FiiO M11 Plus LTD Review

FiiO M11 Plus LTD

Sound performance


Highs : super sharp. The FiiO M11 presentation was all about subtlety and the M15 about grandiloquence. Meanwhile, the M11 Plus LTD is more about precision. It sounds TOTL and you’ll hear every micro-detail but never feel overcome by the sound. Like a good maestro at a concert, the M11 Plus LTD conduct sounds more than it delivers.

Track : Poly – Thylacine

Mids : excellent layering and dynamic. Voices have always been good on FiiO players, and the M11 Plus LTD is no exception. This is especially true with big cans, as the sound pressure delivers superb vocals, when the track is well recorded. 

Track : Wanderer – Mogli

Lows : best in class. This is where the M11 Plus LTD impressed me the most: whatever the track, the player was able to reach the deepest note, with ease. You never have to raise the volume, but if you do the bass will remain strong and steady, with no dragging sound. It’s the BEST bass you can get, in my opinion.

Tracks : Way down we go – Kaleo


Noise and power

Noise: nothing to worry about, the residual noise is absent. Even my hypersensitive Onkyo could not spot anything! Even with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi turned on, EMI shielding made a great job and I never encountered any parasite or buzz during my listening.

Power: now FiiO offers three different levels of gain for its player. If low is really low and should only be used with IEMs, the mid-level was enough for 90% of my headphones, even cans like the Grado. Obviously, if you want to drive cans like the Audeze or Sennheiser flagship, you better put the gain in high and stick to the balanced output. If not as powerful as the M15, there is clearly enough power for daily use.

Line out/Coax out: a quick word regarding the line out. If the FiiO M11 Plus LTD offers the classic 3.5mm output, to connect your amp, the player also introduces a new balanced, 4.4mm, line-out. Unfortunately none of my gear support this type of plug, but it’d be pretty interesting to see if this matches the usual XLR line out.



Shanling M6 21: you can find this player for approximately the same price. It’s a great edition of a superb player, now with a Sabre chip to replace the AKM one. Visually, the M6 is better looking and offers a nicer screen, but sound-wise, it’ll just come down to your personal choice. Both are exceptionally gifted players and if the M6 21 got into my recommendation list, so did the M11 Pro and so will the M11 Plus LTD…

Astell&Kern SR25: the SR25 was just a SR15 revamp, but it’s still an A&K from knees to toes. The dual Cirrus-Logic is a great alternative to AKM chips and the Astell did a great job with this later player, giving us the perfect balance between sharpness, and sweetness. That said, compared to the FiiO and Shanling, the SR25 seems a bit limited and the UI falls far below its contender in 2021.



Let’s make it simple, like the FiiO M11 Pro before, the M11 Plus LTD is one, if not the best player you can get in this price range.

UI is fast, the sound is superb, and it does almost everything well, either as a DAP or as a source. You can just fill it with your own music, install the music APP of your choice or simply use it as a great source for your car (yes FiiO did earn a certification for that too). Add a layer of finesse, thanks to years of work at FiiO’s engineer camp, and you got it all.

If you didn’t have the chance to get the M11 Pro before, you should seriously consider the M11 Plus LTD. It’s equally good, if not better in some aspect. The only viable contender that I could think of is the Shanling M6 21, but it’s also one of my top picks. So here it is people, two players, two choices, but at the end of the day two incredible devices. And you better get one till you can, who knows what could happen this year again.

The Fiio M11 Plus replaces the Fiio M11 Pro on our list of recommended DAPs. So yes, the FiiO M11 Plus LTD wins our recommended buy award!


Page 1: about FiiO

Page 2: Design, build quality

Page 3: UI, Usage, Bundle

Page 4: Technical specifications

Page 5: Sound performance 

Page 6: Sound Part 2, Comparison and conclusion




4/5 - (23 votes)

A nerdy guy with a passion for audio and gadgets, he likes to combine his DAC and his swiss knife. Even after more than 10 years of experience, Nanotechnos still collects all gear he gets, even his first MPMAN MP3 player. He likes spreadsheets, technical specs and all this amazing(ly boring) numbers. But most of all, he loves music: electro, classical, dubstep, Debussy : the daily playlist.


  • Reply June 10, 2021


    Good review. How the DX300 compares with This m11 plus?

    • Reply July 25, 2021


      I have both the DX300 is the better choice in my opinion.

  • Reply June 10, 2021

    Eli Segal

    How does it compares with the new HiBy R6?

  • Reply June 10, 2021

    Tom Tam

    Too many typos in this review! Very non-professional.
    E.g. You said AirPlay is ditched on one page, but you mention AirPlay function is there on the other page. The thing that is really ditched is the HWA but you put it on the spec. Very bad review.

    • Reply June 11, 2021


      Good lord man. Instead of pointing out one or two typos, why don’t you focus on the positive. Thank the guy for taking the time to write a well thought out review of some nice equipment instead of being a troll.

    • Reply June 17, 2021


      It’s not that bad unless you’re the editor. No one paid for the review.

  • Reply June 16, 2021


    Me gustaría saber tu opinión comparándolo con el New Hiby R6 2020.

  • Reply August 22, 2021

    Nicholas Chan

    They are still awfully ugly… Just no taste at all…

  • Reply August 22, 2021


    Taste is a personal thing. What you don’t like another loves.

  • Reply November 7, 2021

    rob willy

    Thanks for the informative review..
    I did enjoy reading it, also convinced me to finally place my order…. : )

  • Reply November 21, 2021


    How is then fiio m11 plus compared to the shanling m6 pro 21?

  • Reply January 4, 2022


    I tested both at the shop, the Fiio touch volume button is no no for me, feels cheap and you will turn the volume by accident. Shanling M6 pro is smaller, feels more premium, the sound is warm lively and much more emotion than the sound from Fiio M11plus ltd. I tested the same song on both player with Female vocal, very big difference. Bought the Shanling M6 pro 21 right away, sounds very very good for the price. Tried the Shanling M9 clean sound but I like the M6 pro 21 sound more imo.

  • Reply May 28, 2024


    Loved the detailed review of FiiO M11 Plus LTD! Your comparison with other DAPs was really helpful in making up my mind about which one to purchase. The photos and specs were also greatly appreciated. Kudos to Headfonia for another awesome review!

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