PEARS MC-8 Review


The PEARS MC-8 arrives in a cardboard box. Inside the box, you get a black carrying case which is very protective and solid. It is also fairly large. The wooden case that came with my SH-3 is very authentic, but I think this case is more practical with its lighter weight and nice space inside. However, I must say the wooden case is far cooler. But of course, it’s all about preference.

Every accessory is supplied inside the case. You get a small carrying bag, cleaning cloth & tool, and a flask that is unique to PEARS. It’s there for you to put some soapy water, alcohol, or any kind of cleaning liquid in it. Then you can drip the liquid onto the cleaning cloth to clean your monitors. Again, an authentic and original solution from PEARS.

The case has another compartment on the lid which you can fit in your cleaning cloth and cleaning tool. I liked the originality of the wooden case, but this one to me is much easier to use.

Build Quality

The MC-8, like the models that came before, is a full acrylic shell. That means the inside of the shell is filled with acrylic. I’ve seen silicone-filled shells from another manufacturer but the full acrylic shell is not something that I’ve known before PEARS.

The build quality is superb as a result. There isn’t any single sign of glue residue and the faceplate closing is seamless. My sample this time has a full black shell so I can’t see the internals, but I simply don’t have any doubts regarding their craftsmanship, looking at their track record.

The canal part has a single bore and it’s very large compared to other CIEMs that I’ve seen, hence it’s very easy to clean. As a whole, the PEARS MC-8 is built like a tank. I would give it a 10/10 score without hesitation. The cable connectors are MMCX this time around. But you can choose the 2-pin version when ordering. They have been working on these socket types recently and they decided to offer both.


PEARS takes your ear impressions and performs a 3D scan. That means you can use them for another set of custom monitors shortly and that surely feels great. That’s one less audiologist appointment, isn’t it?

The PEARS MC-8, just like the SH-3 has longer / deeper canals compared to many CIEMs that I have seen or used. In addition to that, the shells are filled as I remarked. The result is a little bit different from other monitors out there. It feels very dense, filling your ears quite tight.

However, I noticed that PEARS has improved the comfort side. The MC-8 is quite comfortable in my opinion, but you need to understand that the priority of PEARS monitors is stage use. So isolation comes first. That takes away some comfort, as expected.

I didn’t need any refit process after I received them. No sharp points or anything to irritate, therefore the fit is perfect. The biggest benefit of this deep & tight fit is the isolation of course. This is one of the best IEMs that I’ve ever used in terms of blocking outside noise. You’re almost totally disconnected from the environment even if you don’t start the music yet. After you hit play you’re gone. That allows you to listen to very low volume levels as well.


The PEARS MC-8 costs between 800$ and 1200$ with today’s exchange rates. The additions basically are genuine wood and metallic artwork faceplates. I personally think the wood is worth it. Not only does it give a sturdy and smooth impression, it also looks great with clear and black shells. These cost $200, and you can add a metallic faceplate on top of the wood, so that means 400$ total in options. But anyway, if you don’t add anything special, you can have this monitor for around 800$.

Nowadays it’s hard to talk about price points because I think the market has already gone crazy about it. You might be prejudiced about just one driver, but PEARS’ sound engineering is something that you can’t find everywhere. Some people look for a correlation between the number of drivers and the price, but that’s not necessarily the case.

Considering the incredible build quality, fit, accessories, and case, I think the price is acceptable in the portable market today.

Page 1: About PEARS, MC-8, Ordering, Customization
Page 3: Sound
Page 4: Technical Performance, Comparisons, Conclusion
4.9/5 - (41 votes)

A keen audiophile and hobby photographer, Berkhan is after absolute perfection. Whether it is a full-frame camera or a custom in-ear, his standpoint persists. He tries to keep his photography enthusiasm at the same level as audio. Sometimes photography wins, sometimes his love for music takes over and he puts that camera aside. Simplistic expressions of sound in his reviews are the way to go for him. He enjoys a fine single malt along with his favourite Jazz recordings.

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