FiiO JH3 Review


Sound performances

My main sources were the FiiO KA3 / ddHiFi TC35C / Khadas Tea. Trusted sources from trusted brands that I used extensively for the past months.

As usual, files were played from either Apple Music / Spotify or my own music library. Some tracks will be highlighted, just so you can try them home too!

Overall signature

Last time, I was surprised by the small JD3, offering big sound, for a small price. And the FiiO JH3 does the exact same effect, but better.

Once again, FiiO didn’t lie when they advertised “vigorous bass”. Even paired with the small ddHiFi TC44A, the small JH3 impressed me by how accurate and dynamic it sounded. The dynamic range is way above what I expected, and those IEM were more linear than I thought they would be, even if the lows can be a bit too prominent sometimes.


Paired with a good source, I was impressed by how full the JH3 sounded. Compared to the JD3, the additional BA drivers offer a real improvement: trebles are more refined, voices are softer even if you keep that same round, impactful bass, with no audible distortion. 

Of course, there are some flaws – who hasn’t –  and I found every frequency over 8kHz to be a bit too harsh sometimes. I think that FiiO tried to enhance the sharpness, but that happened to be a double-edged sword – in my opinion.

FiiO being FiiO, voices were given a lot of love and attention. But, to be completely honest, I was a bit underwhelmed by how the mid-range came out. The FiiO JH3 didn’t exhibit the same openness found in the upper model, offering a narrower soundstage and less delicacy than the FH3. As promised, mid-range blended well with the powerful lows, and the highs didn’t feel out of place either. 

On well-produced tracks like Rock You from Dirty Loops, the IEM pushes some real nice kicks with good texture and big, fat oomph when properly driven. So, even with a limited budget, paired with a small DAC or an entry-level DAP, you shall be able to create a really nice combo. A real upgrade, compared to same-priced TWS IEM in my opinion, minus the fact that you have to bear with a cable, I know.


Again, they can’t match the bigger FD3 in terms of resolution and clarity, but for a neophyte or someone that only needs a spare set, this is a definitive upgrade to something like the AirPods (not pro) or some earbuds.

As you might expect, paired with the FiiO KA3 (another Jade product) the end result is nothing short of amazing, even more, once you add a balanced cable in the mix. I listened to the same tracks I used on my JD3 review, with the like of Hysterias from SebastiAn, or vocal one like La Jeune Fille en Feu from Par One and that confirmed my first impression: bass remains one of the best features of the JH3, but there are some sibilants depending on the track you’re listening to. I tried complex tracks like Crash Landing from Illangelo which highlighted the ear’s flaws and qualities, and thankfully, the JH3 has less of the prior, than the latter.

Finally, I plugged them into my MacBook Air headphone port, the result was not as good, but the fun factor remained: for a quick trip, this is a great solution. 



Highs: harsh top, but good otherwise. High-frequency extension is great, that’s a fact. But, the FiiO JH3 can be a bit too hard over 8kHz, and paired with a DAP like the FiiO M11 Plus ESS, the final render can be a bit difficult for a sensitive listener. Strangely, paired with the KA3, I never encountered any issue, but the DAC must have been tailored with the JH3 in mind, or vice-versa. Lovely, but perfectible.

Good test-track:  The door – Space 92

Mediums: clean voices, slightly recessed though. As usual with FiiO, mids are superb and provide a good, balanced presentation. Voices, especially women singers, really benefit from the brand’s field expertise and even seasoned audiophile might be surprised by what the JH3 achieved here. Proof that V-shaped IEM doesn’t mean bad mids, quite the contrary!

Good test-track: Need somebody to Love – Andy Suleiman

Bass: solid bass and deep rumble. Bass is the real feat here. Deep, well-defined, impactful, and the more you push, the more you’re rewarded. It’s deeply addictive, with powerful kicks and good definition from top to bottom, even more, if you can use a good source!

Good test-track : If you want me to stay – Sly and the Family Stone



The FiiO JH3 is the perfect introduction to the IEM world: light, comfortable, and above all, good-sounding. Nothing spectacular for a FiiO product, if you don’t take account of the MRSP: $45! Just add a FiiO KA3, and you’re all good!

Is it better than the FH3? Honestly, they are much closer than I expected, even if the latter keeps the edge. But for me, like even more than the JD3, this new IEM is a show-stopper, that gives outstanding features, at an extremely competitive price. 

Would I pick the JH3 or the JD3? In all honesty, I’d stay with the JD3 – for the price – but if your wallet can expand a little, just try the FiiO JH3, you shall be surprised!

Page 1: About the brand

Page 2: Design and build quality

Page 3: Bundle and specifications

Page 4: Sound Performances


4.5/5 - (50 votes)

A nerdy guy with a passion for audio and gadgets, he likes to combine his DAC and his swiss knife. Even after more than 10 years of experience, Nanotechnos still collects all gear he gets, even his first MPMAN MP3 player. He likes spreadsheets, technical specs and all this amazing(ly boring) numbers. But most of all, he loves music: electro, classical, dubstep, Debussy : the daily playlist.

1 Comment

  • Reply April 6, 2022


    Friends, Learn from my experience. Please please don’t buy FiiO JH3. It sounds pathetic. You will feel like hearing from tweeters. Treble is very harsh.

    I used JH3 for three days and the connector pin is broken. The technical team mentioned that JH3 cannot be repaired. I was trying to wear the JH3 and the connector pin is broken. Very very poor quality from FiiO. Now JH3 is gone waste within 3 days. I am completely disappointed and feel cheated.

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