The Jomo Audio Tango is one of the latest creations from Joseph, all the way from Singapore.
Disclaimer: The Jomo Audio Tango monitor was sent to us free of charge in exchange for our honest opinion. Jomo is not a site partner and is in no way related to HEadfonia.
Jomo Audio
We have reviewed many Jomo Audio monitors already like the Quatre, Haka and Flamenco so most of you will already know Jomo Audio and what they stand for. For those of you who don’t let’s recap:
Jomo Audio was founded in Singapore by a broadcast engineer who has first-hand experience to the video and audio content creation in studio, live mixing and post-production every day. The Jomo series IEMs were designed to recreate the exact form of music recorded in the studio. The founder (Joseph Mou, hence the JoMo brand name) was highly inspired by the Japanese craftsmanship and spent months on research and experimenting in order to deliver the finest IEM for musicians, worship groups and audiophiles. (cfr their Bio).
Next to making customs, Jomo Audio also makes universal IEMs, sells hearing protection, IEM drying devices, custom inear sleeves, accessories and Linum and Effect Audio cables. In this review we’re looking at he Tango CIEM.
The Tango
The Jomo Audio Tango is available in both a universal as well as a custom version and it comes packed with 6 balanced armature drivers. You can find the dedicated product page right here: In this review we’re looking at the custom version of the Tango, which according to Joseph is a benchmark balance point between a fun sounding and analytical sound signature. As most customs, the Tango offers a minus 26dB isolation.
The Tango has a five way CSU crossover network, which we’ll get back to in a bit. The Frequency response is between 20 Hz and 20 kHz and the Tango’s sensitivity is rated at 108 dB, making an easy to drive monitors. Tango’s impedance is 32 ohms at 1KHz.
Two special features of the Tango are the triple multi-size Ti metal sound bores and the Effect Audio Ares II UPOCC cable it comes with.
Cross Sync Uniphase or CSU
This basically covers the fundamental method and techniques of IEM sound design. The problem is that a balanced armature driver is highly inductive. Traditional passive electronics filters in the multi-driver crossover system introduce phase shift at crossover point by 90 to 180 degrees. As the analog signal coming from the DAC to the IEM is an AC signal, out of phase electronic signals will produce out of face sound waves from the drivers. Converting the out-of-phase issue from electronic (electronic signal) domain into analog (sound waves) domain results in multiple drivers cancelling each other at the crossover point and cause a big dip on the frequency response together with a dirty Fast-Fourier Transform analysis.
The Solution is CSU which utilizes both electronics filtering design and acoustic path design to create a crossover system including passive electronic low pass filter, band pass filter and high pass filters. The acoustic filters help to eliminate unwanted frequency from the driver and smoothen the frequency response. By adjusting the placement of each driver, sound wave phase cancellation at crossover point can be eliminated and all drivers will produce synchronized sound waves at the same time. This results in the drivers to produce wider frequency range and improve the sound pressure level at super high frequency range. For the users’ experience, they will be able to hear more detail and a full-bodied and engaging sound with a natural sound stage.
In summary, CSU conjugates frequency domain and time domain into one synchronized system with a phase aligned multi-driver IEM crossover system. The result, an unparalleled coherent and natural sounding IEM design.
In contrary to a normal review I will use the same breakdown as I always do for my Custom Inear reviews:
- Build quality & Comfort
- Personalization
- Cable
- Price & Accessories
- Customer Service
- Sound
- Portable Players
- Competitors/Comparisons
1. Build quality & Comfort
As usual the build quality delivered by Jomo is exceptional. The face plate closing is flawless, the flush sockets are perfectly integrated in the shell and the lasering on the inside is perfectly executed. The canals are short and have no sharp edges at the end. With (3) metal tubes that isn’t always the case with other companies, but with Jomo Audio, it’s perfect.
With my version of the Tango, I can’t look at the insides but on the outside, the shell shows no bubbles of imperfections. Joseph and his team know what they’re doing, that’s for sure.
Joseph has my impressions on file and every single custom he has built for me fits perfectly. The seal is perfect, the fit is relaxed yet snug and the short canals are oh so comfortable. I can easily listen to this set for hours without interruption and the monitors are always comfortable and cause no pain anywhere. Size wise the Tango for a six driver isn’t the smallest monitor but it’s not extra big either.
Of course everything starts with good impressions, but if you have these, Jomo will deliver a perfect monitor for your ears.
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Yohanes Pangaribuan
I think i want to buy this one