Today we are taking a first look at Noble Audio’s latest introduction to the high end market – the Khan!
This is part of our Picture Sunday series, where we take a quick look at some products in the review cycle. You can find all previous Picture Sunday posts here.
My memory of Noble starts with a smile. My very first custom IEM was made by them a few years back. It was the Kaiser 10, which I still have to this date, though it does not get a lot of ear-time ever since I started writing for Headfonia.
I’ve always been a big fan of the designs Noble Audio brings forward. The art by John Moulton still is one of the best around. I tried challenging other manufacturers to duplicate what Noble has created, but none has delivered yet.
Back in 2017 I reviewed a few of Noble’s offerings. The Kaiser Encore, the Sage and Katana. All of which I liked a lot. Kaiser Encore and Katana have been at the top of Noble’s portfolio for a while, and it has been time for them to bring out a new King. The king of kings as Noble describes it on their website is their new flagship – Khan.
Noble has gone a very different route with this one. Unlike all their previous designs, Khan is their first ever hybrid monitor. Khan features a 10mm dynamic driver, four balanced armatures and a 10mm piezo electric ceramic driver. The piezo is something quite interesting and special sounding.
Khan’s body is of solid black plastic, and without help of a flashlight you won’t be able to spot the internals. John Moulton always has been trying to give their customers some form of art with his products. With the Khan he is once again offering something unique. The face plate of this new monitor features an M3 Composite material, which has never been used in audio before. This material makes sure that each and every pair of Khan’s is absolutely unique, and every customer will get a one-of-a-kind unit.
I’ve had my Khan since mid December last year, and I’ve grown very fond of it in this time. Khan features a very refined sound, with excellent treble that is energetic and rich. It can pump low with power and drive. Khan has a gorgeous midrange, with superb resolution and texture. It creates a wide and deep stage, which is well organized and clean. Imaging is right about impeccable and the same can be said about layering.
This is just a small teaser to water your mouths for the upcoming full-length review of Noble’s latest and greatest.
Khan is said to start shipping in March, and people should get excited for this one, as it’s a really tough contender in 2019.
Hello, great pictures and early impressions, but small correction; Khan has 4 balanced armature drivers, not 6.
Hi Burak,
oops, that must have slipped during re-reading the post. Thanks for spotting it! Corrected. 🙂
Hi Linus,
It’s me again. So what do you think U18t vs Khan ? I’ll pull the trigger soon and I let go of Fourte based on the harshness extreme brightness comments.
Best Regards
Hi Ilker,
that’s an interesting one.
I think the A18 is smoother down low with less impact and resolution than the Khan. Midrange has higher resolution on the A18. Treble goes to Khan, for being richer. Though you can switch modules with the A18 and give it a second signature. With the M15 they’re close in terms of richness.
Technical abilities go to the A18. It has a bigger and wider stage and images better.
I’ll need more time comparing both though. Give me another month 😉
Ilker Onier
Hi Linus,
Are they in the same league? I’m sending Encore back because of treble harshness and either I will replace it with Khan or get refund. U18t anyways I’m pulling the trigger with. I’m just trying to decide whether to get Khan or not. Solaris is also coming which is also a hybrid like Fourté and Khan.
Hi Ilker,
sure, they’re in the flagship league. 😉
Sounds like you’re up for a pretty fun time.
I’d suggest trying out the Khan somewhere, but not sure if that’s possible where you’re at. I find the Khan very enjoyable, and I have found myself often looking forward to night-time listening sessions after work with it. That’s rare.
Ilker Onier
Hi Linus,
Sounds like I’m up for bankruptcy. Now I’m always looking forward to listening sessions with U12t but U18t and Solaris are coming also. I need to justify myself that Khan purchase. Please tell me
It will be too much.
If you’re already that happy with U12t and U18t then I think you’re set. If you want to explore further, go for the Khan. Before I joined HFN I was living by the simple one in – one out rule, in order not to let this hobby get out of hand.