We received this shipment last week in addition to the HD668B that we have reviewed, but we haven’t had the time to touch them until now. Our first impression of these Superluxes are very positive, and more Superlux reviews are on the way. But for now, we’ll just share some photos. Pictured here are the HD662 and HD662 closed headphones, as well as the HD381 IEMs.
We like the description Superlux applied for each headphone models. Unlike the regular marketing stuff other manufacturers write on their boxes, Superlux actually used a direct and clear description that aids potential buyers like “In hall feel”, or “On stage feel”.
The HD662 (left), and the HD662B (right) both employs a closed designed housing that looks very similar to AKG’s K271 line. Though they are only differentiated by their accent color, the sound signature are actually quite different.
From left to right: the HD662, HD668B, HD662B. The HD668B is different in that it is a semi open design, and also comes with a removable cable.
Same headphones, top angle. The 668B (center) is differentiated in that it comes with a headband similar to Audio Technica’s Wing support system. Though the 662s come with a regular headband, they are just as comfortable as the 668b. Notice the pouch that comes with the Superlux headphones.
I am buying a headphone for myself soon, but i am currently confusing on HD668B, HD662, HD662B. Which my aim is choosing a headphone for Hi-Fi purpose. I listen to warm comfort jazz all the times.
I was initially decided to grab HD668B, but after reading your last sentence of " It has a crystal clear treble that’s even clearer than the 668B and good soundstage.", i started confused. So, can you choose one for me? Thanks
Lastly, my final question, do superlux send u a HD669? the price is double/triple of HD668B, is it worth to pay for it compare with others commercial brand?
The last time I listened to the HD668B and HD662, HD662B, I do think that the HD668B is still the most desirable version. The closed HD662 headphones are too monitoring-tuned (aka v-shaped curve) and it wouldn't be good for music listening. I think when I wrote that the HD662 are even clearer than the HD668, it was just based on a short listening session. More listening clarifies that the HD662 just have more boost on the treble.
I did listen to a HD669 the last time, but not really sure what the difference is between the different superluxes. They have so many different models now. Sorry.
I live in Taiwan currently, so Superlux is frequently sold in audio stores, and when my Klipsch crapped out on me, I bought the HD381F on the cheap for 600NT (~$20) and they blew me away in terms of sound to price ratio.
But those recently died on me too, so I went to look at the HD668B. The sound was very nice and was very comparable to the DT990, just not as refined in some areas.
Unfortunately, they don't sell for $30, they're going for 2400NT ($75). The HD669 is around the same price, but I didn't get to listen to them. How do they compare to the 668B?
Hi Tom, I've listened to the HD669 only briefly. Generally, the Superluxes have a rather V-shaped sound that's similar to the DT770/880 Beyerdynamic professional line. Of course the Superlux is not quite as refined as the Beyerdynamics, but they also sell for quite a fraction of the Beyers. I really can't tell you in detail of how the HD669 sound, as I didn't spend enough time with them, but between all the Superluxes I've tried, I think the HD668B is the best version.
Yeah, I agree. I listened to the 669 today; didn't like it as much as the 668B. The soundstaging just feels so much nicer with open headphones. I just got another pair of HD381F's in the end, though. They're good enough cheapies to bide me time to save for customs. Looking at the UM Mage…
Good, Tom. The HD668B seems to be the best bet for music listeners.
Hi Mike,
I understand that this is quite an old post, but how are the HD381 series IEMs so far?
Briefly, the HD381 IEMs are very good value for money stuff. I have sent
them back to the distributor, sadly without doing a review (I was
probably too busy at that time).
They come in three variants: black color, grey, and white. The black has
the most bass, the grey neutral, and the white good for trebles.
i can`t make up my mind which one to get?
i hope you can help with this.
already have the 681, but need a closed one as well.
i consider getting 668B or 668F, the 669 (top model)
is not available yet at my dealer.
The 668B is a good one to go for.
sorry i meant the:
which one should i get??
Please wait till next week as I am going to publish a Superlux HD440 review. I believe this is the model that people should get for music listening.
music listening???
i have a music studio 😀
and need a good inexpensive monitor headphone for my studio needs.
I assumes that you were looking for a headphone for music listening.
John, I am not too experienced with monitoring headphones, what do you think you need? I only have the HD662, 662-f, and 668b and they are all good in their own ways.
ok, i think i have it sorted out now.
what i need to get is, either, the 668b or the 669,
but both models are not available at my local dealer, argh!
they just shipped the 662 series brand new here,
the 668b is sold out ATM, and the 669 will come sometime in the future.
i hate to wait 🙁
anyways, how are you cans perform?
do all 3 models have a nice bass, and a balanced sound at the same time?
try to describe the difference between the:
668b, 662, 662f
maybe i get the 662f… hmmmmmm
I dont have the 662f, but between the 662 and 662b, i find the 662 to be bright where the 662b is bassier and darker.
Hi Mike, why did you get the 668B instead of the 669? There are a lot of people on yt saying that 668B is a good one for gaming. But it’s open and I am looking for a closed headphone. So I think the only contender will be the 669. It get’s mixed reviews. What’s your opinion? Thanks
Dave Ulrich
Mike does’t write for the site anymore. The SUperlux HD660 is a very good closed headphone for the price
Thanks. You had the chance of checking the competitor 669?
Dave Ulrich
Sorry, but no
Just for my interest. Why would you chose 669 instead of the 662 series? I am looking for a closed headset for cs:go gaming and metal/rock music listening.
I’ve been enjoying my HD688Bs for a year now. My IEMs packed in though and Superlux have impressed me enough to consider the HD381s.
I’m thinking the 381Bs may be best for me (coming from Phonak Audéo PFEs). They are hard to get the UK though (for the fairly cheap prices that make them appealing) and the three pc pack is not available. =(
So you do like the clarity of the HD668Bs. If yes then the 318 IEMs would probably suit you well. Too bad about the availability though.
I’ve bought the HD381F IEM’s from a seller here in Malaysia through an online tech. forum. I got to say, for around 25 USD, these are top notch. It’s very clear and the bass is quite punchy and solid. The low’s aren’t as good but everything else compensates it. But as what you’d expect for the price, mine got broken through the cables due to mishandling. I don’t mind paying the same amount for the same one, it’s simply fantastic. Currently sporting Meelec M9’s and it’s better in every aspect but I still love the sound signature of the 381F’s.
Going to purchase the HD662 revised edition (variations of colours now provided) soon. Bought custom aftermarket techflex cables too for that. Going to anticipate what it has to offer. Superlux seriously has changed my perception of things, and that’s not bad at all. 🙂
Yes they are really impressive for the price, aren’t they?
HD668b vs HD669 ..which is better?
nipas lapikanont
HD668B is more fun sound but HD669 is more natural sound