HiBy x FAudio Project Ace Review


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Sound General

The Project Ace is a linear-sounding IEM with a very slight warmth in its sound. The presentation is relaxed, well-balanced, and smooth. Overall signature is flat and neutral with a hint of mid-bass warmth. The sound-stage and imaging are quite good for the price. 

It presents a very good vocal performance and a smooth mid-range. The treble is decent but needs some work to be done. Sub-bass is notably lacking, while mid-bass is decent. The mid-range offers good vocal clarity, though some instruments may sound slightly off. The treble is clean and transparent, with good resolution but a slightly boosted lower and mid-treble that can be aggressive. Despite these nuances, the IEM excels in imaging and resolution, benefiting from easy drivability and a coherent sound performance when paired with warm sources.


The bass response of the Project Ace is subdued, lacking much texture or kick. It remains flat and restrained, almost as if it’s afraid to outshine the rest of the frequency range. This restraint, however, contributes to an airy and spacious soundstage. In this sense, the bass presentation works well for the Project Ace.

The sub-bass rumble is almost non-existent, so if you’re considering this IEM, don’t expect much in the way of sub-bass. The mid-bass definition is better and decent for the price, but it’s not spectacular or game-changing.

Overall, the bass lacks texture and definition, with the impact and rumble being unimpressive. The bass is present, but if you’re looking for a more robust bass performance, the Project Ace might not be the best choice.


The mid-range of the Project Ace offers decent resolution and definition, particularly excelling in vocal reproduction. Vocals have a pleasing tone and realism, with female vocals standing out as especially enjoyable. They are nicely layered, clear, and detailed without being too forward or recessed. The mid-range sounds clean and resolving overall.

However, some instruments can sound slightly off, with a hint of honkiness, which detracts from an otherwise good performance. While the separation, airiness, and layering in the mid-range are adequate, they do not reach spectacular levels. Instrument separation is quite good, although a bit more clarity would enhance the listening experience.

Overall, the Project Ace provides a decent mid-range performance with impressive vocal reproduction, making it a solid choice for listeners who prioritize vocal clarity.


The treble of the Project Ace is clean and transparent, offering good resolution and definition. While not overly aggressive, it does have some areas that stand out. The lower treble region is notably aggressive and positioned at the front of the soundstage, which can create a slightly unrealistic experience. There’s also a slight boost in the mid-treble region.

Despite these characteristics, the treble remains clean and articulate, providing a balanced presentation without being excessively bright. It offers decent detail and articulation but lacks some extension and microdetail retrieval. The overall treble performance is resolving enough but slightly boosted compared to a neutral response.

In summary, the Project Ace delivers a respectable treble performance, but it isn’t the most detailed or extended in its price range. It provides a clear and articulate sound, making it a solid option for those seeking a balanced yet slightly enhanced treble response.

Page 1 – Intro, Packaging, Design, Build, Fit
Page 3 – Technical Performance, Comparisons & Conclusion
4/5 - (93 votes)

A keen audiophile and hobby photographer, Berkhan is after absolute perfection. Whether it is a full-frame camera or a custom in-ear, his standpoint persists. He tries to keep his photography enthusiasm at the same level as audio. Sometimes photography wins, sometimes his love for music takes over and he puts that camera aside. Simplistic expressions of sound in his reviews are the way to go for him. He enjoys a fine single malt along with his favourite Jazz recordings.

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