Last year I reviewed 64 Audio’s flagship custom IEM, the A18t. It has left me in awe, so much that I named it my personal CIEM of the year 2017. I fell in love with the Tia treble, the immense transparency and the massive sound stage. This is also one reason why I had high expectations for the A12t. I haven’t heard its predecessor, the A12. I know Berkhan reviewed the universal version of it quite a while ago, but I haven’t had any sound-picture of it myself. Needless to say I was very eager to get a listen to the 12t. The following impressions are based on the M20 module. Keep on reading for a description of the M15 module.
After first inspection and fit testing I plugged the A12t into my Hugo2 and fired in some usual tracks. What first struck me was the powerful bass. Namely the sub-bass. I have never heard a monitor bring out such a punch. In my Picture Sunday post about the 12t I said it throws a punch that could knock out Mike Tyson, I stand by those words. Bass is fast, very well resolutioned and extended with excellent texture and layering. The great thing about its sub-bass is, that it doesn’t necessarily blend into mid-bass. It has the ability to give it a good boost, but when it’s not needed, it doesn’t overwhelm you. Bass in general has good body, weight and is tightly bound with incredible control. If you’re curious of what I’m talking about, I invite you to listen to Kraftwerk’s ‘Robots’ or Siriusmo’s ‘Plastic Hips’. The first track is great for hearing A12t’s wonderful resolution while the latter shows you what a mean punch can be. Both tracks still leave me with goosebumps and wide open eyes.

64 Audio A12t
Usually when we at HFN get new gear, we tell the others about it in our dedicated WhatsApp group-chat (Nathan, where are you?!). When the A12t came I told the guys that I really liked what I heard, but I needed to get used to being beaten up from the inside of my head 😉
Mids are wonderfully smooth with great transparency. They are a little recessed, but not to an extent where instruments and vocals are pushed too far into the background. They still are well positioned and appear in a realistic distance. Instruments are separated with care and the right amount of air between them. The levels of transparency are good, layering and resolution are top. Mids carry great weight with them and voices can come across very emotional and breathtaking with an almost holographic feeling. The sound stage has wonderful dimensions in terms of width and depth and reaches out of your head at many times. Lower mids sport good amounts of warmth while upper mids are more neutral.

64 Audio A12t
High notes are smooth and show the impressive Tia extension and air. While treble is not the most forward, it is still sparkly and clear. Highs are nicely energetic and can give certain notes a decent bite. Fortunately there is also no sibiliance to be heard in critical areas. Usually I enjoy my upper mids and treble with slight warmth and richer tonality, but I am not missing it at all here. They just perfectly blend in the overall picture. I haven’t found any Genre or track the 12t doesn’t sound great with. Of course the general rule applies: the better the mastering of a file the better the sound in your ears. This one became particularly apparent recently when I listened to Jack White’s latest album ‘Boarding House Reach’ on TIDAL and later on a 24/96 file. The high res file sounded remarkably better as it very likely enjoyed a different and better mastering.
Changing the supplied APEX modules has quite an impact on sound. Bass gets tamed, yet still retains great body and thunder. Mids are thinner with enhanced transparency. Upper mids and treble now are richer and slightly more forward than before. The A12t is also less forgiving with the M15 module. Though I really dig the top section, I must say that I have been going back exclusively to the M20 module for the rest of the reviewing period.
Read more on the next page.

Albert Cheng
whats the difference between the LBE leonidas and the normal one? I believe the LBE leonidas is no longer being made?
Albert Cheng
Ah, i just noticed that you said effect audio may be replacing the old leonidas with the black edition, how sure are you (i must get my hands on it, i have an a12t too)
Hi Albert,
thanks for your comment.
EA is coming to a production end of original Leonidas cables, but they’re not replacing it with the Limited Black Edition – I just hope, if there will be a successor, that it will be like LBE Leonidas, because it is stellar.
LBE Leonidas was a limited run of only 30 cables, they are all gone as far as I know. (at least they cannot be bought from EA anymore)
Hope that clears things up.
Enjoy your A12t!
Please check our Leonidas article in which all is explained. the black version was a ltd edition
Have you had a chance to try EA Thor II? I’m wondering how it would pair w/ the A12t. Thanks!
Sadly no, I wish I could though.
If I get the chance to try Thor II I’ll let you know!
Hi . I currently own the cosmic ears ce6 (bass version) .I know the A12t technically will sound better , but are there any similarities? .the A12t is currently 3x the price of the ce6 , but since I haven’t heard it before, I’m not sure if the A12t are actually 3x better than the ce6. Could you please share your opinion on these 2?. I know one has more drivers than the other, but ultimately is the sound that matters . Thanks.
How I wish I could help you Kojo, but unfortunately I have zero experience with the CE6. Sorry. If you somehow have the chance to audition the U12t, please give it a go, it is excellent.
Oh that sucks , because I thought you’d know since the cosmic ears ce6 is on your list of custom iem recommendation, and your description of how they sound gave me the impression that you’d heard them..sorry
Lieven has reviewed the CE6, unfortunately he hasn’t heard the 12t though.
Albert C
I’m guessing the plussound gold plated silver is less transparent than the normal Leonidas?
Hi Albert,
Thanks for your comment.
The plussound is smoother than Leonidas, but they’re not too far apart imo. Leo is more transparent, yes.
New to in ear monitors and I’m thinking of getting either the UE 18+ Pro or the 64 Audio A12t. You give them both a great review and it’s hard to know which to go for. I know the A12t is $500 more expensive but I’m hoping that there might be a Black Friday sale coming up.
If you had to pick one of these, which one would it be?
Hi Mark,
thanks for your comment.
I can’t speak for the UE, but the A12t is amongst my very favorites. I don’t know if 64 has any plans for a black Friday deal, but if they do I strongly recommend to consider the A12t as your next purchase. It is a fantastic monitor.
Yoshua Evantius
Hi, thanks for the wonderful review, i just wanna make sure, the graphic for impedance curve is for trio or a12t? thanks.
Hi Yoshua,
thanks for your comment.
Yes, that is the impedance curve of the Trió, supplied by 64 Audio’s very own Vitaliy Belonozhko.
Hope that helps.
Yoshua Evantius
I really like the way you explain things, my taste in sound signature is quite similar i think, i like a good amount of bass and treble that can give a bite, borderline painful yet pleasing bite.
i want to ask your opinion, i’m interested in either buying a12t or a18t after i read your review, my question is, do you think a12t with m15 modul is enough or just go with a18t? Thank you very much. 🙂
Hi Yoshua,
thanks a lot for that, much appreciated.
The A18t is technically superior (resolution, imaging, stage etc), no question about that, but the A12t has this incredibly powerful bass and bass resolution that makes it hard to forget.
The beauty of buying one of the two is that you get both modules. The M15 and M20. I personally prefer the M20 with the A12t.
It all comes down to preferences in the end, and truth be told, I more often grab the A12t than the A18t when I get some me-time with audio.
I hope that helped you make your decision. You can still score some nice deals right now when you order a new CIEM from 64, as they are running their annual Black Friday promotions. A12t is 15% off and A18t even 20% what I saw.
Yours was a very thorough and engaging review, Linus. I’m a stage musician (keys/vocals, church setting), strongly leaning toward 64 Audio, between 12t and 18t model.
Will there really be any discernible difference in that setting?
Any other factors I should be considering for that specific application?
Hi Linus,
Thanks for the review. I’m seriously considering between u12t and kaiser encore and since you reviewed both of them within 2 days you might have a pretty good opinion. You think kaiser is more analytical while a12t is more entertaining. But which one is the endgame? I own Xelento, se846, ie800s, Angie and shozy & Neo bg. Sp1000m and wm1z for source.I’d appreciate your help very much as I will place the order soon.
Best Regards
Hi Ilker,
thanks for your nice comment!
I didn’t review them within two days, but rather over a year apart, but that’s not the question. 😉
The A12t to me is one of my absolute top monitors, which I pick mostly for my personal listening time. The Encore mostly gets out when I need to do comparisons.
The SP1000M is a nice source and plays well with the A12t and the Encore. I have only heard the WM-1Z at a limited time, so no calls on that one for me.
Don’t forget that you’re getting one monitor with two signatures with the A12t by swapping out the APEX modules. It’s really neat if you like to change things in seconds.
A detailed comparison of the two is in this review, as I am sure you have seen.
Hope that helps.
Ilker Onier
Dear Linus,
Thanks for your kind reply. One last question. Should I shoot for U18t to get the one iem to rule them all or U12t is totl on its own?
Best Regards
Hi Ilker,
wow, that was one quick reply.
I personally prefer the A12t for my preferences, but the A18 is superior in technical abilities. Again, a detailed comparison is in the review.
It’s all about what you prefer. The A18 does come out on top in a few things, but the A12t is just a touch smoother.
Is there a way you can audition both? That’s always recommended, especially when we’re talking 2-3k USD items. If you’re in the US you could check with 64 Audio for loaners, I heard they’re doing this if you are based in the States.
Ilker Onier
Dear Linus,
I want to order it now that’s why it was checking your reply every ten minutes. I live in Qatar and there is no way I can audition them. Just I don’t want to regret my decision with u12t later. Still many reviews say u18t is more detailed but u12t is more fun to listen. But does this mean u12t is missing tons of details or just by an 1/10th of an inch which is most of the time indistinguishable like wooden ears which I happen to have?
Best regards
I see.
No, it’s not extreme like that, I’m sure you’d be very happy with the 12t too, it is also detailed and brings out every note. The 18 just tickles out the nuances more finely. The 18 has better imaging and puts the instruments on a blacker background. Still, the 12t isn’t far behind.
Ilker Onier
Thanks a lot, that saves me a lot of money, enough for Kaiser Encore or Campfire Solaris. Any suggestions?
No problem.
I have never heard the Solaris. Can’t help you on that one. Sorry.
U12t arrived. Awesome iems. Thanks for the help. Amazing amazing amazing.
Hi Ilker,
thanks for the message. Glad the U12t does convince you as much as it does convince me.
Happy listening!
Ilker Onier
Dear Linus Hi again,
I’m very very happy with U12t, I’m thinking I might go for the top as well. What do you think about U18t Vs Fourté?
Best Regards
Hi Ilker,
it’s great to hear you’re happy with your purchase. The 12t is something special, I agree!
The A18t (I only have the custom version) is more accessible in the treble, the Fourté does have a reputation for being bright and revealing, which might not suite everyone’s taste. If you’re not a fan of that, you might be better off with the U18. For a more detailed comparison I would suggest hitting up the Fourté review here:
Have a great day!
Just a not: U12T is soooo good that it made me sell all my other iems, none of them are close, not by million miles, it is that good. I’m talking about Xelento, se846, ie800s and Angie.
Hi Linus,
Thanks, Twister6 said the exact same thing. Just now I received my Kaiser Encore and it’s very bright and harsh. If Fourte is anything similar it would be a disaster for me. Hope Solaris is not similar too.
You have a great day too!
Hi Ilker,
no worries.
If the Encore is too bright for you, then the Fourté will be too.
Hi Linus,
I ordered U18t instead. U18t is something else really, such separation and soundstage is amazing. And my 2 cents for Solaris; it is very musical. I had my eyes onto Fourte for better bass but man Solaris is good.
Hi Ilker,
couldn’t agree more.
18t really is something else. 🙂
I’m glad you found your poison. As said before, if Encore is too bright, Fourté will be too. So it’s good you didn’t order it before.
Hi Linus,
Hope you will have a chance to review Solaris as well. I want to compliment my setup with one full size can and thinking of Focal Utopia or Meze Empyrean. Considering U12t and U18t would you recommend any of them or I’m just fine with what I have ?
Hi Linus,
Thank you for the review…you definitely know quite a bit about Effect Audio Cables. Do you know much about the newest line? If so, would you suggest the Thor II or the Leonidas II with 64 Audio A12’s? Your help is sincerely appreciated.
Hi Josh,
thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
There are a few EA’s in my arsenal of cables, yes. 🙂
I can’t speak for the Thor II, but the Leonidas II is an excellent match for the A12t in my opinion. It’s also included in the respective Leo II review:
Hope that helps!
Hi, I’m looking between the A6t and the A12t. Have you tried the A6ts? Do you think the 12s are worth the increase in price? Which do you think is “better”?