Noble Audio Fokus Pro Review

Noble Audio FoKus Pro

Sound Signature


The FoKus Pro sounds engaging, detailed, and fairly balanced straight out of the box. It has a slightly elevated bass region, which contributes to the fun factor of the signature. What surprised me is its technical ability. It has a clean, musical sound signature with great imaging and soundstage. It is not every day we get this level of performance, wirelessly. It may be the best TWS earphone I’ve listened to. Let’s dissect the sound into a few sections and take a closer look.


The 8.2mm dynamic driver dishes out rounded and impactful bass. The texture is quite impressive. Quantity-wise it behaves according to the track but it may still be too much for the flat signature enthusiasts. That’s where the onboard EQ comes into play. Dialing it a notch down gets you a flatter response. The 8.2mm dynamic driver feels fast and snappy and performs above my expectations for a TWS. If you’re listening to genres similar to hip-hop or EDM, you won’t be able to prevent your toes from tapping on the ground while listening to the FoKus Pro. The extended bass luckily does not bleed into mids and blends in nicely with the rest of the frequency spectrum. The body is impressive and the tonality does not feel artificial at all. I suppose Wizard wanted a crowd-pleaser with an impressive technical side to satisfy audiophiles and I must say it is a great recipe for a TWS.


The midrange is clean, articulate, and sweet. Thanks to the mid-bass being on the thicker side of the scale, the FoKus Pro can easily reflect the weight of the instruments. This is felt especially with stringed instruments. Their reproduction is quite good for a TWS and I am impressed, to say the least. This is the most realistic timbre that I heard from a TWS. Furthermore, the vocals are well-tuned, clean, and clear with plenty of details. The presentation is spacious and there are lots of air between the instruments on stage. The upper midrange is also controlled and well-tuned. The hi-hats are snappy yet controlled. The IEMs are not sibilance-prone and overall offer a clean, musical approach. That being said, the resolution is really impressive and perhaps one of the best that I’ve listened to. 

Noble Audio FoKus Pro


The treble of the FoKus Pro follows the midrange beautifully. The IEMs have an extended treble range, again, very controlled throughout the range. It can easily reach the top octave without sounding harsh. The resolution of the treble region is just as impressive as the midrange and I am pretty sure it is the cleanest treble that I heard from a wireless device. Additionally, the sense of air is amazing and the FoKus Pro handles complex passages with multiple instruments quite well. In fact, it feels like a wired IEM and that’s a great achievement. We’ve been waiting for a product like this one for more than 2 years now. The resolution and detail retrieval is amazing and contributes greatly to the overall signature transparency.

Technical Performance

This is the most impressive side of the FoKus Pro. I don’t know if it’s the configuration or wizard’s magic, the unit has a really solid technical foundation and it should be a reference for future TWS earphones. The soundstage feels wide and relatively deep. The positioning of the instruments feels accurate and the separation is impressive. The PRaT is solid, the unit has good attack and decay, handles congestion with ease, and does not feel claustrophobic with any genre. The tonal balance is quite good too if you don’t mind EQ’ing the bass response a couple of decibels. The FoKus Pro is the most capable TWS that I’ve listened to, period. In fact, I was starting to lose hope in the development of wireless earphones. Thanks to Noble, I now am reminded that much better products can be launched into this industry and I am once again looking forward to the future.

Noble Audio FoKus Pro


Lypertek Z7 ($199 USD)

Lypertek Z7 is one of the best TWS earphones that we reviewed and it is a worthy rival to the FoKus Pro. A/B’ing them side by side reveals a couple of major differences between the two, really good performing TWS earphones. First of all, the FoKus Pro has better imaging and a wider, deeper stage. Instrument positioning feels more accurate on the Noble, and the tonality of the instruments feels more realistic. Furthermore, the FoKus Pro has a bigger and more impactful bass response compared to the Z7. They both have liquid mids and clean treble and perform great. The FoKus Pro’s technical side shines when it comes to the spaciousness of the presentation and Z7 can’t keep up with it. Do note that Noble costs $150 USD more than the Z7. If you’re on a budget, the Z7 could really make you happy with its great performance. Apart from sound, the Z7 offers a much better battery life. It has a bigger shell and comfort-wise it is not as good as the FoKus Pro. The FoKus Pro has a much better build quality and design and that should be noted too.

Nuarl N10 Pro ($120≈149 USD)

Nuarl is one of the few TWS IEMs that feature a flat sound signature. It has good resolution and detail retrieval capabilities. However, comparing it with the Noble side by side reveals how big of a gap there is. The FoKus Pro has a better tonality, better instrument positioning, wider and deeper stage, and most importantly, has better note weight. I am underlining this because it is not easy to get realistic reproduction with wireless devices and FoKus Pro nails this section, by a good margin. Additionally, the FoKus Pro has much more sub presence and this gives the Noble an edge over the N10 Pro. On another note, design-wise, Nuarl is quite good, especially for half of the price of FoKus Pro. It comes with good quality accessories and features more eartips options.


The Focus Pro is truly an incredible device. In addition to being the best TWS earphone I’ve heard in terms of sound quality, it is a solid candidate to be the industry leader in material quality, craftsmanship, and design. In addition to these, the FoKus Pro offers a stable connection, has relatively low latency, and supports aptX adaptive. 

If you’re in the market for a solid, audiophile-focused TWS earphone and have no budget constraints, I can easily recommend you to try Noble Audio’s FoKus Pro. I want to award the unit with HFN Recommendation, it deserves the crown.

The Nobel Audio FoKus Pro is now featured on our Recommended Buy list where it’s in good company.




Page 1: Noble Audio, FoKus Pro, Packaging, Design & Fit, Accessories

Page 2: Connection Stability & Features, Controls & App Support, Call Quality, Battery Life

Page 3: Sound Signature, Low, Mid, High, Technical Performance, Comparisons, Conclusion

4.4/5 - (242 votes)

Long time Tech Enthusiast, an ambitious petrol-head, Yagiz likes his gadgets and always finds new ways into the tinkerer's world. He tries to improve anything and everything he gets his hands onto. Loves an occasional shine on the rocks.


  • Reply March 2, 2022

    Robert Link

    I just bought the Fokus Pro from Noble Audio. I love it so far! The quality of sound is amazing and the price was right! This is an extremely versatile instrument with a lot of very useful features that make it perfect for live performance.

    • Reply April 29, 2024


      Happy Listening, Robert!

  • Reply November 8, 2022


    Nice review Sir, anyway have you compared to beoplay EX? Wondering which one has sound better.

    • Reply April 29, 2024


      Hi, thanks for the comment Ady!

      Although I like how B&O tune their active speakers, I gave up on their TWS earphones after listening to a bunch, including the E8.
      Unfortunately I haven’t heard the EX.

      The Noble is one of the safest bets you can place imo, in the tws realm.

  • Reply April 27, 2024


    I recently purchased the Noble Audio Focus Pro after reading this review, and I must say, I’m thoroughly impressed! The clarity and detail of sound are like nothing I’ve experienced before in a budget-friendly IEM. The bass response is also surprisingly good, especially for a earphone in this price range. I’ve tried numerous IEMs in this price range, but none have come close to the quality of the Focus Pro. Bravo to Noble Audio for creating a truly exceptional product! 👍

    • Reply April 29, 2024


      Glad that you’re enjoying it. Happy Listening!

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