Today we review the BGVP NS9 IEM, the latest addition to the brand, selling for $169 USD.
Disclaimer: the BGVP NS9 was sent to us, free of charge, by the brand in exchange for our honest opinion.
About BGVP
Based in Guangdong, China, BGVP has become one of the most popular chi-fi brands at the moment, thanks to its comprehensive range of high-quality/affordable IEM catalog. I had the chance to review most of their models, up to the DM8, and Berkhan even reviewed the high-end model, like the EST8.
And today, we have the BGVP NS9, a new model embedding no less than 7BA, and a whole new “coaxial dual dynamic driver”, in a 3rd generation metallic shell. Enough to replace the old DMS and DMG? Time to find out
The BGVP Series
As usual, we’ll look at BGVP’s actual line-up, to see where the new NS9 ends up.
Before the NS9, BGVP had the… DMG an IEM with 2DD+4BA in a metallic shell. It’s a good earphone with lush sound and replaceable filters to tune the sound, but falls short when you use them in loud and noisy environments.
Here is an excerpt of my previous review:
” The BGVP DMG is a true all-rounder: it’s fast, precise and truly balanced without compromising the bass section.[…]The poor isolation, however, is my main concern regarding the DMG, as its exceptional performances are totally annihilated in public transports. “
It’s still holding up, compared to many other IEMs I had back in the days, but you can get the NS9 for the same amount of money. So up to you!
Full review available here.
The BGVP DMS is a hybrid IEM with no less than seven drivers. It looks a lot like the DMG, with a metallic enclosure and semi-custom shape. The price is low (150$) and the only drawback, in my opinion, is the poor isolation, like the DMG.
What we said :
“So, is the BGVP DMS a good addition to the brand line-up? Yes… and no. The sound is superb, especially in this price range, with good dynamics, a neutral signature, and no real flaws. Apart from the isolation that is, which truly kills the mood.”
The BGVP DM6 is one of my favorite IEM of all time. A 5-drivers / 3-way IEM that packs good sound, cool design, ergonomic fit, and low-price: all you ever might want, in an IEM. It costs a little less than $190, with a very nice cable, and you can even get it custom-shaped to your own ear… for less than 300 bucks!
Here is an excerpt of our review.
“The BGVP DM6 offers a lot, for less. The sound is great, the fit is nice and it fixes one of the major flaws from the BGVP DMG: poor isolation. It was my daily driver for the past few weeks and it didn’t disappoint me at any time.”
If you can afford something a little more expensive, the BGVP DM7 is the one to get. It looks the same, sounds a lot like the prior one, but remains technically superior, in every way. Okay, it’s 50% more expensive, but we are talking of 200-300$/€ IEM, so you won’t end up broken by choosing one or the latter.
Quick resume of our review:
“Again and again, BGVP keeps improving and the DM7 is the finest model they offer up to date. It’s a good improvement from the DM6, even if they both share the same sound signature. The improvements in the upper range really make a difference in the long term.”
The BGVP Q2 is a True Wireless IEM packing two Knowles drivers and a dual entry input. It’s one, if not the sole, TWS that you can connect both wired (MMCX) and wireless. Bluetooth 5.0, 3D printed semi-custom shell, good battery life, and surprisingly good sound, it really hooked me up.
For info, the brand released a newer version of its own TWS, the BGVP Q2S. Basically, it offers a lot more, for the same price: better chip from Qualcomm, better speakers from Knowles, increased stability and compatibility, with the same semi-custom design.
Did I mention that this TWS also get apt-X + Bluetooth 5.2 connection? If not, now you know.
The BGVP EST8 is another quirky model that combines six BA drivers, with two EST ones for the trebles. And, in case you ask, EST means Electrostatic, yes, just like Stax headphones. Add a few toggles to tune your sound, and you get a very complete IEM.

Berkhan had the chance to get a pair, here are his thoughts:
“ BGVP has implemented the EST drivers into their lineup which is a good decision as they follow the trend. However, the treble presentation is not that impressive to me, although having good extension and timbre. Also, the mid-bass is a bit too much sometimes, especially when you flick the switch.”
The BGVP DM8 is their full-BA, top-of-the-line model, sporting eight balanced drivers per side and a 4-bore design. It can be ordered in classic skin-friendly resin, but if you want, there is also a wooden-carved version, with mellower sound and a one-of-a-kind aesthetic.
I personally reviewed that model and got pretty convinced. Here is an excerpt:
The BGVP DM8 follows the same success track as its predecessors. It’s comfortable, affordable, and sounds incredibly good in most genres. I personally feel like the brand could have pushed the lows a bit more, or at least the low-mids, but on every other aspect, it’s excellent. I’d been very keen to try the wooden version, as I’m sure this version warms the sound and gives the DM8 a slightly more “fun” signature, but that’s just me nit-picking.
And now, let’s get this review running shall we?
The review continues on Page Two, after the click HERE or by using the jump below.
Page 2: Design, bundle, comfort
Page 3: Specifications
Page 4: Sound performances, conclusion

Nice review. I don’t review because I don’t use stock accessories, but I have really listened to these intensely. I firstly noticed the NS9 stock, sounded slightly boomy using 3.5mm, especially from phones. Changing to Spiral Dot tips and then using, siver or red filter, 4.4mm from a HiBy R5, the bass bleed completely disappeared, making this IEM sound fantastic and the mids begin to sing beautifully. It needs good power and good tip rolling to reach it’s ‘true’ sound.
Phil Harris
What a coincidence! I’m also running balanced from a Hiby R5. I’m using double flange tips as well. Still, it is a bass monster and I love it.
BGVP DMA have a good review. if possible can you review it?