Blog: High End Munich 2024 Show Report Part 1

High End 2024

High End Munich. Still my favorite show of the year! Why is that you say? Well, it has all the brands that really matter, lots of new product launches, it has “pro only” days and you get to see all your audio friends again. 


This year the show welcomed 11,237 trade visitors, 10,373 visitors and 588 media representatives, differently said 22,198 visitors in total. There were 513 exhibitors from 41 countries with nearly 1,000 brands. How impressive is that!

The pics in this report are from the gear that really caught our attention at the High-End show. It’s not realistic to cover all the personal audio gear, and it’s a complete mission impossible to cover everything. As usual this is a picture report of the show, with hundreds of pictures posted in alphabetical order over multiple pages. Part 2 of the report will be uploaded by Friday as there are around 300 pictures in total.

Like last year we will have our “BEST OF SHOW” award, which we will be handing out on the last page of this report. Check it out there! But first: Eye candy à volonté, together with some quick comments and impressions, all in this Part 1!



64 Audio

First time that the 64 Audio crew was at the show. We got to listen to their full line-up, and then some.

64 Audio

64 Audio

64 Audio

64 Audio


Abyss Headphones

Abyss is one of my favorite headphone brands and they announced a brand new Diana at the show. This one you need to hear for sure.

Abyss Diana

Abyss Diana

There were mixed feelings about the design with the dealers, but no one argued about the sound. An then there’s this monster, which I absolutely love:



As usual Astell&Kern was present at the show and they were showcasing their full collection.










But everyone of course was looking out most to the 3 newest of their products. First up, the Activo P1


Then the new collab IEM “Novus” with Empire Ears:



The Novus is quite large in size and they have impressive bass and body. It was a little so separated between bass, mids and highs for my personal taste but I am sure many will like this tuning.


Then last, there was the launch of the SP3000T, the update of the award winning SP3000 but with the 6021 tube tech included. There’s also a hybrid mode.










The report continues on the second page, click here for more impressions and pictures!

Page 1: 64 Audio to Astell&Kern

Page 2: Audeze to Daart/Yulong

Page 3: Dagostino to Final Audio

Page 4: Focal to HEDD

Page 5: Best of Show Award

4.6/5 - (120 votes)

Lieven is living in Europe and he's the leader of the gang. He's running Headfonia as a side project next to his full time day job in Digital Marketing & Consultancy. He's a big fan of tube amps and custom inear monitors and has published hundreds of product reviews over the years.

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