Welcome to Part 3 of the Canjam Essen 2015 Picture Report. You can find Part 1 here and Part 2 here!
MYST & Musica Acoustics
The best hidden booth of the show, I only found it just before closing time on Sunday. Both the Myst and MA guy were really nice and they told me stories of Nathan drinking Tequila. Can it get any better? Yes, that’s the Nathan that reviewed the Myst headphone a while ago and then forwarded it to Tyll for measurements. MA also brought the Mass-Kobo, I really have to get Nathan to review this amp.
I had to look quite hard but in the end I did find one single Pono player at the show. If you have to look that hard for a supposedly good DAP, it means you have failed somewhere. No, I didn’t listen to the Pono player during the show but we did make excellent Toblerone jokes about it.
Most of you probably know Pro-Ject from their award winning turntables. A while ago I got in touch with them and I can tell you already will will be doing a review of the Essential Digital TT on Headfonia soon. Of course there weren’t any turntables at the show, but Pro-Ject was there with their Box Design brand. Unfortunately there never was anyone from the company at the booth each time I passed there. It was really weird but I do hope we can get to reviewing some of their DACs and amps soon.
RHA has been launching new products on a regular pace and they were mostly showing off the new T20 and S500 IEMs. I received the T20 quite a while back already and the review should be online over the next few weeks. After the successful T10, so many people were at their tables to listen to the new units and the RHA team was always really friendly and helpful. I have no idea who does the recruitment over at RHA, but hats off to the manager in charge for recruiting all those nice ladies.
The Rhines’ crew has been to each and every show and stopping at their booth is always fun. Sadly, Klaus wasn’t with them anymore but they have a new monitor to show us: the Rhines Stage 7. The universal demo unit was very impressive as they managed to put 7 BA drivers in a really tiny shell. Not only did the looks and comfort impress me, the sound signature was also very pleasing. In contrast to the Stage 5, the new 7 has a flatter curve. Rhines is aiming for a more neutral and reference sound with their latest creation and I think they succeeded in doing just that. Personally I prefer it over their 5 Driver. Review? Maybe!
Everyone knows the beautiful wooden headphone stands from Sieveking, as a matter of fact I have a whole bunch of them at home. Did you however know that Rooms was the “inventor” of the wooden “ohm” design. They had a lot of really nice looking stands at the show and several of them were being used by the headphone companies at the show. There still were more Sievekings but I quite like these ones too. I just might have to get a couple for at home. Oh, and they’re cheaper too!
It’s no secret. I really like Sennheiser. Well make that their headphones anyway, the amps don’t really “do it” for me. I’m one of those guys that still calls the HD650 a “King” and every time I get to listen to the HD700 and HD800 a smile comes up on my face. I actually think the HD800 will be the next headphone I will get. If you had told me that a couple of years ago I would have labeled you as crazy but I over the years have learned to appreciate that headphone. Make that “Love that headphone”. Of course Sennheiser brought the new HD630VB and while it sounded quite nice I will have to listen to it a lot more before it convinces me. The Orpheus, yes Senn still has one left after one got stolen, was at the show as well and I was kind of surprised that only a few people came over to listen to it. As a matter of fact there were two Orpheus setups at the show, maybe I should get one as an investment.
Extremely busy booth where they were showing both their full sized headphones as well as all their IEMs. They also had great ice coffee and a huge quantity of comply foam tips. I quite like the Shure IEMs, especially the SE215 and the SE846.
Soundmagic was the first company I went to see right after arriving at the show. I kind of promised to review a couple of their headphones last year but I for several reasons just didn’t get to it. They accepted my apologies (the beer helped) and I’m glad to say we will be covering their brand new P55 on Headfonia soon. They also showed us the new E80S but of course they are most famous for their ES10.
It continues on Page 2, after the click below or HERE

Rasmus Horn
I had a great day and it is always a pleasure to hear new gear and to re-discover old gear. At least a few new products have been written on my future wishlist after CanJam: Beyerdynamic DT-1770 Pro, Cosmic Ears CE6P (thanks Lieven), Stagediver SD2.
I also decided to have my Meier Corda Classic and Daccord upgraded to the new ff-versions. My amp and DAC are already handed over to Jan Meier now I can’t wait for the upgrades to arrive at home.
Nice to meet and greet all of you there too. 🙂
It was nice meeting you too Rasmus, because of you I will now be doing Meier’s portable amp (already have it with me). His FF amps were amazing, I loved them too.
Let me know something if you want to go for the CE 😉
Rasmus Horn
Well – at some point it will be either the CE6P or the UERM. 🙂 An Apple Watch, the Meier ff-versions and a speeding ticket set me back for at least some time to come….
Nickjan Glas
Too bad I missed you, but still enjoying your tip for the classic; also upgraded. Will be getting it this week. I m curious for your impressions of it.
Rasmus Horn
Yeah. You could have met me at the Meier Audio stand 🙂 I spend some time there to compare my old Classic+Daccord to the new ff-versions. It took me some time to spot the differences so the change is not night and day. A more relaxed but fluent sound in the new ff-version. Like if a (very thin) veil is removed and the treble gets a bit softer. I am looking forward to see how my T5p responds to the change. Also sitting in the noisy environment at CanJam is not as easy as at home where it is much easier to find the details.