First of all thank you to everyone who joined the contest. For us it was a big success!
After two weeks of running, we had a total of 1.368 readers who joined the giveaway. They in total had 1.725 entries after sharing their personal link on the Social Media. Secondly, I would like to thank Hifiman again for making all this possible.
As announced, selected a lucky winner a few days ago, and the one who will be receiving the HM-700 and RE-400 is… :
Congratulations! We have contacted the winner by email in the mean time.
You might want to keep checking and our Facebook page regularly the next few weeks because we have a couple more giveways planned for this year…
We hope you enjoyed the giveway as much as we did and who knows you just might be the winner next time…
The Headfonia Team

Nickjan Glas
Hope the winner will appreciate this great offer from headfonia 😉 Keep them coming, so I can win in the future a Audeze LCD3 😀