The New Superluxes Are Good! The HD330, HD440, and the HD660.

I never doubted Superlux’s ability to make headphone drivers. From the time we posted the review of the HD668B, to my other exposure of Superlux headphones, including the HD662, HD662B, and the HD669, I’ve always been impressed at the quality of the sound you get for the price. After all, if you can make good microphones for Professional use, there is no reason why you can’t design a Pro-quality transducer for the headphone end.

Now, one of the reasons that I still hold back from making a wide recommendation of the Superlux headphones is that their tuning are mainly geared toward professional monitoring uses. From the HD662 to the HD669, all boasts great clarity and instrument separation, but mostly they have been too bright and too thin on the midrange section for good music listening purposes. Not so with these new generation Superluxes. The HD330, HD440, and the HD660 still boasts the same clear sound that you get on the other Superlux models, but with a tonal balance more suited for music listening.

The HD440 should step forward to be the all-rounder model of the three. Boasting a sweet and musical midrange that’s undoubtedly the best out of all the Superluxes, the HD440 is a headphone that’s hard to not like. As a matter of fact, I don’t think I’ve ever heard a midrange execution as good as what I’m hearing on the HD440 on any headphones perhaps the low side of the $200 mark. Very sweet and full midrange sound, and yet with the usual Superlux clarity behind it. Maybe I can likened it to a smooth sound like what you get on the Audio-Technica ESW-9, but it’s not overly thick as the ESW-9. It’s a very strong midrange performance, and people would be drawn to the HD440 just on the merit of the midrange alone.

The tonal balance of the HD440 is quite good as well. From the fairly relaxed but smooth treble, it extends down to a full bodied midrange, and down smoothly to the bass region. Clearly a mid-centric tonality, but not excessively so, as there are enough treble presence to keep the balance and with a good air. The only two complaints I have is that the bass punch is relatively weak, and that the vocal presence can feel recessed at times. The HD330 and the HD660, though not possesing the sweet midrange of the HD440, actually gives a much better vocal presence than the HD440 at most times. Quite a contradiction, but it’s true. The overall pace of the HD440 is quite moderate and slightly more to the laid-back presentation. It’s a musical headphone for sure, even considering the complaints I have with the vocal and the bass.

Oddball housing design, but so far looks pretty original.



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4.1/5 - (112 votes)


  • Reply April 20, 2011

    Dhani Nugraha

    I am so going to pull the trigger on one of these babies, Mike.

    The HD440 was nice, but I’ve yet to listen to the HD330 and/or HD660.

    • Reply April 20, 2011


      They’re all nice, but I have personal bias for the HD660. Think a slightly less punchy HD25-1, but without the $200 pricetag, AND without the claustrophobic soundstage.

  • Reply April 20, 2011

    Ichsan Amrin

    so,which are best for unamp use ?

    • Reply April 20, 2011


      They all need light amping. A cmoy would do, but not straight from an Ipod (unless you’re a low volume listener).

  • Reply April 20, 2011


    Mike, could you compare the soundstage sig about HD330 and AD300 somehow..

    • Reply April 20, 2011


      I haven’t heard the AD300, only the AD700. The soundstage can’t be compared, the HD330 has an average full size soundstage. It’s a good soundstage, but it still can’t be compared to the AD700. The AD700 is very open and spacious, but it lack bass. I would guess that the AD300 somehow takes on the same traits of the AD700, 900, and even AD1000.

  • Reply April 20, 2011


    Nice review Mike, which one of them that has the same sound sig as M50? And are they comfortable? i find hd668b so uncomfortable, especially for glasses user like me..

    • Reply April 20, 2011


      Actually both is quite different than an M-50, so I can’t say.

      They are quite more comfortable than the HD668B, but the HD440 is a little more softer and more comfortable than the HD330-HD660.

  • Reply April 20, 2011


    eh, you know what I’m really interested in and I’m sure lots of people will like to read from you is a review of the fischer fa-003 and 011 🙂 Sorry for being off topic, I just didn’t know where to post it hehehe

    • Reply April 20, 2011


      The hype on the Fischers are so high that you can’t get them anywhere.

      I’d love to review them if I can get my hands on some of them.

      • Reply April 23, 2011


        Gd-Audiobase currently has the Fa-003 in stock I believe.

        • Reply April 25, 2011


          Good! I will try to get in touch with them.

          • Reply April 26, 2011


            I will be watching for your review of them like a hawk LOL

  • Reply April 20, 2011


    Can you tell me how the bass quantity of these 3 compare to the 668B?

    • Reply April 20, 2011


      Bass body wise, they all have more body than the HD668B.

      Bass punch wise, the HD330 and HD660 are punchier than the HD668B, but the HD440 is slightly less punchy than the HD668B.

  • Reply April 20, 2011


    Great review Mike, as always.

    Do you know where can i get the HD 660?

    • Reply April 20, 2011


      For now, I am still not so sure..

    • Reply April 21, 2011


      I have been searching in eBay, eBay UK, and all of which carries the HD662/668 series, but still havent seen these 330-440-660 anywhere. Someone told me of a vendor in Hong Kong that also carries Superluxes, and that would be my best bet as Hong Kong sells everything. Thing is, I seem to have misplaced the link..

      Perhaps someone else can help with a link to a store that carries these headphones..

  • Reply April 20, 2011


    Hey I haven’t been here in a couple but where’s p2 at?

    • Reply April 20, 2011


      I took it out Bob..

  • Reply April 20, 2011


    HD 330 looks like a DT880 painted black
    HD 660 looks like a DT770 painted black…..

  • Reply April 21, 2011


    The HD-660, 330 & 440 are the Older Tenlux manufactured headphones, I liked my HD-660 but you always have to press them to your ears to hear the beauty of them and that is just to much work, for us with a non godzilla head, and after receiving the HD-662F in the studio… it not only blows the 660 away in sound but the isolation and contort and fit along with the thick pads, will make the HD-662F a studio standard. I see no use to consider the older models… (i sold all my old stock and used ones on eBay) when you have the like’s of the much better isolation and sound of the Closed Ear HD-662F, also try the darker HD-669 sure to please bass freaks. Doyen AudioHipster

    • Reply April 22, 2011

      Erik Wijnands

      So HD330, HD440 and HD660 are older models compared to the HD662, HD668, HD681?

      • Reply April 23, 2011


        Yes the 660, 330 & 440 are earlier model’s and have 40mm drivers… the newer designed 662, 681, 668B, & 669 have 50mm drivers and not only fit your ears better , the closed ear models have much better isolation … 50mm drivers just sound better. and I prefer the HD-662F over the older designs… no contest!

    • Reply April 22, 2011


      How does the 662-F compares to the 669 ? I have the 669 and it’s seriously lacking midrange, highs are a bit aggressive and lows are not so punchy. Still pretty for the price range.

      • Reply April 22, 2011


        The 669 darkens with age in a good way, it is deep and dark, older music like Weather Report sound great thru these cans, EQ wise this can is Fat.. not muddy, both have good isolation The HD-662F has that perfect natural sound and bass, and not lacking midrange at all, this can is a studio favorite, a non removable cable, i can’t imagine anyone who has spent time with this can not like it, to me this is the standard to judge all others… and most can’t touch the perfect balance the HD-662F exhibits.

        • Reply April 25, 2011


          Always approach phrases like “perfect balance” with caution. I have reviewed all the current flagship cans and the jury is still out on which one has the “perfect balance” of tonality.

      • Reply April 25, 2011


        Hi Stef… I wanted to add the HD-669 really has a nice fit, and for listing “really loud”, it is fun… has a nice wow factor, easy on your ears… Cheers

    • Reply April 25, 2011


      I think the issue here is the HD-662F and other monitoring series not possesing enough mids for music listening. If talking from a strictly technical standpoint, yes the monitoring are better.

      Btw I dont think the HD660 needs to be pressed in for the sound to work, nor does a bunch of other people who has tried it.

      • Reply April 25, 2011


        Hi have you ever owned a pair of HD-662F? the mid’s shine and an-amazing natural balance from high to low. i would expect someone who put a pair on for the first time to say these are midrange focused… Also sorry i was misunderstood but i did not say you had to press the 660 to your ears for sound to work… but does not fit tight against my ears, and have to press them to hear the lovely low end the can exhibits… and I have went thru more cans in the studio and artists have brought there own high dollar cans in, to track with… and with drummers they need to hear… when i ask them to take their 660 or whatever fancy brand they are using off and try the HD-662F they smile and stop complaining.

        i just posted a 2 part testimonial on the HD-662F so don’t take my word just trying to help.. i already know it is the best closed can for the money… and the listing pleasure is beyond words.


        • Reply April 25, 2011


          I listened to the HD662F and it’s just a variant of the HD662 and the HD662B sound. One bright, one dark, one in the middle. I think the 662 or the 662F was the bright one, where the HD662B is the bassier one. All of them exhibit the same problem for music listening though. Not enough mids and too sharp trebles.

          Glad you’re enjoying the HD662F.

          • Reply April 25, 2011


            Thanks for your take on the 662 series, the only one i have spent time with is the F, i have found all the newer series Superlux models i have listen to have vast different EQ curves. would be nice to hear from other 662f users… still can’t imagine listening to a can with more mid’s maybe more extreme highs… here is a PDF of the 662 series for anyone interested in comparison’s… it likens the F to similar EQ as SRH440.

            I work with lots of musicians engineers and those in the bis for long time… and it’s funny out of all the Superlux models we have in the studio, most of the time they pass on the biggest seller that has the most rave. Thanks for the feedback. Cheers Doyen

            • Reply April 26, 2011


              I think it will make an excellent studio headphone, but not so much for music listening. I am just talking from previous experiences. Perhaps all headphones that was designed for monitoring uses are not that great when it comes to music listening, regardless of brands. Sony, Shure, Beyer, etc, etc.

          • Reply May 8, 2011


            Not enough mids and too sharp trebles?
            are we listen to the same can, hd-662f? I doubt. IMO, it sounds well-balanced in highs, mids, lows, accurately,
            also very musically, especially for classic, new age and chill out. In fact, I just use the hd-662f to listen all kind of music now, and ditched all other brands’. However, it is understandable that everyone has his own
            likes on sounding
            characteristics. by the way, I don’t use any fancy instrument to drive hd-662f. Mostly, use the Onkyo Tx-8011. But, I found any equipment service it well also, even cheap MP3 Player.

          • Reply May 9, 2011


            Perhaps your music happens to be very well matched to the HD662F. I don’t know.

  • Reply April 23, 2011

    George Vichev

    I found 660 on thomann:
    I`m hesitating…

    • Reply April 25, 2011


      Thanks for the link, George.

      If you listen to Rock, then you should go ahead with it.

  • Reply April 24, 2011


    Thanks Mike for the nice review.
    Question: how would you compare Superlux HD440 and Sennheiser HD-202 ? Thanks.

    • Reply April 24, 2011


      Hi Daniel,
      the HD440 is much better then the Sennheiser HD-202 or the total mud HD-205, the 404 fits your ears good and good sound quality… use to use a pair on the drum kit, exterior wise they are cheeper in build like the $59 AKG, you can crank the drivers on the 440 and they take it and stay clean… sound wise good solid cans, destroy cans such as the harsh cheep EP.3070 these 440’s when i was getting them were higher priced then the 330, but i never got great reviews or feedback from them as i do the HD-662F and other models. but of course the 662F are in a class 10 times any of the above. Doyen

      • Reply June 27, 2011


        i doubt superluxes well suited for clubber music like those sennheisers mentioned above. any enlightment for this?

        • Reply June 27, 2011

          Doyen Keaton

          Hey Man,  not sure the Senn, u are referring to, but the 205 are “out” for me they distort under volume. like drinking bad beer and the 202 is a solid 20$ can if thats all you can afford but it’s no 662F in any shape or form…  move up to a HD-280 or up for comparable sound.  personally out of the 440 330 or 660 , the 440 too cheep build resonates i have no use for it.. the 660 is a good can i can see why anyone would dig it…  I sold mine when the new ones came out. the 662F is better for critical listening in loud environments at extreme volumes.  and out of the 3 their is no drastic EQ difference as with the 681, 662, 668B, or 669 that is Eq similar to the 280.  that is my grain of salt for what it is worth.  AudioHipster

          • Reply June 28, 2011



        • Reply June 28, 2011


          Superluxes are really bad for club music. Need crazy bass and attenuated
          treble for club music, and the Superluxes are neither of those.

          Still the HD660 is superb for Rock.

          • Reply June 28, 2011

            Doyen Keaton

            Have you tried the 681 … they have more extreme bass and treble combined  then any can i have had the pleasure of … but the openness may not work for club music .. i don’t know…. but Superlux makes 24 or more different ear monitors … and i have never listened to one brand that had so many drastic EQ variations.  there is just so much to choose from don’t you know.   HIpster’d 

          • Reply June 30, 2011


            @headfonia:disqus  like Pro700mk2?
            @AudioHipster:disqus not yet. since open cans usually have looser & less punchy bass (correct me if im wrong)

          • Reply June 30, 2011


            precisely, like the Pro700 Mk2. 

    • Reply April 25, 2011


      The HD202 has a more laid back, low end heavy typical Sennheiser sound.

      The HD440 has a mid centric sound and a better clarity across the frequencies.

      • Reply June 27, 2011


        meaning built for different genres and purpose, right?

        • Reply June 28, 2011



  • Reply April 25, 2011

    kaspars berkis

    The Superlux HD660 have a very long burn in time. Some filter wool damping makes the bass tighter and less sibilances. I use Beyerdynamic DT770 Velour pads, and they will sound much better and will be more comfortable.I really like the speed and midbass, perfect for travelling because they are undestructable.
    I think there is definetly no breach in the law about the design.Its obvious AKG, Beyerdynamics, Sony- they buy O.E,M plastic housings from Superlux.

  • Reply May 23, 2011


    Hi Mike,
    Can you recommend me headphones good for jazz/classical/vocals? My budget is about $3oo and currently i already have the hd25 II as my all-rounder phones… 

    • Reply May 23, 2011


      The HD600/650 should be good for Jazz/Classical and Vocals.

  • Reply June 24, 2011


    now Superlux should make active studio monitors speakers to kill KRK ,M audio,Alesis and the likes.

    • Reply June 25, 2011

      Doyen Keaton

      Superlux makes a few studio monitors, i nabbed 5 of them from the nam show, the BES5a 50Hz – 23Khz to use a pair in the studio and office, they are loud nice separation and frequency range. really sound nice and easy to mix on…  Canada’s Heartbeat imports them … you can nab a pair for 1/2 off  249$ while they last.  Wanted to grab a pair of fancy wooden 8 inch monitors they made sometime back…  but no such luck. 

      • Reply June 25, 2011


        I actually didn’t know that. Thanks, Doyen!

    • Reply June 25, 2011



  • Reply July 26, 2011

    Syakir Zainol

    Ok forgive me Mike for asking you comparison to my Shure SRH 840 few times allready! But I really want to know say that with these 3 headphones (superlux) will I miss my SRH840?


    • Reply July 26, 2011


      In my opinion, the SRH-840 is more refined than all these Superluxes.
      But I’d certainly think that the HD660 is a lot more fun sounding than
      the SRH-840.

      I’d personally choose the HD660 over the Shure.

      • Reply July 27, 2011

        Syakir Zainol

        No wonder this is the site I keep getting back to everyday. Thanks Mike for being so helpful!

        • Reply July 28, 2011


          You’re welcome. 🙂

  • Reply July 28, 2011


    The HD660 330 & 440 are not new kids on the block, but are earlier years back Tenlux boxed, the 660 is the better of the bunch, but they are similar in eQ as compared the newer Superlux designs 681 662 669 661 witch have vast differences in sound and all just outstanding cans, i personally feel the 662F are better studio monitors, then the not so new kids on the block.  


    • Reply July 28, 2011


      Thanks for the information Doyen.

  • Reply August 27, 2011


    nice review
    i’m using IEM brainwavz M2,,and still not happy with how it sound.
    perhaps HD660 or HD 330 can give me a better sound.
    will it be a good replacement for my M2?

    • Reply August 29, 2011


      Hi Andre,
      Why aren’t you happy with the M2? I need some information otherwise I can’t give a blind recommendation.

      • Reply August 29, 2011


        what i dont like with the M2 :
        – soundstage
        – a little to harsh
        – high freq a little unnatural.

        thanks for your reply and sorry for my bad english

        • Reply August 30, 2011


          Okay, and from reading the review, which of the Superluxes do you think is for you? Sorry your question is just vague and I can’t give a recommendation just based on those information.

          • Reply September 1, 2011


            maybe hd330 will be great ( it is semi open right )
            sorry for making you confuse lol
            what do you think about the sound sig  between hd330 and m2 ? 
            it is almost first time for me using headphone/IEM ,
            usually I’m listening to a pair of bookshelf.
            And i don’t like IEM which sound just like the singer sing in my head, i need a cans that sound just like the singer in front of me and the instrument laid behind the singer , just like a speaker does.
            thanks a lot mike 🙂

            • Reply September 1, 2011


              I would like to answer your question but it’s still too vague.

              There are a lot of headphones where you can get good separation between the singer and the instruments. It depends on how open sounding you want to get, but at the end headphones can never be as open as a pair of speakers.

              Briefly from the top of my head, the Superlux HD660 and the Sennheiser HD598 both have a good soundstage imaging and should give you that singer – instruments separation. Some IEMs like the Etymotics ER4P or the JH5Pro also does a very good job of separating the singer to the instruments.

              Oh, and the speaker doesn’t separate the singer-instrument. It’s in the recording.

  • Reply September 1, 2011


    appreciate that
    I’ll go for hd660 then as your suggest.
    1 last question,
    should it be fine if I’m not using an AMP or DAC ?since i see 150 ohm label on hd660

    • Reply September 1, 2011


      It’ll be good if you have an amp.

  • Reply September 6, 2011


    NOOOOOOOO, just what i needed, more confusion 😀 I guess i have to get these, then the HD-25 and see which i prefer, i was hoping for something similar that can sit around the ear instead of on top of it so these seem perfect! Wowzers

  • Reply September 13, 2011


    Hello Mike.Thanks for the nice review

    You sort of put in the same sentence the Superlux HD660 and Sennheiser HD598 in a comment about soundstage. To what extent can they be compared? 

    I mean, I listened to the 598 in a shop and I really loved it, detailed but lively and fun, with present enough but not overshadowing bass. I preffered them over the Beyer DT770 which I found too harsh in the highs. Next to the 598 the Audio technica m 50 seemed really bad, muffled sound and not enough refined. 

    Given all that, what should I expect from the Superlux HD660? I m a bit skeptical cause they are so cheap but you praise them so much. To what   “below 200$” dac/amp can they be paired with to reveal their best?  

    I mainly listen to indie rock and IDM music such as Flying Lotus like bands. Sorry for the bad english, this is not my mother tongue

    • Reply September 14, 2011


      Okay, not so easy to answer this one.

      Briefly, the HD660 is dryer, less liquid, less laid back, less smooth than the Sennheiser. Bass is tighter, however, and punchier and the Sennheiser. It is a closed design, and so although the soundstage imaging is very good on the ‘lux, it won’t feel as open as the Senn. It’s a bit similar to the Beyerdynamic DT770 in a way, though it’s not quite as trebly, but it’s fairly close.

      The Senn HD598 is a smoother and more refined phone. It’s very liquid, semi-laid back (though vocal presence is very good), but on the other hand it’s also mellower than the ‘lux, and for fast rock music the ‘lux will do a better job.

      The Lux is not going to sound as muffled as the M-50 (though I won’t describe the M-50 as muffled, but I understand why you say that), and also not going to sound as harsh as the DT770. The Lux can’t quite match the DT770’s resolution though and that’s where the DT770 has an advantage for monitoring and some music such as classical. The Lux also can’t quite match the M-50’s black background and superior instrument separation.

      So what I’m saying is, between the phones you have compared to, there are plus and minuses. But certainly at the price that they’re selling
      for, the Lux is very very good. It won’t be as smooth as the HD598, but
      for indie rock I may like the Lux better than the HD598. I *may*.

      As for the DAC-amp..
      The Audinst AMP-HP would match well to improve the bass and punch of the
      The Audinst HUD-MX1 would match well to improve the soundstage and
      midrange of the HD660.
      The Asgard Schiit would match well to improve the overall sound quality
      of the HD660.

      • Reply September 14, 2011


        I would have to agree with mike as i also find a similarity in the differences between the DT880 vs HD668B. If you have never own any high end headphone before you should not be able to notice much and as it only cost about 10% or less of the (depending on where you get it) high end model it is a fair tradeoff. Most of the time I still prefer to use the HD668B as a universal headphone when compared to the DT880 eventhough it is more refine and smoother with the DT880

      • Reply September 14, 2011


        O wow you rock ! it s more than I was hoping for, cheers! 

        I think I ll go for the HD660 or his semi open lux equivalent paired with one of the 2 last amps you talked about. Indeed there is no point buying the 598 if I have to wait another month before being able to get a decent amp. I ll buy them later and actually I guess it s good to have spare cans especially with this headband problem on some sennheisers. 

  • Reply September 14, 2011

    Noj Kunnath

    Hey thanks alot,  it took some searching but i think i got some hd-330’s coming in the mail to the US.   Thanks for the write-up.  Gonna be comparing these to my senn hd-595′ once they do arrive. I just need more bass than what the 595’s provide.

    Thanks again

    • Reply September 15, 2011


      You’re welcome, Noj.

      However the HD330 will give you just a slight more bass than the HD595. The HD650 is more certain in that sense.

  • Reply September 18, 2011

    Syakir Zainol

    Will replacing the earpads to dt770 pads improve the SQ somehow?

    • Reply September 19, 2011


      Nope it will shift the tonal balance and I wouldn’t recommend it.

      • Reply September 19, 2011

        Syakir Zainol

        sorry, are you referring to the velour pads or the softskin?

        • Reply September 19, 2011


          DT770 only comes with Verlour no?

          • Reply September 19, 2011

            Syakir Zainol

            • Reply September 20, 2011


              Okay, I don’t remember about the DT770M. But from experience, different pads will always change the tonal balance, since the pads is a big part of the overall acoustic chamber. So i wouldn’t call it an improvement. Velour tend to add treble where leather tend to add bass. If the change happens to suit your needs then yes it would sound like an improvement. But seriously, it’s easier to get that perfect tonal balance with Itunes’ Equalizer.

  • Reply September 21, 2011

    Budi Kosanto

    Hello mike just wondering, i’ve listened to 668b from a friend of mine and quite pleased with its sounding.
    based on your opinion above the 660 was just better than 668b is that right? btw im going to pair it up with my schiit asgard.
    oh another question, whats your opinion about these superlux compared with k701 when it comes to treble (i assume those headphone were bright sounding)?

    • Reply September 21, 2011


      Hi Budi, 
      Please make sure that you understand the points of the comparison, and from what factors the HD660 was considered to be “better”. So don’t take it blindly as being “better”.

      I think the treble of these Superluxes are more crisp than the K701. The K701 is smoother. 

  • Reply September 22, 2011


    Hi Mike,
    Just got the Superlux HD 440 from Kantong Kresek. Try it for 3 hours for any kind of music. But I wonder there is a sound of cricket on the left side of headphone. I try with another headphones such as beyer, Marshall major,allesandro Msi,sony ZDR100, no such sound come up. Is it production defect??
    (Cricket= a leaping insect that has biting mouthparts, long legs, and antennae. The male produces a chirping sound by rubbing its forewings together. Family: Gryllidae)

  • Reply September 22, 2011


    Mike, if you want to hear cricket sound from HD440. Just play Love Me Tender from Elvis Presley. You can detect cricket sound follow the voice of Elvis. Dont use amp. You should hear direct from notebook,iphone 3 GS or CD Player. Sound such as….kriiik,kriiikk, seem exist from left side of headphone. I ask KK wheather any customer have same experience, not any. He asked me to email Michael Maryo to see the problem. Anyway,thanks Mike,just for your info.

    • Reply September 23, 2011


      Okay I don’t have any Elvis CDs around.. will try to find one. 

      • Reply September 23, 2011


        You can try Bee Gees song such as To Love Somebody,Emotion, Too Much Heaven, Heart Breaker. Keep volume at maximum level at your laptop or iphone or ipod or cd player…and when the bass start kicking,you will hear a cricket sound.

        • Reply September 23, 2011


          That sounds like the sound of distortion.

          • Reply September 23, 2011


            Mike, seem to me the driver of HD 440 can not keep up with strong  bass sound…..technical term  could be “overload”???Have you try it already or you just guessing???Tommorow, I have appointment with KK to get anaother replacement. But if the new unit is still the same with the old one, I suspicious that the h’phone can’t keep up with the strong bass presence???? Iam also bring v-Jays to convince KK that cricket sound is not present in v Jays.

            • Reply September 24, 2011


              That sounds like distortion, but I’m pretty surprised that you’re getting distortions from an Elvis Presley song.

          • Reply September 24, 2011


            It’s ok Mike.  My old hd440 just replace by the new one at KK shop today after they test the product and aknowledge that there is a cricket sound from the old hd440; The new one is ok. I just  unlucky to get defect product by random. Om B**i from KK is really very helpful. Thanks Mike.

            • Reply September 24, 2011


              Nice. Happy to hear that!

          • Reply September 24, 2011


            Mike, I just read some comments in Head-fi regarding superlux h’phone. Seem there are poor quality control exist at production site. But their service is ok. Just for your info.Thanks.

            • Reply September 27, 2011


              Thanks, Jebat.

    • Reply October 4, 2011


      hi Jebat99, 

      examining your problem, 
      is it (one side) somewhat “distorted” , like  “krrrr krrrr krrrr” ,  like something mechanic loosing when playing on certain frequencies (like some bass range or some treble range)? 

      is the volume of krrrrkkkkk big & annoying? or small but (also) annoying?

      please inform me about it. thank you

  • Reply September 22, 2011

    Syakir Zainol

    My HD660 has arrived. Just want to say that I cant wait for your HD661 review… because it has just being sold here now!

    • Reply September 23, 2011


      Nice. 😉

      The HD660 is a bigger headphone, whereas the HD661 is more comparable to say the Sony MDR-7506 so the sound is not going to be as big as the HD660.

  • Reply September 24, 2011

    Syakir Zainol

    OK, for those who have big heads like me, be careful. I had to remove the  HD660 headband to make the pads properly fit my ears.

    And today im replacing the cable because i dont like curly cable 🙂

  • Reply September 27, 2011


    Can’t wait for your review of the HD661s!  Yes please! 😀

    • Reply September 27, 2011


      Yes, JT. I really need to get it out ASAP. Sorry been trying to do multiple reviews at once.

  • Reply September 27, 2011


    hi. great review. 
    i wanna buy a HD660 but i’ve read that open headphones have always a better sound of close ones.
    so i don’t know if is better for me the HD668b.

    -you wrote this about HD 668b

    [quote]You can feel that there is a sense of space. Free, spacious, but the sound image is correct; it doesn’t exaggerate the music’s particular space. If the artist performed in a closed venue, then you will hear his/her voice echoing, while if the artist performed in a large, open venue, then you can hear him/her perform on the stage with his accompanying band personnels on their respective positions, his/her voice traveling through the open air, and you can tell which clapping and/or cheering audience is closer to the stage, and which ones are farther. It doesn’t sound crowded, everything is well-put, where they are supposed to belong.[/quote]

    -what about the sense of space whit the HD660?

    -I don’t know if the HD660 is very convenient, whit the polster pads of dt770 it costs 60€.
    The dt-770 pro 250ohm costs 120€, but the built quality is better.

    -is the Hd 660 suitable for large head? and Hd 668b?

    ps:sorry for my English. 

    thanks in advance. 

    • Reply October 6, 2011


      Hi sorry for missing your comment. 

      The part you quoted actually was written by another writer, Dhani, not me, but anyway
      the sense of space is not as open sounding with the HD660, but the way instruments are laid up are actually more accurate on the HD660. 

      Regarding the HD660 vs DT770:
      “As for the HD660 to DT770, they are very close sounding, but the HD660 has a more forward & engaging vocal which I find to be good. Driver resolution and refinement is not quite up to the DT770 range though. ”

  • Reply October 5, 2011


    Hi.. thanks for your review.

    which one of these would you recommend? HD668b, HD660 or HD330?
    I want to use it for music , games and movies.  I know that the HD668b has a wide soundstage but i didnt like the design and reviews seems to be leaning towards HD660. But i worried that it would not give a proper soundstage and surround since it is a ‘close back’ headphone.

    People also talk about Hd660 sound quality to be equally match to beyerdynamic dt770 and sometimes dt990. Is that true? If that is true, would the HD330 be equal to DT880 since it is also semi open headphone?

    Please help me decide. I am very new to the headphone world and anymore researching is just making me more confuse.


    • Reply October 6, 2011


      Sorry for missing your comment earlier. 

      I don’t think you’d find the HD660’s soundstage to be bad, as actually the soundstage imaging, how it layers the instruments around, is better than the HD668B — although yes you’d still get the closed headphone sensation which the HD668B doesn’t have. 

      As for the HD660 to DT770, they are very close sounding, but the HD660 has a more forward & engaging vocal which I find to be good. Driver resolution and refinement is not quite up to the DT770 range though. 

      The HD330 however is a little different than the DT880-990 and in this case you can’t just say that because they’re both semi-open then they would be similar. 

      I think the HD660 is my #1 choice for music games and movies. Although bass quantity and impact may not be sufficient for movies. But again you can’t have a headphone that does it all. 

      • Reply October 7, 2011


        Thank you very much for anwering. This is very much enough for me to decide which one i should take.  And you are right,  there is no headphone that does everything. I guess that is okay because I just want a headphone that is pretty much balance on all sort of things.

        I will take your advice and choose HD660.
        Thanks again for clearing things out for me.  ^_^

        • Reply October 7, 2011


          You’re welcome, Jon.

  • Reply October 6, 2011


    Hi Mike, 

    do you have any hints about what happened on ‘jebat99’ case?

    • Reply October 6, 2011


      Well usually distortions happen when the music is bass-heavy, and the music he posted aren’t exactly bass-heavy (I mean it’s Elvis?). So perhaps it’s just a case of a defective unit, and as he mentioned the problem is gone after he got a replacement unit. 

      • Reply October 7, 2011


        this problem is unrepairable? permanent manufacture defect?

        glad to have great aftersales service.

  • Reply October 17, 2011


    Hi Mike,
    I’m considering between the HD 661 and 660 – I’ve seen previous comments about how the 660 is slightly better technically. However, I don’t have a reference point because I have never heard both of them.
    I’ve only auditioned the Beyer DT880, Hifiman HE6 and I own a pair of Audio Technica AD500.
    Is it possible to describe (just briefly) the HD661 and 660 might sound more like any of these headphones?
    I’m more interested in the balance (low, mids, highs), clarity, separation, soundstage and overall tonality.

    I really appreciate it if you could help me out as I can’t audition the Superluxes – I have to buy them to get them.

    Thank you very much!

    • Reply October 18, 2011


      The HD660 is similar to the DT880 but with a more engaging midrange and vocal, though the soundstage is slightly smaller than the DT880.
      The HD661 is quite different than any of those.

      • Reply October 18, 2011


        Cool! Sounds like I’ve to try them out myself 😀

        And for such a low price, seems like getting 2-3 different ones to suit my mood/application seems fine!

  • Reply October 23, 2011


    Hey there Mike, your reviews caught me when I was looking for reviews for the Superlux headphones, particularly HD660 and HD661.

    I am wondering which of those does better at ballad/female vocals, basically all slow-paced songs. I like bright headphones with tight, punchy but quantitatively low(not overwhelming) bass and I wouldn’t like the mid to be too thick.

    Do you like the 660 or 661 more? Looking forward to your review on HD661.


    • Reply October 24, 2011


      Hi ChunHoe,
      Normally, my friends who listen to slow paced, ballad female vocals pick the HD440 as their favorite. The mids are nice, full bodied and tube like, but being clear enough so you won’t find it to be too thick. However the bass is a bit loose though it is not a boomy or bassy headphone.
      The HD661 is a portable and in the general scheme of things it is a less capable headphone than the HD660-440-330.

      • Reply October 24, 2011


        Hi Mike, thanks for your reply.

        I’m actually quite different as I prefer bass-light headphones, as much as I like them in pop rock, it gives me a headache after some time. What I always have on my priority list – clarity, detail, crisp sound and if possible a wider soundstage. Seems like it’s wrong to compare it to HD661?

        If what I read from reviews is correct, the HD668b is also close to what I want too, right? How does that compare to HD660?

        • Reply October 24, 2011


          Yes the HD661 is a smaller, portable headphone so it’s quite different than the HD660 (despite the number).
          The HD668B is semi open I think. And its sound signature falls in line to what I refer to as the Superlux monitoring line.
          As I wrote in the article:
          “Now, one of the reasons that I still hold back from making a wide recommendation of the Superlux headphones is that their tuning are mainly geared toward professional monitoring uses. From the HD662 to the HD669, all boasts great clarity and instrument separation, but mostly they have been too bright and too thin on the midrange section for good music listening purposes. Not so with these new generation Superluxes. The HD330, HD440, and the HD660 still boasts the same clear sound that you get on the other Superlux models, but with a tonal balance more suited for music listening.”

  • Reply October 24, 2011


    Hi. Please help me decide. I’m stuck between HD 668B or HD 440. I want to use it for movies & music too. Which is better?

    For your information, I’m still new to this stuff.

    Thanks in advance.

    • Reply October 24, 2011


      How about the HD660?

      • Reply October 25, 2011


        I’ll consider that. But between those two (HD 440 & HD 668B), which do you think is better? Especially when watching movies.

        • Reply October 25, 2011


          Watching movies…

          I don’t think either of the two is ideal. The bass on the HD440 is not that impactful, and the treble on the HD668B may be a little too sharp for movies.

          • Reply October 25, 2011


            Oh I see, thx for the fast reply. I guess HD 660 is the one to go then.

  • Reply October 24, 2011


    Ok best “all-arounder” 668B, HD330, HD660 or SRH840………..1………2……….3….GO!

    • Reply October 24, 2011


      I would go with the HD660.

  • Reply October 24, 2011


    Hi mike. How does the HD660 compare to grado like sr-60 and sr-80?

    • Reply October 24, 2011


      Hi Zen,
      The HD660 is smoother and less harsh, though still upfront but not as much as the Grados.
      It doesn’t sound as open as the Grados, obviously being closed, but the soundstage performance is far more correct and so is the imaging compared to the Grados.

      • Reply October 24, 2011


        So for rock, metal, … HD660 will be great but not as good as the grado but for everything else it will be better, right?

      • Reply October 27, 2011


        And which amp has the best Synergy with this headphone for rock, metal … under 100$? 

  • Reply October 30, 2011


    Hi, I listen to dubstep, I`m basshead. I have got HD681 but the bass is not enough for me. Which of Superlux`s have got the best bass ?

  • Reply November 5, 2011

    Chia Wei

    Hey Mike! Thanks I got my HD660 today after testing between it and other superluxes.
    It’s really good, especially after I pair it with a Hifiman EF5 with a CD player as source. It can surprisingly scale very well with good amping and sources!
    I am quite surprised it is only for about RM150 (about 50USD). It can outclass most other entry-level headphones even from major brands such as Senn, Beyer and Shure.
    Thanks for the recommendation!

  • Reply November 5, 2011


    Hi mike. the differences between HD660 and HD330 are only in the external part of the cup?

    • Reply November 7, 2011


      I actually have never opened them, so I wouldn’t know if they use different drivers. But judging from the way they sound, I think the drivers are the same on all three models just different acoustics from the shape of the cup.

    • Reply November 7, 2011


      I actually have never opened them, so I wouldn’t know if they use different drivers. But judging from the way they sound, I think the drivers are the same on all three models just different acoustics from the shape of the cup.

  • Reply November 6, 2011


    Hi mike, you said HD660 is the best rock headphone under 100$, do you mean it’s better than sr80 for rock?

    • Reply November 7, 2011


      The Grado sound remains unique, and I think it’ll always have some fans. So in that sense it’s hard to really say absolutely that the HD660 is best. However on the technical standpoint, the HD660 is better, while still having a very good signature for Rock.

    • Reply November 7, 2011


      The Grado sound remains unique, and I think it’ll always have some fans. So in that sense it’s hard to really say absolutely that the HD660 is best. However on the technical standpoint, the HD660 is better, while still having a very good signature for Rock.

    • Reply November 12, 2011


      I will agree with him, I had the SR60 and they were fatiguing after a while. Also they will leak like mad so people will hear you as if you have two speakers attached to your head and ambient noise will creep into your listening. These have more bass without an amp, i will say save your money for a higher end Grado and check those it, that’s what i’m going to do, even then they might not be keepers.

  • Reply November 6, 2011


    Hi mike, you said HD660 is the best rock headphone under 100$, do you mean it’s better than sr80 for rock?

  • Reply November 7, 2011


    hi mike. i have the hd660. it’s too small for me, i have a very big head :).
    do you think that the hd668b is a little bigger? thanks.

  • Reply November 7, 2011


    hi mike. i have the hd660. it’s too small for me, i have a very big head :).
    do you think that the hd668b is a little bigger? thanks.

    • Reply November 7, 2011


      I think it’s more or less the same. Too bad about the size, you must have very big head cause they fit my large-ish head just fine. 🙂

    • Reply November 7, 2011


      I think it’s more or less the same. Too bad about the size, you must have very big head cause they fit my large-ish head just fine. 🙂

  • Reply November 12, 2011


    Fantastic, got my HD660 +1 they barely fit under my ears and i have a big head 😛 I think they work as portables, the volume gets to a decent level where you don’t run the chance of damaging your hearing (out of a Sansa Fuze).

  • Reply November 14, 2011


    Hi Mike

    For Superlux hd440 which cup is the right or left channel no label indicator please help?

  • Reply November 19, 2011


    hello mike, i wonder how does the hd440 compare to esw9 or ad1000 prm in terms of vocal, sweetness and smoothness only. and is it good if i paired it with audinst mx1?

    • Reply November 19, 2011


      Hi Audiojunior,
      there are so many different things about the sound I don’t even know where to begin the comparison. 🙂

  • Reply November 26, 2011

    Emiya Shin

    Hi. After researching around a bit, I think I’ll be getting HD330 (more laid back and semi-open design). But one thing that is deterring me from getting it which is the 150 ohm impedance on the headphone. Will it perform well with the onboard audio? (Planning to get the DACs and the amps one by one.)

    • Reply November 26, 2011


      Hi Emiya,
      I really can’t say if your onboard audio will be able to do a good job with it. Perhaps add in something like the Fiio E10?

      • Reply November 26, 2011

        Emiya Shin

        Hmm… FiiO E10. I will consider about it. Mine’s a Realtek ALC883/ALC662. Will FiiO E6 be sufficient to drive the HD330? Thanks again.

        • Reply November 28, 2011


          The E6 with the HD330? It would probably have enough volume, but I don’t think it can do a good enough job. The HD330 will be better off with something like the E11.

  • Reply November 30, 2011


    Hi Mike,
    I am a noob when it comes to sound. But if you simply have to recommend one of the Superluxes to be used mostly for movies and games…which one would it be?
    Thanks. 🙂

    • Reply December 1, 2011


      Hi James,
      Either go with the HD330 or the HD660.

  • Reply December 2, 2011


    I was wondering which of the three headphones from Superlux is the best headphone for me. I listen to mostly trance and techno and relaxing sound music like Rokysopp’s In Space. I also might do some light computer gaming too.

    • Reply December 2, 2011


      I think you’ll be better off with the TMA-1 AIAIAI for trance, techno and Rokysopp.
      The HD660 would be good for computer gaming.

      • Reply December 2, 2011


        Unfortunately, the tma-1 AIAIAI is too expensive for me. 

        • Reply December 2, 2011


          Or instead of the TMA-1 you can get the Superlux HD651:

          The voicing is good for techno and trance, but obviously it’s not as smooth as the TMA-1.

          • Reply December 4, 2011


            My music don’t have a lot of bass.  It’s more trance like than techno.  Like symphony actually.  Is the 330 a better suited to general types of music than the 660?

            • Reply December 5, 2011


              It’s not about the bass actually, but the way trance and techno are recorded they are played better with the TMA-1.
              As for the 330-660, I’ve said a thing or two about their differences in the article.

  • Reply December 5, 2011

    Machiavelli Dragoon

    Which headphones are good for symphonies and house music?

  • Reply December 5, 2011

    Machiavelli Dragoon

    Which headphones are good for house music and symphony?

  • Reply December 18, 2011


    What’s the difference between the 660, HMD 660, and HMC 660?

  • Reply January 4, 2012

    Nick Daniel Neijndorff

    I’ve bought the HD-330, but since i’m a budget. What is a good cheap portable amp for this model?

    I was thinking about buying the FiiO E6 also to get some more bass.

    • Reply January 5, 2012


      • Reply January 8, 2012

        Nick Daniel Neijndorff

        wow that’s a good deal. Love the altoids box look, and read a lot of good review about it.
        Should i buy the 9 volt or 18volt. Is there a big difference ?

        • Reply January 9, 2012


          The 18V is better, but the 9V is more practical and is the version I use.

          • Reply January 9, 2012

            Nick Daniel Neijndorff

            Okay thanks for the advice Mike!

            • Reply January 9, 2012


              When you’re at home, plug in the Cmoy to an 18V power adapter to get better sound.

  • Reply January 5, 2012


    Hi there Mike! Very nice review of the new slux models! 🙂

    I really am confused which to buy from HD330, 660, and 668B. I usually listen to Gospel RnB, Alternative, Jazz, and Classical.

    The reason I’m torn apart from choosing is that I’d also like to have a cMoyBB headphone amp. The thing is, the configuration for 668B is 1x9V w/ lower gain; and for HD330 and 660 is 2x9V because of its 150 ohms impedance. So basically, I have to choose only one configuration for the cMoyBB and choose from 668b or from either 330 and 660.

    Please help me, thanks a lot! 🙂


    • Reply January 5, 2012


      Oh by the way, I really am siding more with 668B because of the wiring features included in it. I can just replace the wires if it broke!

      But please do convince me that HD330 or HD660 does sounds better than 668B both with cMoyBB amp. 🙂

  • Reply January 15, 2012


    Is the HD660 better than the HD661 for music listening/enjoyment?

    • Reply January 16, 2012


      The HD660, yes. Overall it’s the bigger sounding headphone, but it’s also physically bigger whereas the HD661 makes for a better portable.

      • Reply January 16, 2012


        Thanks for the info!

  • Reply January 15, 2012


    Hey there Mike!
    I was just wondering which would be teh best for PC gaming in general
    the 662, the 668B or the 660.

    • Reply January 16, 2012


      I would go with the 662B.

  • Reply January 24, 2012

    Fernandez Lim

    Any idea about what will be difference between the Samson SR850 and Superlux HD660 in terms of Bass and Soundstage and Comfortability?

    • Reply January 24, 2012


      Hi Fernandez, 
      Sorry I’ve never tried the Samson. 

  • Reply January 25, 2012


    yo mike, which one is better , because i want to plug it in my 50watts guitar amp to practice, which one is the most suitable ?

    • Reply January 26, 2012


      I’m totally inexperienced with that sort of situations as I don’t play Guitar. Try the HD660 perhaps?

      • Reply January 26, 2012


        bro, so which one is better for hearing music? i want closed headphones, so i can get the sound accurately

        • Reply January 26, 2012


          Steve, the HD660 is closed. You can go with it then.

          • Reply January 27, 2012


            is it better than the 661, bacause many people said the 661 is better, and is the 661 closed headphones? sorry for asking a lot, 

            • Reply January 27, 2012


              The HD661 is closed, but the HD660 is still the better headphone, just bigger.

  • Reply January 30, 2012


    Hi Im planning to buy either hd660 or hd661 tomorrow.  Hope i wont regret it.  But i’d take my chances.  Since Im on a tight budget,  I know hd660 needs an amp.  Will the Fiio E5 do?  or I really need atleast an E6 or and E11?
    If thats the case Im gonna have to go to hd661 then? because i can use it without an amp… if I understood all the comments here right?
    (thanks for all your replies here Mike.  I really learnt alot)

    • Reply January 30, 2012


      Hi Hiro, 
      For me the question would me more into: do you need a portable or a full size? Because if you don’t need a portable then the HD660 is just better. 

      Also while the E5/E6 are great, you’ll get better results with a JDSLabs Cmoy. 

      • Reply January 30, 2012


        OMG Mike! you did it again! I guess that cmoy is indeed doable.

        I think I’ll go for the HD661 and then pair it with the DIY cmoy amp.
        Although I dont go outside while listening to music, I believe time will come when I have a decent HP 😀  and that will start tomorrow LOL!. (normally I listen to music while surfing/ playing games on my PC)

        ***How can i edit my post? should be = (need atleast an E6 or an* E11?)
        Thanks alot  Mike!!! you’re the best!
        I didn’t thought I’d get a reply that quick! and learned another thing about that cmoy amp :))

        • Reply January 30, 2012


          Let me know how you like the HD661, Hiro.

          • Reply January 31, 2012

            Hiro Angelo

            Got my HD661 now Mike! 😀  Thanks to you!  I wanted the HD660 but I guess Im gonna have to get an amp first.  After I have a decent amp I’ll go buy myselft another 660 for home use and my 661 for outdoors 😀

  • Reply February 1, 2012


    I found the Superlux hd 330 about 30 dollars in Italy, the hd 660 is 50 dollars… maybe the hd 330 is the better value. 

    • Reply February 2, 2012


      Yes that’s quite a big difference in price. Although I must say the HD660 wins my heart more than the HD330.

  • Reply February 2, 2012

    Carlos Taco

    Which will suit better with Pop, Soul/R&B/vocals? HD330 or the HD660? Talking about musical engagement/intimacy.

    • Reply February 2, 2012


      They are both good with musicality and intimacy. The HD660 has a better attack and is faster paced, the HD330 warmer and mellower. 

      • Reply February 2, 2012

        Carlos Taco

        So the HD330 would likely be the one to make me fall asleep right? I’ve always wanted a relaxing sound.

        • Reply February 3, 2012


          If a relaxing sound is what you’re after, the HD440 is even more relaxed. But the sound is mid centric and doesn’t have enough bass.

  • Reply February 17, 2012

    Nahum Bolt

    Hi Mike, thanks for an awesome review 😀 My Sony MDR-XDR200 have finally broken and Im looking to get the Superlux HD-660. My questions are thus:

    Do you think they will sound better than the Sonys? (I really enjoyed the sound of them)

    Do you think that my electric piano will drive them because I want to avoid getting a headphone amp which would mean extra cost?

    How are they in comparison to the Superlux HD-662F that I am also considering in getting?

    With thanks in advance 🙂

    • Reply February 17, 2012


      I have no idea how that Sony sounds.
      I also have no idea if your electric piano will drive them, but I would guess yes. With the HD662F? What will you be using this for?

      • Reply February 17, 2012

        Nahum Bolt

        Thanks for the reply Mike 🙂 Usually be used for the piano, but also listening to Punk, Prog Rock, Ska, Power Metal, instrumental music (like Russian Circles) and classical also. Are they nice and comfortable? I will be having them on for hours at a time you see. Thanks again Mike, first time I’ve come across this website and I’m enjoying it.

  • Reply February 26, 2012


    mike which has more bass?  hd660 or hd668b ?

    • Reply February 27, 2012


      The bass impact is stronger in the HD668B.

  • Reply February 26, 2012


    mike which has more bass? hd660 or hd668? and which one is the best all rounder?

  • Reply March 4, 2012

    ville heinonen

    Should I wait like 1 month to get hd330 or buy hd681b now?

    • Reply March 5, 2012


      Well the sound is different. It’s up to you.

  • Reply March 6, 2012

    Martin Vyroubal

    Are these (330 or 660) good for wide genre of music? I like soundtracks (Hans Zimmer “films” or Amelie from Montmartre) also Queen, Guns n Roses, Korpiklaani and many other rock bands and sometimes dance music like Prodigy, Faithless, Amon Tobin etc. What Im really not listenning is just RAP, hiphop and any kind of music like that. Im looking for Headphone max $200. I tried AKG 701 (not under $200 😀 ), Beyer 660, AKG 271MK2, A-T A910, Sennheiser 518/598, Shure 440, Fostex T7B (sorted how the sound was good for me). Where these should be? Or what would you recommend? Oh, source will be computer with modded Creative X-fi without amp, FLAC format.
    Thanks for any help because Im getting desperate.

    • Reply March 7, 2012


      Hi Martin,
      Some very tough demands there. I think the HD660/330 would be good for the soundtrack and the rock bands, but not so much with Prodigy.
      It’ll probably be best to get two different headphones to your music, but I’m not sure we can keep the budget under $200. You’re asking for too much man! 😉

      • Reply March 16, 2012

        Martin Vyroubal

        Thanks Mike. I thought so. But Im lucky guy and found good priced half year old K701. Now I will have to read your blog to find good headphone amp 🙂 

  • Reply March 15, 2012

    Novwal Heqqi

    Mike, i’m planning to buy HD660+Fiio E11 combo in the near future. do you think it would make the best out of it? because in my country its really hard to get Cmoy and although they ship worldwide but the shipping rate would probably cost more than the Cmoy itself 🙁 the only viable option left is Soundmagic A10. what do you think?
    Thanks Mike

    • Reply March 15, 2012


      Well, if that’s the only option.. 

      • Reply March 15, 2012

        Novwal Heqqi

         just noticed you come from Indonesia, same as i am ;). how much did you pay for those Cmoy and maybe you could help me of how to buy them. maybe there’s a seller here that i dont know
        terima kasih sebelumnya

        • Reply March 16, 2012


          Most of these stuff needs to be imported, unfortunately.

  • Reply March 24, 2012

    Mr. Ertai

    Hi Mike, do you think the HD440 can be driven by D2+Boa or it needs D4? Would it be a good match?

    • Reply March 24, 2012


      Never tried that particular combination, but the D2 should do the job. These cans are not that hard to drive.

      • Reply March 26, 2012

        Mr. Ertai

        I see. On Superlux product website it states 150 ohm, so im guessing it would be harder than DT770 80 ohm? That was my initial concern.

        What kind of amp do you think suits HD 440? Between say Digizoid Z02.3, FiiO E11, iBasso D2+Boa, Hippo Box+, CmoyBB2.03

        • Reply March 28, 2012


          Yes it’s 150 ohms, but 150 ohms are not that difficult to drive. I would go for the E11, but as I’ve said it’s not too difficult and it’s not too picky about amplifier pairings.

          • Reply March 31, 2012

            Mr. Ertai

            Hi Mike, I recently got the HD440 based on your review (thank you). Seems like it sounds much better when plugged to my laptop than my iPhone 3Gs (even when its amped).

            Interesting that you mentioned E11 because thats what I decided to take. When I paired it with E11, it gives a ‘warmer’ sound, improving the bass (EQ1) and rolling off the treble highs, making it more easy listening to an already ‘bright’ sounding cans. Even with the roll offs, it is still ‘clear’ sounding. I think I could have done well with Cmoy BB too.I did find the mids in HD440 to be slightly too ‘laid back’ for my taste though. The vocal took a step than I would have liked. I would prefer the ”sweet and full midrange’ to come closer/forward to me, making it more intimate, focusing on the ‘sweet and full midrange’ that you talk about :)From my research, I believe there is an amp that can help me fix that – GoVibe Mini Box amp. Do you have any other recommendations?


            • Reply March 31, 2012


              Good description.. the HD440 is funny in that the vocals are indeed laid back, even though the mids are full (I think I mentioned that on the review?). I don’t think an amp would change that presentation.

    • Reply March 24, 2012


      Never tried that particular combination, but the D2 should do the job. These cans are not that hard to drive.

  • Reply April 2, 2012


    Hi Mike, your reviews seem to be among the very few that are actually useful, so thank you. Question is, which Superlux cans are the most suitable for mixing/producing house music? Thanks 🙂

  • Reply April 7, 2012


    Good impressions, Ertai. And yes the Sony’s mids are nice and warm, but still there are other areas that the HD440 does better at. 🙂

    • Reply April 8, 2012

      Mr. Ertai

      Yes you are right. I think HD440 does have better SQ: much clearer trebles and better bass compared to MDR-570’s more relaxed, warm, soft, muffled sound. But for the crucial presentation, I guess I just need to rant that part out.

      Oh, and I already received the GVMB amp – its just a simple and clean amp. So you are also right about not being able to change the presentation. Sigh..

      Maybe someone else would appreciate the laid back presentation more than I do. But I hope the guys from Superlux are reading this and take into consideration.

      Putting my rant aside, they deserve a lot of credit and have done a great job on price : sound quality ratio. I hope they continue what they do and come out with a HD441 (or something) that puts Jamie Cullum ON the stage, the way I think it’s meant to be 🙂

      • Reply April 9, 2012


        Yes plus and minuses, as in any headphone. Likewise the MDR570LP has weaknesses too. 🙂

        • Reply April 12, 2012

          Mr. Ertai

          Mike, this is getting interesting.. I think the HD440 is revealing different things to me now.. Or at least I am seeing it in a different way..

          I never saw it this way before but now I am starting to imagine Andy McKee playing ON stage and me being seated back on the 10-15th row from the auditorium stage (depending on your volume). Sometimes, depending on the song, I could imagine myself standing just a few rows from the concert stage.

          Basically, I think the midrange that is presented from the back creates this hollowness (or empty space of air in between) which creates this imaging depth.When I visualize it this way, the ‘confusing’ headphone start to make more sense, in a 3D way. I never expect myself to say this, but.. cool 🙂 But of course, the soundstage is not as wide as ATH-AD700 but didn’t you prefer depth over width when it comes to 3D imaging?At first I doubted this, so I started playing more ‘Live’ recordings and it really seems to fit in! Even studio recordings can work but the depth is reduced, but it is definitely still ‘there’. Haha..I’m not sure it if would work for all types of songs, and I suppose it largely depends on how the source was recorded. But now I can’t help but laugh at myself 😀

          • Reply April 13, 2012


            That’s correct, the depth in the soundstage is good on the HD440. With the HD660 you get just as good depth but more accurate imaging. The AD700 just feel spacious but there is no real depth in the soundstage.

  • Reply April 27, 2012

    Chow Chi Eng

    How’s hd440 and hd 660’s bass amount,extension and impact comparing to say m50 and srh440,840?

    • Reply April 27, 2012


      The HD440 is not so big on bass. Not bass light but rather lacks impact. 

      The HD660 is more fun in terms of bass. It doesn’t have a lot of quantity, but punches fast, tight and the impact is good. The pace of the bass is faster than the M-50 and the SRH840, tighter, but less quantity than both those headphones. If you’ve heard the HD25-1 bass, the HD660 is quite like that.

      • Reply April 28, 2012

        Chow Chi Eng

        Thanks for the comparison, Mike!

        I guess the superluxes are brighter comparing to than three of them.

        Something unrelated to sound.
        How comfortable are them? I have a big head and ear,always have problem with shallow earcups. Are they deeper than m50? And do you have problem finding their replacement pads?

        • Reply April 30, 2012


          I really haven’t use them enough to need replacement pads, but as for the fit.. they are quite comfortable. They press less than the M-50 and the cups (at least the 330-440-660) are deeper than the M-50. The M-50’s pleather is a better quality than the ones used in the Superluxes, so plus and minuses.

  • Reply April 28, 2012

    Sundara Raja

    Hello Mike,
    Is it absolutely necessary to get an amp if I want to enjoy the HD660.
    Or should I just opt for the HD669 or HD440 instead of spending money on the amp?
    Cos I’m in a tight budget here. 🙁

    Thanks for the advice. 🙂

    • Reply April 30, 2012


      HD660 and get a cheap amp.

    • Reply April 30, 2012


      The HD660 makes for a great pairing with the Cmoys.

      • Reply May 1, 2012

        Sundara Raja

          Ok..what do think about FiiO E5 or E6?

        Maybe even E3?

        Which one do you suggest.

        • Reply May 2, 2012


          You can, but the Cmoy is going to be better. 🙂

  • Reply May 26, 2012

    D.r. Hilerio

    I’ve just received my HD660 in the mail and been doing some A/B comparisons with some of my favorite rock headphones using a Burson amp. In short, it’s good. Fast with a good amount of tightly controlled bass. The mids are nice and upfront, while the highs are also nicely prominent.

    The Beyerdynamic DT1350 and AIAIAI Tracks are my #1, #2 for rock. The HD660 hold its own with both of them. The HD660 is fast, like the Tracks, but the DT1350 is faster and with smoother, more upfront mids. The bass on the HD660 is more upfront than the DT1350, beating the DT1350 in volume and punch. But the Tracks’
    bass is deeper and punchier than both. The Tracks’ recessed mids and narrow
    soundstage hold it back, which is not surprising being an ultra portable. Where
    the Tracks and DT1350 absolutely slay the HD660 is resolution at higher
    frequencies. Cymbals sound life-like through the Tracks and DT1350, in
    everything from classic Yes to Hendrix to Nine Inch Nails. The HD660 have some
    brightness to them but are slightly choppy at higher frequencies, missing out
    on detail the Tracks and DT1350 happily provide. One thing the HD660 does
    better than both is having better tonal balance. And maybe a wider soundstage.

    Fit-wise, the HD660 barely fits my melon-sized head, at even maxed out
    capacity. The Beyerdynamics DT770/880/990 headphones are much larger and oodles
    more comfortable. I must admit the DT770’s velour pads do add comfort to the
    HD660, making them easier to wear for long sessions.

    Other headphones I’ve tried for rock: AKG K181DJ (too much bass), M-Audio
    Q40 (great with neutral amp), V-Moda M80 (good but not enough sparkle), Fidelio
    L1 (mids too recessed to the point vocals sound distant), HD25-1-II (ditto), HD650
    (good for slower stuff), HD5000 (ditto), Grado SR225 (too much sparkle), Shure
    SRH940 (ditto X 100).

    • Reply May 26, 2012


      Nice impression there, Dr. Hilerio.

  • Reply June 6, 2012

    Buda Álmos

    Mike you’re review is really nice, but I’m still confused! Which Superlux do you recommend for PRODUCING rock music, so monitoring instruments AND record vocals without sound leaking? I was thinking about the 668B for a long time but than I realized that for clear vocal recordings a closed headphone would be a better choice. So I started to read about the 669, as it’s basically considered to be the closed version of the 668B. But there are just a few reviews about it, and I couldn’t decide. Could you please point out the main differences between the HD-669 and the HD-660?

    • Reply June 6, 2012


      Buda, the HD669 is more neutral and would be the better choice for monitoring.

      • Reply June 6, 2012

        Buda Álmos

        Thanks for the fast reply, it’s really good that you keep answering in this thread! Then what about the HD662 (normal, B or F)? Some people say HD662F is the best Superlux for studio purposes. I’m really getting confused, everybody say something else. I would be happy if I could also just enjoy my music with the headphone AND use it for recordings, but of course I know I cannot get everything with just one can. So my preference is studio work, how does the 662 stack up against the 669?

        • Reply June 6, 2012


          I’ve never really compared the two directly, Buda. The 662 would also be good for studio mixing, but the HD669 may be the better one of the two.

  • Reply December 5, 2012


    The HD660 really IS a great headphone for rock!

    • Reply December 5, 2012


      You got the HD660?

      It’s awesome, right? I think it’s more fun than the DT770 80 and 250Ω.

      • Reply December 5, 2012


        I am mainly a classical man, as you know, but I didn’t want to stop listening to rock once I plugged it in. Surprisingly non-harsh in the treble, too. I don’t listen to any music that is THAT fast, so I didn’t think it would make a huge difference. I was wonderfully wrong. Even though it is a bit tricky to get in the USA, still very much worth the price. Thanks for this review!

  • Reply April 9, 2013


    Did someone try Beyer genuine leather ear pads on on of these Superluxes?

    • Reply April 9, 2013


      No, sorry not me.

      • Reply April 11, 2013


        I’ve bought the HD330 for 27 € now. After a short listening session my impression is as follows:


        * the inner diamter of the original pads are to small for me, so the the phones are kind of semi-supra-aural and not comfortable at all.

        * the pressure on the ears is a bit high, but everything can be bend, because it’s made of metal


        * I did not like the sound of the original pads. It seems to be a bit bassy/boomy and not very balanced. Still the sound is bett than what I would have expected from a 27 € headphone.

        * After 5 minutes I’ve changed to the Beyer genuine leather ear pads. IMHO the sound is much clearer and less boomy now, a big step forward. Also the comfort inreases _a lot_!

        • Reply April 11, 2013


          So does that €27 include the Beyer pads?

          • Reply April 11, 2013


            No, I already had the Beyer leather pads here. They cost ~50 € at the German Beyer online shop. Maybe the Beyer pleather pads (~17 €) have the same effect.

  • Reply May 21, 2013

    gmail user gmail

    sir any comments on the Superlux HD631 headphones? how does it fare compared to the HD660 ones?

  • Reply May 26, 2013


    hi, I’m maybe looking to get one of these for movies and music. Would the HD330 give me least “singing/talking in my head” due to it’s open design?

    • Reply May 27, 2013


      Well you need something more open than that, perhaps a Grado headphone, but it’ll leak like crazy

      • Reply May 29, 2013


        Thanks for the reply. I don’t think I’ll like the Grados because I hear they’re very aggressive and I get fatigued easily. I just got a Sennheiser HD518 instead. I’ll probably get the HD660 next for a closed set.

        • Reply May 30, 2013


          Alright you’re welcome

  • Reply September 6, 2013

    bbr films

    hallo there, you got a nice site! I need headphones for
    mixing/mastering, i’m between superlux hd330, shure SRH240A-E, SAMSON
    SR850C, audio-technica-ath-m35.

    my budget is 40-60 euros, could you reccomend me any headphones for mixing/mastering?Thank you!

    • Reply September 9, 2013


      The Superlux should be better than all of them except the Samson which I’ve never heard.

      • Reply September 9, 2013

        bbr films

        But which one superlux is really good for mixing/mastering?
        Thanks for your reply! 🙂

        • Reply September 10, 2013


          The HD668,669,662 would be my choices.

  • Reply September 11, 2013


    Hi, which Superlux model would you recommend for normal music listening (mainly rock music) without DAC/AMP on my laptop? sry for hard question, but I can’t efford any dac/amp in the near future…

  • Reply September 12, 2013


    Hi, which Superlux model would you recommend for normal music listening (mainly rock music) without DAC/AMP on my laptop? sry for hard question, but I can’t efford any dac/amp in the near future…

  • Reply September 12, 2013


    Hi, which Superlux model would you recommend for normal music listening (mainly rock music) without DAC/AMP on my laptop? sry if the question is too hard to answer (lack of DAC/AMP), but I can’t efford any DAC/AMP in the near future…

    • Reply September 12, 2013



      • Reply September 12, 2013


        Thanks for the answer! Isn’t 150 Ohms too much for usage without amp?

        • Reply September 12, 2013

          Dave Ulrich

          Your computer does have an amp in it. It should be able to drive it fine. My laptop can. It sounds better out of the ALO National per instance, but it still does fine straight from the computer.

          • Reply September 13, 2013


            inbuild amp in my laptop? I’ve never heard about that… are you sure sth like that exists? I don’t have any professional sound card.

            • Reply September 13, 2013

              Dave Ulrich

              Does your laptop have a headphone out? Then it has an amp.

        • Reply September 13, 2013


          Yeah I wrote somewhere that full sizes can benefit from an amp.

  • Reply September 12, 2013


    Hi, which Superlux model would you recommend for normal music listening (mainly rock music) without DAC/AMP on my laptop? sry if the question is too hard to answer (lack of DAC/AMP), but I can’t efford any DAC/AMP in the near future…

  • Reply September 26, 2013

    Ciptadi Satyawirawan

    Hi Mike…
    out of those three cans,which one do you recommended for jazz listening?

  • Reply September 26, 2013

    Ciptadi Satyawirawan

    Hi Mike…
    out of those three cans,which one do you recommended for jazz listening?

    • Reply September 26, 2013


      They’re all good. I would go with the 660 first, 330, then 440 last.

  • Reply January 3, 2014


    Hi Mike, I´m looking for some cheap headphones mostly for home listening. I would prefere closed model, but it is not the most important thing … It si quality of sound for all kind of music. The source will be microsystem. I like balanced sound in all ways with little bit more bass feeling. I think about HD 660, 661, Fostex TH-7B … or some other advice ? I have Senn PX 100 and Klipsch S4 (more bass then I need) Thanks

    • Reply January 15, 2014


      Hi, get an entry level Senn? Since you are good with the Senn px100

  • Reply January 14, 2014


    On sound quality alone. Should I take HD330 over CAL? Thanks

    • Reply January 15, 2014


      Yes though the CAL is a pretty fun sounding headphone.. so it’s not a clear-cut choice.
      And the CAL is something you can take/wear outside.

      • Reply January 15, 2014


        Thanks Mike.

      • Reply January 15, 2014


        One more thing. Because the superlux is cheap for a headphone, i’m wondering if i get the hd660, what other superlux headphone will compliment it? I know the question is vague.(and im not a native english speaker). Let’s say from what I read, the Hd660 is great for rock. Then what model will be great for let’s say, vocals or live performances.(unless the hd660 performs great at them too). I never listen to club,and hiphop by the way. Thank you.

        • Reply January 15, 2014

          Dave Ulrich

          The HD660 is quite neutral and does fine with most music. I wouldn’t say it is GREAT with the vocals, however.

        • Reply January 16, 2014


          The HD660 is great for vocals and live performances as well..

  • Reply April 23, 2014

    Mario Dalisay

    the HD660 really rocks! Paul Gilbert flac + Fiio e6 blue eq + HD660 = budget-fi WIN
    guys this HP is legit for rock! don’t hesitate to buy one if you read the review and find the HD660 interesting

    thanks for the review sir Mike!

    • Reply April 23, 2014

      Dave Ulrich

      Finally! The HD660 doesn’t get its due.

  • Reply July 22, 2014

    Daryle Edmond Dakis

    Thank you for this review. I’m about to purchase a pair of headphones and I’m choosing among these three and the Superlux HD681 EVO. I’m just not quite sure which to pick.

    My initial pick is the EVOs, but after reading your review, I’m thinking of buying either the 330 or the 440. I mainly listen to just pop, rock, jazz, some R&B. No heavy metal or hip-hop. I also have a FiiO Rocky to pair it with.

    Any suggestions? Thank you.

  • Reply December 9, 2014


    Hi Mike, can you please compare the Superlux HD681 and the HD330? i have HD681 already for 2-3 years, im happy with it, but i was just wondering would the HD330 be an improvement… Im listening and mix/master rock/metal music.thx

    • Reply December 9, 2014


      Mike is no longer around Frank, this is a 2011 article. sorry

      • Reply December 10, 2014


        thx for the reply anyway :). is there anybody in the current team who can help me out with my question? or any other suggestions? thx a lot, Frank

        • Reply December 10, 2014

          Dave Ulrich

          Well, I have only heard the HD660, but I think that might be a good one for you to give a listen. It is very linear, with tight, punchy bass, clear treble and surprising good detail for the price point.

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