Motorola 6BF7
- Very comparable to the stock tubes
- Upper mids and treble are more layered, this is especially noticeable in the voices
- Slightly more focus on voices and treble as in “they’re more upfront”
- I couldn’t really notice a difference in the lower mids region. Bass is a tad looser as stock, but with the same punch and depth
- Fairly fast and tight sounding tube
- Same sound stage as Sylvania 6111WA
- Runs at the same temperature as the stock tubes as well: 42°C
Sylvania 5718 (single triode)
- Slightly thinner sounding than the stock tubes, especially noticeable in the (upper)mids and treble
- Treble can sometimes sound a tad harsher
- Bass goes less deep, has less layering and is looser
- Less spacious sounding, impression of a smaller sound stage
- What’s missing most in this tube is depth
- Very basic sound, not as detailed as the other tubes
- 35°C and the “coldest” tube of the bunch
Raytheon 6111
- Portrays more depth than the stock tubes
- Have a softer and smoother timbre, especially vocals and mids
- Same type of bass with same depth and punch as the stock set
- No difference in sound stage
- Slower sounding than the Sylvania 6111WA
- 40°C
Raytheon 6BF7
- Less timbre and depth as the stock tubes
- Bass goes less deep and isn’t as layered
- Stock tube has more detail and is more musical
- Mids and treble have less detail and aren’t as spacious
- Dryer presentation
- Better with fast music than stock tube
- 42°C
GE 6021
- Less depth and timbre overall
- Less detailed, mostly noticeable in the mids section making treble a bit more forward with a dryer presentation
- Missing the airier presentation most of the other tubes have
- Not the most extended treble
- Bass impact is about the same but the stock tubes are more layered
- Running at the same temperature as the stock tube: 42°C
- Of all the tubes in my tube collection there isn’t a single GE I like
It continues on Page 3, after the click HERE or below

Wow no comments yet? Well I liked this article – the CDM sounds like a winner of a niche device. I’m curious how it would work with my Ortho-type headphones.
Thank you, it took a lot of work. ALO was supposed to link to here from their site but they still haven’t.
I really enjoy the HE1000 with the CDM, I haven’t really tried my LCD2 and LCDXC with it. And both my EL-8s are boxedup (not that exciting)
Have you listed to the MD Alpha Prime at all? – Do you think that would be a good match?
I have not with this amp, sorry
How does it pair with with the HD650?
Pretty good. not OTL amp good, but really good