ground especially in the portable field, where boutique audio cables are quite important. I reviewed the YATONO Rh2+ model recently as below, and it won an award for the best accessory for 2020. In 2019, the STR7-Ref had won the same award from me.

Brise Audio NAOBI-LE

When they started back in 2015, the company’s initial target wasn’t the portable market however, it instead was home audio solutions in Japan. After 1-2 years, they decided to enter the portable audio field. Yet I’m sure that they often use their knowledge from home audio for their portable solutions.

The company’s CEO is Naoki Okada, who I personally met in CanJam London 2019. He’s a very nice man to share opinions with, and he really wants to showcase how his cables perform with good IEMs. I personally think he did just that and I hope he will be around in future shows if this pandemic will be over of course.

Overall, Brise Audio’s cable range can be a bit confusing for the ones who are strangers to this brand. For that, Brise Audio has an informative page about their cables and the differences for you to help to select your cable; HERE. It explains their ranges and grades so everything becomes clearer.

Brise Audio NAOBI-LE


Just to understand Brise Audio’s product range, there are two variables for them; wire and sub-grade. In this case, the wire is named “NAOBI” and the subgrade is “LE” (Light Edition). So what does that mean?

The NAOBI wire is a newly developed wire material of Brise Audio which is developed to improve flexibility. So I guess it has a thinner gauge than STR and Yatono wires. The LE sub-grade is a sub-grade to also improve the ergonomics and handling. So one can say that the NAOBI-LE is the most ergonomic cable of Brise Audio, consisting of thinner gauges and smaller parts for audio jack and IEM connectors overall.

So if you want to experience the quality of Brise Audio when you commute or doing work, the NAOBI-LE is the cable you’re looking for.

Brise Audio NAOBI-LE


The Brise Audio NAOBI-LE arrives with a grey-coloured box. Inside you get your cable in a zippered bag. The bag consists of hand-written information about the model name and terminations. You also get a Brise Audio sticker.

The package also has a brochure, informing you about all of their IEM/headphone/stereo cables. This brochure is a new addition to their package and I think that’s a great decision. Also, it’s really nice to see our awards for 2019 and 2020 in this brochure.

The packaging can be improved with the inclusion of cable straps and a carrying case. For this model alone, a case is not necessary since it’s a very lightweight one, but they can add a case for flagship cables.

Build Quality & Ergonomics

Brise Audio cables are among the best I’ve experienced in terms of build quality. This one is no exception. The original LE edition of Brise Audio jack, the 2-pin connectors, the cable slider made of wood, and the braiding quality, all are excellent once again.

One feature that stands out from Brise Audio is its braiding quality. No matter which model, cable, or material, the craftsmanship is fabulous all around. This one has a much thinner build overall but the excellent quality is still present without any compromise.

Brise Audio NAOBI-LE

My sample is terminated with a 2.5mm BAL jack and 2-pin connectors. The jack is L-type and it’s very very compact, allowing to use of the cable in many environments. This is a very low-profile model so handling is great. You can be quite mobile with the NAOBI-LE.

For even more flexibility, the memory-wire area of this cable is cut very short. This improves comfort and ergonomics around the ears. The chin slider is also smaller than the ones of the company’s other models. The microphonics are almost non-existent, and it’s very comfortable to use and wear the cable.

The overall strength and flexibility of the cable are really good. Looks-wise I think Brise Audio cables look quite charismatic and more serious than most. It particularly looks great with Custom IEMs in my opinion. One particular detail I liked is the cable slider which is made from genuine wood. It’s such a great and classy touch to this full black design.

Page 2: Sound

4.6/5 - (32 votes)

A keen audiophile and hobby photographer, Berkhan is after absolute perfection. Whether it is a full-frame camera or a custom in-ear, his standpoint persists. He tries to keep his photography enthusiasm at the same level as audio. Sometimes photography wins, sometimes his love for music takes over and he puts that camera aside. Simplistic expressions of sound in his reviews are the way to go for him. He enjoys a fine single malt along with his favourite Jazz recordings.

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