
Sony MDR-570LP

There are times when I want to have a light and portable headphone for listening to music outdoors. The big and serious cans won’t…

AKG K500, K501

These two cans may be one of the most pleasant, natural sounding headphone AKG has ever produced. Frankly, I haven’t heard the K601, but…

SPL’s Phonitor and Auditor

It was in 2008 that we started hearing about the SPL Phonitor, a high end headphone amplifier developed by professional recording equipment company SPL…

Alessandro MS1i Review

For a long time, people have been recommending the Alessandro MS1 as a more neutral-sounding alternative to the Grado the SR60/80/125. Priced at the…

Stax SRD-7

The Stax SRD-7 energizer works differently than a regular Stax amplifier. It requires to be piggy-backed to a standard speaker amplifier, where it takes…

More Superlux!

We received this shipment last week in addition to the HD668B that we have reviewed, but we haven’t had the time to touch them…

Superlux HD 668B: A Giant Killer?

Not to be mistaken with the Swedish home appliance manufacturer, Superlux is a Taiwanese company specializing in microphones, speakers, and headphones catering to a…

Ultrasone Edition 8

High end and portability doesn’t usually go together, but Ultrasone has made it happen with the Edition 8. I’ve always associated high end with…

Hippo Pearl

Enter the Hippo Pearl. Priced roughly around $30, the Pearl may be the cheapest IEM that I know of. Sure, you have the JH13s…