Beyerdynamic has been releasing quite a few top quality closed headphones recently like the T70 and T90 and now this awesome looking Custom One Pro. Thanks to the good people from Beyerdynamic in Heilbron – Germany, we were able to get one of the first 200 official review samples and that’s why you’re reading one of the first reviews on
Build quality and looks
As we are used from German companies, Beyerdynamic pays attention to build quality. You get a very well built basic cardboard box with a flap but to my surprise there isn’t even a carrying bag inside (isn’t that standard nowadays, certainly at this price point?). In all seriousness though, we don’t really care about the boxes here at Headfonia. The Custom Pro One in one word looks “awesome²” and it looks like it can take a beating too. It uses the same basic design as the DTXX0 series with the metal construction, but all the other parts are a bit more “plastic-like” even when they’re not. Hard to explain but just look at the pictures at the end of the article. Weighing 280-290gr this headphone feels very light and as we’re used from Beyerdynamic, comfort is excellent. The easily replaceable pads on the Custom Pro one are made from pleather and while they seem to be a bit smaller as the velour pads of the other Beyer headphones they still fit wonderfully around your ear. They are really soft and seal off just great. The only discomfort I had was that my ears got hot very quickly in this heat wave we’re having here, much quicker as with the M50s. You can of course buy Beyerdynamic’s velour pads but I’m sure that will have an impact on the sound. I’m pretty sure they chose this material for a good (sound)reason. The headband is removable (velcro) and it is also made out of fake leather, it is very soft and you can hardly feel it on your head. I can see myself wearing this headphone for hours without it bothering me, it doesn’t crush my head like some other headphones and it stays in place when moving your head, pretty much like any Beyer headphone. Do note it could very well be possible that clamping force might be stronger for others users.
The unit we received was completely black but in pictures on the internet you can see different parts can be customized (covers, rings, ear and headband pads). This headphone was clearly developed with street credibility in mind. Anyway, our unit was black and came with two different “ear cup” customization plates (the tool to use was provided as well). One with a fake carbon like look and one with a more metal look (check the pictures at the end of the article). To be honest I like it most plain black with the standard “plates” with the logo on it. It’s a bad ass looking headphone and maybe the first one I would dare wear outside on the street or in the train.
Beyerdynamic also decided to use a detachable cable for their latest release, quite the surprise! It is a 1.5m really flexible tangle free cable finished in a 3.5 mm plug with an adapter. There is no cable noise and I’m guessing the cable is OCC but the only info we got from Beyerdynamic was that it was made from PVC. It’s also mentioned like this on the box and made me smile. Headphone entry is on the left side and they used a standard 3.5 mm plug. I’ve read about an iCable being available as well but we didn’t receive it. The only bad thing about the cable is there is no fix like with the AIAIAI TMA where you have to turn it sideways (not ideal either). I would suggest not to disconnect your cable to often if you want it to stay in tight for a long period.
Sorry for the long “looks” part but as this is one of the selling points of this Custom One Pro I found it important to talk about.
Sound & Customisation
The drivers are 16ohm(!!) units (5-35000Hz) and they state the driver membranes are one of the lightest in the world, making it really precise and delivering a rapid audio performance available from all kind of (portable) sources (pro and consumer). This is a closed headphone and should produce 18db attenuation, I found it to isolate very well and I couldn’t hear any sound leaking when a friend was auditioning them.
Not only the looks of the Custom One Pro can be modified but also the sound (bass) can be tuned. Beyerdynamic isn’t the first company to incorporate this in to a head/earphone design but it is no standard feature either. On each side of the headphone on the bottom of the cup there is a small lever you can slide to adjust the bass. There are four different positions: Light bass, Linear, Vibrant bass and Heavy bass, in that order. Basically you open or close “air holes” to tune the bass. With these four settings this headphone should be able to cover everyone’s needs, even the bass heads among us. In position four, maximum bass, there is a 20db bass boost. Pretty impressive!
It’s very easy to change the bass setting and it actually works very well. I’ve read people saying it hardly had any effect on the sound but I completely disagree with that. This bass boost works really good and with your DAP on shuffle you can easily switch to the bass level you want for each new song. I prefer setting 3 for most of my music but I did find myself switching to different settings quit often. For most music the ultimate bass setting was too much for me and with extreme bass songs the the bass got really loose, but with one click left and right that was instantly solved. So depending on your music and your mood you can modify the sound to your liking really quickly. This headphone isn’t one for the non bass lovers who never use the bass boost on amps and so, from setting (2-) 3 to 4 you get extra bass that will probably be too much for you. Well you could always leave it in the first setting, but then what’s the point of buying this bass adjustable unit? The picture of the graph in the media gallery shows the different bass settings and their effect on the sound.
Sound wise I still notice the Beyerdynamic house signature of the DT series (the thinner mids) but it is less apparent. When listening to Dubstep, R&b, Dance, Rap or Popular top40 music, so practically anything that’s been recorded with a lot of bass and treble, you get great sound and of course great bass. And let’s be honest, a lot of people who will be buying this headphone will listen to these genres. Listening to Rock, Punk & Metal like Billy Talent, Foo Fighters, Nirvana, Machine Head you hear it is a fast sounding headphone working great for these genres. On the other hand with music like Jazz such as Vaya Con Dios, Melody Gardot, or even Buena Vista, Manu Chao, Queen, Eddie Vedder, O.A.R., Roy Orbison and Elvis Presley it is less impressive because of the mids being more in the background. It makes me miss a big part of the feeling of these songs. Classical music I did not really enjoy with this headphone. It just doesn’t feel right, I tried all the famous composers, different recordings but couldn’t find anything suitable. But in the Custom’s defense, I don’t think it was developed for that.
So in general the mids are a bit thinner (not as much as with some other Beyers), they are not as present as the bass (depending in your setting of course) and the treble. I’m missing a bit of soul in the mids, they’re too much in the background. Treble wise this isn’t the most extended headphone but it does fairly good. It’s not too harsh or rolled of and I find it to be very well tuned. Bass depending on your setting goes from light to very deep. It isn’t the most detailed bass but man does it have power, depth and rumble. Sound stage wise this closed headphone isn’t the widest or deepest but for this price point, taking into account it’s a closed headphone, I think it’s pretty good.
Amplification & Headphone comparisons
Amplification is not needed, but it does give more body and power to your sound and that is always a pleasure to listen too. I’ve been using the JDSLabs C421 and Fiio E10 + E11 mostly, there is absolutely no use for big desktop amps but I did try it with the 339 and V200 as well, but the difference with the C421 i.e. is minimal for this headphone.
The difference with the Audio Technica M50 is noticeable in all sectors, the M50’s treble is a lot more sparkling and the mids are reasonably fuller. The bass section however is better on the Custom Pro One. So while technically the M50, which is a great headphone, is strongest, the Custom Pro One to me is the more fun sounding headphone. The fun factor is just better, mostly due to the bass and the typical sound it produces. Comfort wise it also beats the M50. Is the M50 the overall better sounding audiophile headphone? Probably it is, it’s just not as fun as the Custom Pro One when listening to the right kind of music.
Compared to the AIAIAI TMA-1 Studio (review to follow), which also is a bass/treble liking headphone, you can clearly notice the AIAIAI was tuned exclusively for dance music. The Beyer is clearly the overall better sounding headphone, the AIAIAI is sounding really veiled compared to the Beyer. There’s no use comparing it to the double costing closed Tesla driver T70 from Beyer either. Sound wise these are in two different worlds. The T70 being an absolute audiophile level headphone with a whole lot more detail and sound stage. Of course it can’t touch the Custom’s bass but that’s no surprise for anyone.
Unfortunately it was Mike who tested the AKG K550 so I can’t compare it to that headphone immediately but I will try to add that later.
The Beyerdynamic Custom One Pro (what a name!) is a stunning looking headphone, and with its smaller size I can even see myself using it outside my house or office. The headphone sounds fairly balanced but there is the Beyer thing with the mids. On the other hand it’s no big surprise as this do kind of is the Beyer house sound. It wouldn’t compete for the best closed headphone award in general as this hardly is a strong analytical or revealing headphone with a huge sound stage but it would and does score extremely high in the fun category and “feeling the music”. The bass customization is really something useful and I think they will score big with this feature. Can this headphone do all genres? Yes of course, just take into account the V-shaped Beyer signature. If the Beyer house sound is something you like, then you will love this headphone for sure. I can’t say I’m the biggest fan of the Beyer mids as you’ve noticed by now but this headphone is so addictive and sounds so fun that it is the only one I have used for the last 2 weeks…
The Custom can be easily transformed to a headset for gamers by buying a cable with a microphone from their shop or dealers. Actually, as with most Beyers, you can buy almost all pieces of the unit in case you’ve broken some parts. I would definitely recommend this headphone if enjoying your music is more important as analyzing it and when you like bass, customizable bass even. On the Beyer site you can read the Custom was also made for professional use but in my opinion there are far better Beyerdynamic headphones for that as this Custom One. The Beyerdynamic Custom Pro One is not at the audiophile level of the other Beyerdynamic headphones I have owned and of course it wasn’t developed to be either, I consider it Beyer’s unit for the mass market. The Custom will go on sale over the next few weeks I reckon and it will be priced at $200/€200. I can see the general crowd really enjoying this headphone and I hope to see people wearing it in the streets soon, I’m sure a lot of people will enjoy this pair for sure. I’m a fan!
Thank you Beyerdynamic for sending us this Custom sample this quickly. Do note this sample is an official Press Sample and I suppose the production models will be/sound the same. Don’t forget to check out Beyerdynamic’s website where you can also order this headphone from their shop.
Edit: Beyerdynamic liked our quote so much, they used it on their homepage to promote the Custom One pro! / L.
Gear used: Beyerdynamic Custom One Pro, JDSLabs C421, iPod, Cypherlabs Clas, Fiio E10/E11, Violectric V200, LF 339, AIAIAI TMA Studio, Audio Technica ATH M50, Audio GD NFB3
Mohammad Ashraf
I did not even know this headphone existed! Thank you!
I think it’s being launched at this week’s IFA in Germany. We got it early 😉
Johnathon Williamson
In my opinion, it’s kind of ugly. I’m not a fan of the angular housing or the exposed screws, the design of the cups reminds me of V-MODA in a bad way.
Luckily for all the brands people like different designs 😉 I really don’t like the Vmoda design, but I love this one. What does the rest of you think?
I like the Beyer more than the Vmoda. Beefier, more manly.
Andre Sneed
I feel the same way, I don’t like the V-moda style at all but I love what I’m seeing here with the COP.
Tyler DeLisle
Also agree. V-Moda design is interesting, but way too trendy and angular. I like the look of these Beyers a lot, they’re more reserved, almost classy compared to the V-Moda. I think I might definitely pick these up at some point to be my gaming/mobile headphones.
I’ve never liked the Vmoda design, hard to take the headphones serious, even if some models are very good.
Jason Clark
Exposed screws is to allow you to replace the art plate with custom designs, kinda like the V-MODA.
Will Sharp
Wait…16mm drivers? Are you sure about that?
Yea, L.. 16mm drivers? That’s IEM size (Sony EX1000).
Let me get back to you on that later, I’m out. I took it out for the time being.
The bass customisation feature reminded me of the Audio Technica ATH-50 (circa 198o’s) which basically works the same, a mechanical slide that closes/opens the cups vents/air holes which supposedly controls the bass.
Does it really work? I’m not fully convinced.
Thanks for the review L.
They are 16ohm for sure
Krzysztof Pyzel
I am currently waiting to compare this Beyerdynamic to AKG K550 and Phiaton MS400. 🙂 On the new, hi-fi player from Iriver. Not yet produced. 😉
Jason Clark
AKG K550 and COP in my opinion are different beasts altogether. K550 is for more refined listening, monitoring if you will. The COP is not going to match the K550 for neutrality or clarity. However, if you find you are swapping headphones to compensate for bass/neutrality in your music the COP is nice as you change the port setting on the fly.
Erik Kane
I wonder how these compare soundwise to the DT770 Pro 80. That always seemed to me to be the more mainstream Beyer around this price point.
As my comment above shows, the COP was designed with the DT770 in mind but the sound signature do is different.
The DT770 and COP have a completely different target group, the COP is for the mass market. Beyer hopes the “mainstream” crowd is bored of bad sounding and looking headphones and designed this. A good sounding headphone made to play the music the larger crowd listens to nowadays. and that way they hope to introduce people to better sounding headphones and up sell their other models later. The DT770 is no “consumer” headphone by design
Jason Clark
DT770 has more refined, and tighter bass. While the COP replicates it to a certain extent I found the heavy bass port just a bit more bloomy and didn’t retain the signature bass of the DT770. I tend to use the COP on the “vibrant” or “neutral” settings most. I haven’t found enjoyment in the “heavy” bass setting.
How does this sound compared to the DT770 Pro 80? That is relatively at the same price point.
Dimension wise, is the Custom One Pro roughly as big as the DT770 or more to the ATHM50 size?
The M50 headband is bigger, but that’s just the way it’s been designed. the earcups on the M50 are thinner but overall the COP is smaller. I wouldn’t wear the M50 outside, the COP I would, it just seems (and is) smaller. I’m pretty sure it is smaller as the DT770 as well.
Well one of the thing that I’m quite sure of (though I haven’t listened to the COP) is that being the smaller headphone, the soundstage would be less spacious, but on the other hand this would bring the focus of the music better.
P. J.
Thanks for the review, I have not heard of these headphones until now.
Originally Posted by Beyerdynamic
There is a slider on the headphones which adjusts the sound to your liking.
Slider on position 1 (completely closed): sounds like DT770 M
Slider on position 2: sounds like dt 880 pro
Slider on position 3: sounds like dt 770 pro
Slider on position 4: bass emphasis
Please note sound is not identical, but should be comparable.
I’m surprised, because the Marketing Manager responsable for this headphone told me this:
I think you also can’t compare the COP with one of our existing headphones because each one has it’s own special sound, features, target group and authority. But for sure we used our knowledge and experience from the DT770 family…
Andre Sneed
Thank you! I’ve been waiting on anything about these headphones and already have them preordered so thank you for reviewing them so I now have full confidence in the buy. These are going to be my outside headphones and the He-400 will be for in house only. These should fit in perfectly
You like bass don’t you? 😉 The sound of both can’t be compared but I’m sure you will like the COP if you like the Beyer mids!
Andre Sneed
The He-400 are amazing so I don’t think that the COP will come close to overall but thats ok, but they look good should sound great and will used for more mobile stuff because the 100ft cord that comes with the HIFIMan isn’t that great for travel 🙂
No idea about the AT sorry. It’s not troublesome at all, very easy to switch settings 🙂
Benedict Brown
I hope that Beyerdynamic patented that fancy PVC cable. Making plastic that can conduct electricity is very impressive!
Scott Mcmillan
How do these sound compared to the HD-25?
Send me the HD25 and I’ll tell you 😉
Jason Clark
The HD-25 have more clarity. I wouldn’t replace the HD-25 if you are happy with them. What you get though in the COP is the ability to go more neutral for music that is refined for that. Also, the noise isolation is better with the COP. I tend to use the COP more on the go, except if I’m out cycling/jogging or more active.
Thanks, Jason
Is it possible to fix the mids with some EQ? also Do these compare to the Beyer DT880 in terms of detail?
No it is by far comparable to the DT880’s detail. You could probably eq the mids, but then why buy a Beyerdynamic…
Adrian Stephen Mulyadi
where you can buy this headphones in Indonesia ? thanks
Maybe from Beyer directly. :
Maybe Mike knows some other places 🙂
Jeffrey Sitthi
Which has more lower subbass, the T70 or COP?
COP for sure! T70’s bass is very detailed and can go low but it has no impact. Compared to the T70, the COP is a bass monster
Jeffrey Sitthi
Thanks Lieven. Between the COP, SRH840, and VModa M80 or M100, which is best for a wide variety of music?
Finally I demo the COP. It’s not for me.
On the other hand T5p is impressive.
i’m searching for a good headphone with detail Sound.. i have two option: the ATH M50 and the Beyerdynamic Custom One Pro. i often listen to metal, rock, alternative, but also Jazz.. what do you recommend?
I’m still enjoying this headphone very much. It should really be more popular as it is!
If only there is no DT770 LE
George Lai
I bought the DT770 LE thanks to incessant praise (just kidding) from these pages. No regrets at all. How does one justify also having the COP in one’s collection? Hopefully you can’t give me a good reason!
Easy one. The COP bass is adjustable and is a lot bigger in body and has more impact on the 3rd and 4th setting as the AE . It may not have the detail or sound stage level of the AE but it makes up for it in fun and bass. Popular music, dance, everything with good bass is incredible on the COP.
George Lai
Sorry 🙂
George Lai
Lieven, are the pads the same size as the AE and DT880?
Good question. I think, but I’m not sure at all, that most Beyer pads are interchangeable
John Smith
I’m very interested in the COP, but I already have the AKG K550s. I read in the review that the comparison would be put up, but I don’t see it. Does anyone have any thoughts on how this compares to the K550?
John, the AKG never made it to me but the sound signature is quite different as the COP is fun and bass and the AKG is well, more linear and thinner sounding from what I understood
Yes, sorry for failing to add in the comparison. The K550 is a more technical headphone with a very clean sound. The COP is more fun, made for enjoying mainstream top40 music.
[galleria sid=”galleria-1347504410″ width=”561″ height=”600″ speed=”270″ transition=”slide”]
This is what I get instead of the gallery.
yes, sorry about that. It still needs to be fixed
I just received these and the Fiio E10 today. All I can say is that if you listen to metal, reggae, dubstep and the like you’ll love these headphones. They are just fun, fun, fun. And coming from the V-Moda M100 the comfort is out of this world. Who knew that circumaural actually means around your ear, not defiantly on it. I guess V-Moda didn’t get the memo. In a couple of days I’ll get the DT-770 32 and 80 ohm for a spot of comparison.
2 really nice headphones. Enjoy!
I’m wondering how the COP compares to the Ultrasone HFI-580. I currently use the HFI-580 as portable headphone, but I find it tiring to listen to, especially the highs. It has a very metallic and unnatural sound in my opinion. Especially when I compare it to my HD598 which I use at home.
I have never heard a Beyer headphone before, so I’m a bit worried since you described it as a bass/treble liking headphone. The bass won’t be a problem, but the treble/highs might be.
Do you, or anyone else, happen to have experience with both of these headphones?
No idea man, sorry. I never even saw a 580 in real life myself
Yes that’s the Ultrasone sound and the majority of people I know have the same complain you do about the treble.
The COP is unlike the typical Beyer sound. It’s tuned quite far from the standard Beyer monitoring headphones. The treble is soft and a lot more similar to your HD598.
I’ve yet to hear anyone describe the COP’s highs as strident or piercing so you’ll be fine.
COP is not offensive in any way. Superb headphone!
The DT770LE I found to have an annoying peak around 9 khz, but the COP is very smooth.
I was looking at the DT 770 as well, but it seems to me that the COP is a better choice for me.
Thanks for the information!
How is the build quality of the COPs?
Any problems with it?
After returning the UE6000 been looking at new headphones.
Been considering the COP or the Maudio Q40.
Intrigued by COP tuning capabilities…but bit scared of build quality. How portable and durable is it?
I think the quality and durability are great, but I also don’t bang it around. BTW, the COP is totally modular, so if you can order the parts, you’re covered.
As Dale said and as I said in the review, the COP is tough and can take a beating. You can change all parts of the COP so even if it brakes, you’ll be safe.
And don’t forget is a very nice headphone, for the moment it’s my nightstand one.
Portable wise it isn’t the best, it doesn’t fold and it’s a full size headphone. On the other hand, you will have warm ears!
hi, i just bought COP and i need a DAC/Amp. is fiio e07k andes really good partner with CoP ? ty
I’m pretty sure the COP is a good match with everything as it doesn’t need much, if anything.
Yes – good match. Probably the best amp there is for the price.
Two years later and I got another COP – this one is white since Massdrop had white only at the $149 price. I didn’t EQ the one from 2012 since it sounded great out of the box, but I EQ’d the new one, and unlike most low-cost headphones I have, the new one sounds about as good as the T90 I have. There’s a fairly strong emphasis between 2-3 khz and a large narrow recess at 5 khz (compare that to the big 5 khz peak in the T51p), and with those addressed the soundstage and clarity are simply amazing!
Bruno Georgio
Hi everybody! I actually have a Bose IE2 iem(read some reviews and discovered it is a shitty iem), and i’m now looking for a over-ear, this COP seems to be the best for me, since i cant buy an HiFiMAN HE-400s and the kind of music i hear is mostly Bass Music, like Trap, EDM, House, and a lot of Metal too, like Metallica and Death, i dont know if im a basshead, i love bass music a lot, but i like to hear the other elements in the song, not just the bass, and i’ve read that the COP doesnt have good mids and the vocals are very recesseed, and now im worried, if i buy the COP and get disappointed by the vocals and everything in the mid range, so i ask you, does do the vocals are really this recessed? If yes, there is something that i can do to “fix” this? If no, can you recommend me any other headphone in this price range?
P.S. I’m pretending to buy a FiiO E12, no matter what headphone i buy.
Thanks for the attention, you guys make some awesome reviews.
Here’s a EQ curve I did on it:
There’s a peak around 3 khz that will add brightness to voices, and a recess around 5 khz that can dull some instruments, but I wouldn’t say that voices are recessed or forward.
I wouldn’t worry. One of my france likes dance and d&b and loves the COP I recommended him
Bruno Georgio
Thats nice to hear (read haha), but, do you think the E12 could improve even more the mids and the overall sound?
Bruno Georgio
P.S. I’m planning to use it with a FiiO X1, X1+E12+COP
Improve is a big word. More body and bass probably. Wouldn’t name that “improve” The E12 is mostly about power
I wouldn’t, unless I needed the extra power. The E12 otherwise would be the weak link in the chain.
Bruno Georgio
So… do you recommend me something to pair with the COP? Since i still dont have any AMP or DAC, i actually hear my IEMs directly to my smartphone (with PowerAmp) or my notebook and i believe they will limit a lot the power and SQ of the COP
I think the first line I’d go for for strictly notebook use is the AQ Dragonfly, or a comparable small USB DAC, which will drive the COP just fine, with great sound quality. But if you have to use the DAC with a phone, then my second choice would be the FiiO E17k, which costs about the same as the E12 or the Dragonfly. The E12, if I were going to use it at all, would be at home for quiet nighttime listening where the extra power would assure best and cleanest dynamics, not higher volume levels.
Hi everyone!
I want to ask about sound leaking, i just bought COP and when myself and my friend tried in the store and we can’t hear any sound leaking .
However, after I went back (because I am super excited), I tried to hear a party song and my wife said she can hear a sound leak, albeit is minimal and not really disturbing.
Is it common to have a minimum sound leak? Or do you think the COP I have have some scrap materials and I need to exchange it?
Thanks! Note: all the review is really helpful to choose headphones!
It means you’re listening to it way too loud 😉
At higher volumes that’s only normal though
dale thorn
There are a few high-isolating low-leaking headphones, but it really narrows your choices down, since there are very few.