Review : xDuoo TA-20 – Twin Towers

Disclaimer : the XDuoo TA-20 was sent to us free of charge by Xtenik in exchange of our honest opinion. You can find it directly on their website for 399$/€.

About Xduoo

Based in ShenZhen, China, xDuoo is a perfect Chi-Fi representative. All of their products are designed and made in China Mainland, and it’s a shame that they’re not more well-known. We previously reviewed the TA-10, a DAC/AMP and the X10Tii, a portable digital transport, specific but really efficient.

From DAP to DAC/Amp and even niche products such as portable transport, the brand is proud to fill every spot. 

The T-Series

Recently, xDuoo has revamped their product range. The TA-10 replaced the TA-01, the TA-03 became the TA-03S and the TA-02 evolved to become the… xDuoo TA-20, which we are reviewing today.

xDuoo TA-10

The xDuoo TA-10 is an hybrid DAC/Amplifier with a single 12AU7 for pre-amplification. It has got its own integrated chip for digital decoding, multiple analog inputs so you can connect you own DAC, and digital line-out / analog line-out so you can plug it to your own DAC, etc.

We reviewed it a few months ago and to quote myself : 

“The xDuoo TA-10 is a great amp, if you need power in a small form factor. Combined with hard-to-drive headphones or high-impedance cans, the amp never fails his duty and gave it all, at all times.” 

XDuoo TA-03S

The xDuoo TA-03S is a full A-Class Tube-Amp. It’s a true vacuum tube amplifier, not just a hybrid one with a tube pre-amp and a transistor current-amp, with a double DAC (CS4398). From afar, it looks like an old tube device that you may have seen a few years ago on AliExpress, but if you get closer, you’ll discover an USB Type-C plug, for your source !

Big potentiometer, no line-out, this ultra specific headphone-amp is the kind of quirky device I really love to try. So maybe next time, who knows ?

XDuoo X10Tii

The xDuoo X10Tii is a portable digital transport. It’s like those ultra high-end CD players carrying the digital stream only up to the DAC, but (very) much more affordable and (very) much more portable.  Small and light, this device can stream up to 384kHz / 32bit files or even DSD256 to your DAC. Lieven already reviewed it and was more than happy to add it in its pocket.

Xduoo XT10tii

Xduoo XT10tii

You have the usual Coaxial / Optical combo port, but you can also use the USB Type-C port or even a mini-XLR output, for professional listeners needing an AES port. Yes, it’s that quirky.

XDuoo TA-20

The xDuoo TA-20 is a tube headphone amplifier. Even if it looks a lot like the xDuoo TA-10, be warned : there is no DAC embedded in this one. If not a pure Tube amp like the TA-03S, it’s a pure amp in every regard, you connect the DAC, plug your headphone and the TA-20 bridges the two worlds.

This is the device we are reviewing today, so let’s get it out of the box now !

The article continues on Page Two, after the click here

3.9/5 - (105 votes)

A nerdy guy with a passion for audio and gadgets, he likes to combine his DAC and his swiss knife. Even after more than 10 years of experience, Nanotechnos still collects all gear he gets, even his first MPMAN MP3 player. He likes spreadsheets, technical specs and all this amazing(ly boring) numbers. But most of all, he loves music: electro, classical, dubstep, Debussy : the daily playlist.


  • Reply September 7, 2019


    Thanks for the great review. You mention Focal Clear and I have two follow up questions regarding them. Firstly do you think the amp would be a good match for Focal Clear and why is an adapter needed?

  • Reply September 20, 2019

    Mahir Efe Falay

    Xduoo matured from their ashes. One an unkown and meager chinese producer not built TWO TOWERS 🙂

  • Reply November 20, 2019


    I love my TA-10. Do you think it is worth to own both?? I was thinking the TA-20 or the bottlehead crack w/speedball; or a Tor Audio tube amp.

  • Reply January 20, 2020

    Shane D

    Interesting review! I bought a used one and should receive it tomorrow. I will be feeding it with an SMSL SU-8. My ‘phones are Grado GH2’s, Beyer T5p.2’s, Fostex TH-610’s, HD 600’s, HD58X’s and Meze 99 Classic’s. Hopefully there are some nice matches in there.

    I like my Vali 2, but it is not in the least “tube-like”. I get it that they are hybrids, but I am hoping for more.

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