Ryuzoh’s mods (more info here: http://info.m-s-tech.jp) showed up several places at Fujiya Avic’s latest headphone show, upon the closing of which, I returned his awesome balanced Mojo mod. Ryuzoh told me that he had a special mod he’d like me to check out, something to do with coaxial output and an AK100. Something that would return performance gains and better sound.
I said I’d be happy, but I wasn’t keen on losing the headphone out of my AK100. No problem, he assured me. Before he left me at the gate of the nearest station, I asked about the Cowon Plenue D. I asked if he could mod it. He told me probably not. Its case was tight. We parted, but not before I left a seed of doubt with Ryuzoh.
Later on, he DM’d my breezily unfollowed twitter account. He’d take a look at my Plenue D. Flip flap! I wrapped my D and my last untouched AK100 between bubbles and paper and shot it off to Ryuzoh on Saturday. The package is scheduled to return to me before 22 May, modded AK100 stuffed inside, and possibly a surprise.
Is there a case for modding the Plenue D? We’ll see.
Relevant links:
1 review: Mezzo Hifi MSAK100 – RMAA results
2 review: A Case for the Cowon Plenue D – RMAA results
3 review: Mojo-Kai Balanced Chord Mojo – RMAA results
3 review: Astell & Kern AK100
4 review: Astell & Kern Jr – RMAA results
5 review: The Bit Audio Opus#1
6 Earlier Picture Sunday Posts
Barun C
Hope you are going to post some impressions about the modified pair in here, ohm-image or talk about it in ohm-air, Nathan.
ohm image
You got it.
Barun C
BTW, I was just curious, does Ryuzoh do any mods on Questyle DAPs?
ohm image
I’m sure that if there is enough interest and if the bodies are amenable to mods, he will/would. But I neither own one, nor am in the market for one so I’ve not asked him to hack my unit.
Barun C
Okay. If you are interested in reviewing the QP1R, do let me now, cause I really want to know its RMAA results and how hissy it is on low volume, relative to the AK 100 Mezzo Mod.