Effect Audio
Our friends from EA came all the way from Singapore to show their cable line-up to the European crowd
Two meter long Horus? Sure, no problem for Effect audio!
Even though it doesn’t seem the case from the pictures, but there constantly were people at their tables
We still owe you the review of the HORUS cable, but we’ll also be looking at the more affordable 8-wire Lionheart very soon
Effect audio also has a special cooperation with the American Empire Ears
Empire Ears
The Empire/EA Merlin is one of the CIEMs that’s still on my “to get one day” list. Want!
Eternal Arts
When design meets quality
And if you’ve been reading our show reports, you know I’m a sucker for the reel to reel tape decks…
Etymotic is known for their top end audiophile tuning: quality, detail and precision are the house characteristics
I fellin love with the ER4-series a few months ago and now they have the brand new ER3-series which also comes in a studio and extended response version. We’ve already got the samples in for review and …WAW…
I never heard of the brand and model but it actually is an on-ear headphone that measures your ears to adapt the sound so it sounds best for you.
And it looks pretty as well with the wooden finish, don’t you think?
Fischer Audio
The German amp and inear company is mostly focusing on the PRO market but they do also have models for consumers they make in Germany. They’re also an Ultimate Ears company but more on that in tomorrow’s PART 2 report.
A highly popular brand and you can count me among the fans
Especially the A91 is my “thing” though the focus at the show was at the A83 and A73 models
Grado is one of those brands you love or hate but the American Grado is always present at the shows. I don’t like the sound of all of their models but they’re so incredibly beautiful
Just look at the Sieveking and Grado combination, stunning
Or do you prefer the metal cups?
Did you notice Nathan yesterday published his review of the limited Japan edition called GH2 ?
The Hidizs AP60 is a great little player and I talked to several people that have one just for on-the-go as they prefer not taking their expensive DAPs out of the house.
We have the AP200 here for review but I’ve been having issues with the UI and haven’t gotten to finishing the review yet.
Jan Sieveking brought many Hifiman models to Berlin, from the entry level HE-400S…
…to the award winning mid/high level Edition X
If you look closely you’ll see the Shangri La in the back of his booth. The contrast with the entry level EF100 amp couldn’t be any bigger.
The HE-1000 next to the Audeze LCDs were probably the second most used headphones at the show, together with the Sennheiser HD800
I was glad the Susvara was at the party as well. So far it never wow’ed me but it won me completely over in Berlin. Nathan is right, it sounds devine.
Most of the attention logically went to the Shangri-La however…
I wouldn’t mind having this setup in my living room
or where ever really…
It continues on Page Four, after the click here or the jump below

Rasmus Horn
Hi Lieven.
I always enjoy going through your picture reports from the CanJam’s. This time I was able to attend again after last years absence. Only because of the shorter distance to Berlin than Essen for me, only 6 hours drive from Denmark. 9 hours for you… – no excuse 😉
The highlights at this CanJam for me was Etymotic ER-4XS(yes – absolutely WOW), UERR and Meier Corda Soul. The Etymotic ER-3 did not win me over, I would gladly pay more for the new ER-4XS, which has a perfect balance for my ears.
Got to listen to the Mojo for the first time and it didn’t really impress me that much. I thought it was much better given all the hype over the last years. It is handy and very portable though but I will probably stay with my old CLAS –> Quickstep stack, which has been with me at several CanJams for a while yet.
All in all the Berlin CanJam was excellent. I was there Saturday and didn’t have time to attend the lectures because there was so much to listen to in all the booths. I will be back next year and have a good excuse to visit Berlin again!
I’m surprised I didn’t see you :O
Rasmus Horn
I saw you! And thought I would say Hi later…
Thank you for the report Lieven, it is very much appreciated.