
HD800 Journal: Part 3

Summing up what I’ve written previously on Part 1 and Part 2 of the HD800 Journal, I felt that the HD800 is an exceptional…

SRH-840, HD25-1, and ESW-9

People has been asking me to do a comparison between the Shure SRH-840, the Sennheiser HD25-1, and the Audio Technica ESW-9. For a long…

HD800 Journal: Part 2

After more listening with the Sennheiser HD800, I’ve concluded that the HD800 is so good, that if your bank account permits, you might want…

HD800 Journal: Part 1

What a long wait, but finally the HD800 is here. I’ve heard the HD800 at two other occassions, but nothing beats listening at home…

Sennheiser HD25-1 Balanced

Seeing how the HD650 was transformed by the Balanced Beta22, just for kicks I plugged the HD25-1 to the Beta22 using the same balanced…