Oriveti OD200 Review


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Sound Impressions – Oriveti OD200

The OD200 comes with two interchangeable nozzles, silver and black. There is no information on the product webpage, unfortunately, about what they do and which of the frequency regions they affect. That being said, the difference is clear to me. 

A key feature of the OD200 is its adaptability through interchangeable filters that significantly alter its sonic signature. This adaptability allows users to tailor the sound to their personal preferences or specific genres, increasing the versatility of the IEM and allowing it to be paired with a wider range of sources, meaning that finding the right synergy for you would be easier. The silver nozzles result in a sound that is warmer, more bodied, with less upper midrange energy. The black nozzles are more neutral, with less bass and mid-bass, along with a lighter overall body. Black nozzles are more energetic on the upper midrange as well.Without further ado, I’ll divide this section into two to describe the signature and performance. I am using FiiO K19 and iBasso D16, as well as Topping G5, as the sources.

My favorites are the silver nozzles as I believe they reflect the Oriveti’s house sound the best. They are warmer and more engaging. They also feel more coherent and accurate than the black nozzles to my ears. The signature is not too warm, though; you get a nicely balanced spectrum with a slightly elevated bass region. The lows feel impactful and warm-ish with a healthy amount of instrument body. 

While the OD200 is not designed for bassheads, it does deliver a refined and balanced bass. It has a good sub-bass extension and reaches well, especially when using the silver nozzles. With the black nozzles, the bass isn’t overly pronounced or dominant; instead, it aims for accuracy and a balanced presentation that complements various genres without overwhelming the mids and highs. It’s nice to have options here so you can switch between both as per genre. For EDM or any bass-heavy genre, I’d suggest the silvers.

The OD200’s midrange performance is clean and engaging. The silver nozzle puts the highlight on the mids, especially with the added body from the lower mids. The vocal clarity and smoothness result in a cohesive mid-presentation, which I think is the highlight of the OD200. It is magical, with vocals from such artists as Buika, Imany, and Melody Gardot. The black nozzle is more revealing here, and combining it with an analytical-sounding source gets you a somewhat lighter signature, which does not really work for female vocals, as poorly recorded tracks get shouty fast. However, combining it with a warmer source, such as tube-powered devices, gets you a fairly smooth and balanced signature.

The upper midrange and treble carry a good amount of clarity and detail without being piercing or overly aggressive. The OD200 manages to maintain a good energy in the treble that complements the overall signature by adding vibrancy and sparkle that enhances the listening experience without causing fatigue. The silver filter is smoother on the upper midrange and lower treble, while the black is slightly edgier and more energetic with slightly better reach. Neither of the filters attenuates the top-end extension, though, which is tuned in a way that is inoffensive and smooth with an adequate amount of detail.

Technical Capability

I was excited about the OD200, as in my experience, the acoustics play a huge part when it comes to DDs, and vents always play a great role on soundstage. The OD200 is great when it comes to soundstage and headroom, especially in its price range. It offers a larger-than-average headroom that enhances the perception of instrument separation and placement. The imaging is quite good, allowing for easy tracking of individual elements on the stage and a reasonably good three-dimensional listening experience rarely found in similarly priced IEMs. I believe the excellent implementation of a single dynamic driver along with the “DAD” tech helps achieve this cohesive and expansive soundstage. 

PRaT-wise, it’s not a front-runner in its price bracket, especially when multiple instruments are bashing all at once on the stage, and the black filter is not very kind on badly mastered tracks. Using higher quality sources, such as the iBasso D16, which, in my opinion, is on par with something like Hugo 2, mitigates this issue to some extent. I still find genres like heavy metal more suitable for OD200’s bigger brother, OH700VB, though. The OD200 is best when it comes to vocal-centric genres, such as jazz, acoustic, etc.


vs. QoA Aviation ($199)

Another highly competitive contender in this price bracket is undoubtedly the Aviation IEMs from QoA.

Let’s dive into a quick comparison to assist those deciding between these two excellent IEMs. First and foremost, the OD200 features superior build quality with its robust full-metal shells, though the QoA Aviation sports a more intriguing design with painted shells, which might appeal more to those who prioritize aesthetics. Fit-wise, both IEMs perform exceptionally well, providing comfort even during extended listening sessions. However, the passive isolation of the Aviation is slightly better compared to the OD200.

In terms of sound, the Aviation offers deeper sub-bass extension and delivers a punchier bass with a stronger impact. Signature-wise OD200’s black nozzle provides a somewhat similar sound vs. the Aviation, especially in the lower midrange, but with the silver nozzles, you gain more body in the natural instruments. The Aviation’s treble is slightly more energetic, particularly in the lower treble, and it provides a sense of space that feels just a bit more expansive than the OD200. 

Resolution-wise, they are comparable; however, the Aviation scales with different sources slightly better than the Oriveti and offers a more neutral sound profile with enhanced detail retrieval. One downside is that it does not feel as coherent or engaging as the OD200. For those who favor midrange, the OD200’s silver nozzle configuration might be more appealing. If you’re looking for a neutral IEM with a bass boost, the Aviation could also be a good choice.

Last Words

The Oriveti OD200 offers a versatile and fun listening experience at an accessible price, making it an excellent choice for audiophiles on a budget. Its amazing build quality, combined with customizable tuning/signature via interchangeable nozzles, ensures that it will appeal to a wide range of genres and sources. The OD200 is an excellent consideration at this price bracket, and I recommend giving it a chance.



+ Great Price-to-Performance Ratio

+ Customizability

+ FANTASTIC Build Quality


– None at this price


Page 1: Oriveti, OD200, Packaging & Accessories, Design & Build Quality

Page 2: Sound Impressions, Technical Capability, Comparison, Last Words

4.5/5 - (280 votes)

Long time Tech Enthusiast, an ambitious petrol-head, Yagiz likes his gadgets and always finds new ways into the tinkerer's world. He tries to improve anything and everything he gets his hands onto. Loves an occasional shine on the rocks.

1 Comment

  • Reply May 19, 2024

    Hoang Pham

    Which DAPs would you recommend?

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