Unique Melody MEST MKIII Review

Unique Melody MEST MKIII


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Sound – Comparisons

The most important comparison here of course is to the original MEST and the previous MKII. Even though the original version isn’t available anymore, I find it important include in this review as many might be upgrading form the original. The source used for the comparison is the Cayin N8II and all units are being used in balanced mode with their original cable. Note that all my MESTs are custom IEMs.

Unique Melody MEST MKIII

The original MEST sounds less balanced and it also is lighter sounding from top to bottom, it just has reduced weight and impact compared to the latest version. That said, the original is very spacious in the mids and it comes with excellent extension especially for notes. The MKIII is better when it comes to layering but it sounds more narrow or should I say intimate because of that more limited mid extension. The MKIII is more focused, more controlled (with tighter bass) and more balanced and a whole lot less fatiguing to listen to. The original MEST was more expressive, where the MKIII evens it out better with more even body and sub presence. The vocal presentation is very similar imo. I can still see why I liked the original MEST so much, but once you’re used to the latest version, it’s really hard to go back to the original, even though it has some good things going for it.

The MEST MKII was already tuned differently back in 2021 and it versus the MKIII again is quite different. The MKII sported 7 + 1 drivers where the new version has 9 + 1 drivers, with the addition of a second dual array of EST drivers, (4 instead of 2) as well as a an updated bone conducting driver design. The MKII version of the MEST had a bigger focus on bass and highs and it showed the typical v-shaped signature. The MKII is more balanced and better connects the mids to the lower and higher regions. The body and weight is more evenly distributed this time, and the fuller mids make it easier and more pleasant on the ears as well. The MKIII is all about balance where the MKII is about contrast in highs and lows. From a technical point of view, both versions perform more or less on the same level. Looking at the vocal presentation the MKIII pushes the boundaries even further. But also the mids now show better resolution and extension, making the section between bass and higher treble really enjoyable. So all-in-all you get more balance and stronger mid performance.

Unique Melody MEST MKIII


The MEST series have seen quite the evolution since the start. The technical level of MEST already was excellent and with a more balanced and weighty sound, the MKIII with its smooth and ear pleasing, musical presentation certainly is the most well-rounded and easiest to listen to of all the versions. At this stage I would only recommend going back to the MKII if you prefer a more contrasting, v-shaped sound signature.

The MEST monitors have always been popular and this MKIII versions will only increase the number of MEST fans in the IEM community. The only downside for me in this monitor is the cable. Even though is sounds perfectly fine, it is a bit stiff, heavy and annoying to work with. Some resellers are offering the MEST MKIII without cable nowadays, with a discounted price. That not only gives the MEST MKIII an even better price/quality ratio, but it also allows you to use one of your fancy boutique cables you have already.

In the end I am very pleased with the Unique Melody MKIII. It is a nicely balanced, engaging and musical IEM with a good technical level that is easy to listen to and to like. That said, there is still room for improvement and it isn’t quite at the level of say the Multiverse Mentor yet.

Unique Melody MEST MKIII



  • Balanced tuning
  • Easy to like / soft to the ears
  • Technical yet musical


  • The cable needs work
  • The stock design is not for everyone

Unique Melody MEST MKIII

Page 1: Intro, UM, MEST, MEST MKIII, PriceBox/Accessories, Design/Build quality/Comfort, Specifications 

Page 2: Sound intro, General, Sources

Page 3: Sound Comparisons, Conclusions, Summary

4.3/5 - (160 votes)

Lieven is living in Europe and he's the leader of the gang. He's running Headfonia as a side project next to his full time day job in Digital Marketing & Consultancy. He's a big fan of tube amps and custom inear monitors and has published hundreds of product reviews over the years.

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